Sandbox Black Label

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by zombiexix, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. zombiexix

    zombiexix Ancient
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    Black Label was set up to replicate a "to scale" city based map. The main reason that I built it like that is because I haven't seen enough of them made in this fashion, its either a bunch of different buildings in a pattern, or a city map downgraded to fit the limitations of the map (believe me I have nothing against these types, I'm just saying this is what I mainly see). That and because this is a remake of one of my older maps that got deleted, so the idea was always there, I just needed the rights tools to make it better than before (that being sandbox). It was originally thought out to be an infection map (which I have yet to convert it to), but it seemed to work out pretty well as a slayer map to. Well enough of this, onward to the details of the map.

    The map features fully accessible buildings (three to be exact), with three separate streets. There is also an alleyway leading to the back entrances of the garage building and defense building. Each of the blue buildings have a bridge connecting to the defense building, one of which being a bridge that goes over the alley, the other being the sniper bridge. The buildings also have multiple entry points, the blue bases having three each, and the defense having five (two second floor and three first).

    Aesthetics wise, there really is not that much to it. There are different colored columns to represent the different bases. There are also two radio antennas on the top of two of the buildings. A couple of pallets, nothing all that "holy s**t!" about the map looks wise. Oh, and since were on the subject of aesthetics, the floors that are double walls. If you by any chance looked at one of the more recent Bungie weekly updates, it says that walls used as floors will always be crooked if used as floor placement... and that blows =(, so if you notice anything wrong with the floors (mainly the sniper bridge), that is why.

    Now for weapons, they're nothing to fancy.
    Br: 4
    Carbine: 2
    Smg: 4
    Sniper: 1
    Shotgun: 1
    Plasma Grenades: 4

    And now vehicles and equipment...
    Chopper: 1
    Bubble Shield: 1
    Power Drainer: 1

    As for recommended game types, I personally had fun with doubles and ffa is good to as long as its only 3 people (starting point issues). And another game I had fun with was King Of The Hill. But the map primarily was made for a CTF and assault type of game.

    Well that is pretty much it, now for the pictures...

    This is the main overview.

    This is what the buildings look like on the inside.



    Now for the outdoors area specific shots.

    The alley.

    Street three (sniper bridge street).

    The chopper garage.

    And a shot of the main lobby of the defense base (couldn't get a good view of the first floor from the over head shot).

    All criticism is welcome, I would love to know how to make the map better if I decide to made a v2.

    Once again, this is Black Label, and here is the download link...

    Edit: Map link was reposted, There are some differences like a window being placed here and some other minor stuff, but still the some thing.
    #1 zombiexix, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2010
  2. Jordenkotor

    Jordenkotor Ancient
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    wow. just wow.

    Judging from the screenies, this map looks like it took alot of work.

    I really like the intricate tunnel systems and ability to move anywhere.

    great cover, and vehicle placements as well.

    Your symmetrics look in check as well. A 4/5 from me
  3. Remii

    Remii Ancient
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    This maps first appearance to me was bad, but then i started looking closer at the screenshots and actualy read the descriptions. This map has open space, but in the good way. I like the tunnel systems and the interlocking is done very nicely. 4.5/5 lets see more maps from you =)
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I'm always in the mood to try a new urban map. And from the looks of it, this one was really well planned. The ascetics of this map really remind me of the Bauhaus architectural style after World War One. It seems very cold, practical. I will download and, once I've played, post a more formal review of gameplay, flow, weapon placement, spawns, etc.
  5. zombiexix

    zombiexix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks a lot for the feed back, glad you guys dig it.
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    you definitely captured the urban feel on this map, its like im on turf but better lol. Great job man this map looks and is alot of fun. Keep forgeing.
  7. zombiexix

    zombiexix Ancient
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    ^Better than Turf, now that is quite a complement considering I loved Turf lol.
  8. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I will download to get a better look. I hate how the crypt walls and floors blend in with the pieces making for an ugly look. Its always better in the game. From what I did see it looks very cool and will make a great fun map.
  9. zombiexix

    zombiexix Ancient
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    ^Thank you, anyone else care to comment? Anything that could perhaps be fixed?

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