Swine Flu; Apparently originated in Mexico, now confirmed in ... well, everywhere else. Your Opinions / Information? (Please back up statements with evidence / reference where appropriate.
I'm pretty sure it originated in Mexico, and I am not worried at all about it. There have been under 30 cases in all of the United States and almost nobody dies from it. Just another case of the cable news channels jumping on a story with a huge potential fear factor. I think it is irresponsible the way the media is handling it. Last night CNN showed a map of Canada, which has had 6 confirmed cases of swine flu. The entire body of Canada was lit up in a shade of panic red with a huge number 6 over it. Does 6 cases of flu really call for an entire country, especially the size of Canada, to be classified as a danger zone?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/67774-pandemic-potential-north-america.html Read that thread, and you know what I think of this "pandemic".
If only if I had payed more attention in Biology today, I could write you a one page summary and explanation of the Swine Flu. Apparently it is essentially a Flu which is a Virus. The virus is incurable, as of right now a medical center in Chicago are developing ways of cure. Who knows how long that will take. Some of the reasonable reasons behind this being brought over to the states and other countries are the the travelers going to Mexico and bringing it back. Apparently Mexico has low standards of health and cleanliness. Therefore, the quality of things such as the water is quite low. Some people say when you travel to Mexico not to drink the water, well now you know. From what my teacher had said and multiple students in the classroom brought up that around 200 people died yesterday from the Swine Flu. There is a total of 64 known cases, it's been stated that the Swine Flu is now active in five states with three other possible states that could have gotten it.
Woah sweeny.. wow. Read the whole thing. That's definately enough info to base my opinion around. Maybe a lock request, now that I'm aware there's another thread covering the same subject in more depth?
It is believed that 30-60% of the population will be infected with this virus in the next six months. info came from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is alot of people but you have to remember right now it is less deadly than the common flu. but they say that percentage will be contaminated because our immune system has never been introduced to this branch of the flu. The only real worry is that if it mutates, Just to give a comparison the bird flu has been mutating roughly every year.. once it becomes deadly it could be small pox all over \= scary ****. small pox has killed over 500million people.
If you get it... go to the doctor and get a flu shot... Problem solved, for you at least... not for the less fortunate who can't afford said medical treatment.
if you get it then go to the doctors. haha sorry but viruses don't really work that way. and you cant just get a regular flu shot for it. It isn't the same as the common flu so getting a common flu shot before hand will not work either. this is why this is a HUGE deal.
A single flu shot doesn't provide immunities against all types of the flu (generally only the most common), and even then, you would have to get the shot prior to catching the sickness for it to prove effective. I think that the Swine flu isn't as dangerous as the media is making it sound; the only confirmed deaths according to thread linked by SweenyTodd were in Mexico. People die from the flu every year, especially Mexico in comparison to the United States. I mean, seriously. It's Mexico! The conditions there are terrible, so it only makes sense that there would be deaths from the Swine flu over there.
It's a load of bullshit, media is blowing it way out of proportion. I was trying to find out about Arlen Specter who is the senator for my state, an old friend of my deceased grandfather, and who changed party affiliation today, but every news station but CSPAN was talking about the mother ****ing swine flu. They said that it really shouldn't be called the swine flu because you can't ****ing get it from pigs, or pork, or anything but other humans.
I realize there is no current vaccine, but remember that vaccines take at least 3 months to be produced, and also that currently the US and CDC do not want to mass produce any medicine except reserves until/if this virus becomes more widespread. Does anyone know if current medicine keeps the virus in the latent cycle r anything similar?
Look, everyone seems to have this wrong. The reason they're freaking out over it is not because it's so lethal. Any flu is deadly if not treated correctly. The reason is that it's highly contagious, and spreads very quickly from person to person. Imagine a normal flu season multiplied by about 20 fold. That would NOT be good.
3 confirmed cases here in NZ out of 14 suspected. But if you believe the TV and radio news, they would have you believe the entire country is infected. TV3 has banners on it's news show about swine flu confirmed to be here while interviewing a scientist/doctor as he was saying they were still unsure and were waiting on tests. The really funny thing though is that India has put a travel warning for all it's citizens considering a trip here. India, warning against coming to New Zealand. That's like Zimbabwe or some **** saying don't go to Mexico.
People die from the flu in mexico city because it's a densely populated area in a valley with poor hygeinity and sanitation. How to Prevent and Prepare for Swine Flu - wikiHow
It's totally blown up by the media... the major outbreak is in mexico, of all places! They're taking it waaaay to seriously, almost like it's the end of the world. I took advantage of it though, my new gamertag is "The Swine Flu"...