...:::Mongoose Race Track "Gravalation" on Isolation:::... c u l8er and I have recently completed a new mongoose racing map in our series. After messing around on our snowbound maps (listed below) we decided to make one on Isolation. Halfway through making it we decided that is was a little too slow and needed a little boost so we decided to add grav lifts. We turned them on their sides and held them in place by weapon holders to act as a boost. Here is how th map works: You start below the mongeese and have to jump on some crates to get to them. After you go around the first corner you are immediately greeted by a grav lift to aid your turn. After that you go down another grav lift on a steep hill. You continue underground and around a bend to you next grav lift. This on sends you back toward the the start/finish line. You continue this figure 8 pattern for as long as you want. It takes a certain amount of skill to drive yourself through the grav lift without flipping over. Use this with our gametype. So now your asking ok so you gota sweet map now were is the game type? well the gametype has you spawning at the mongoose's, includes no killing, its a VIP gametype so each person in the game needs to be on his own team, because every time you pass the finish line it gives the VIP a point and not the regular guy. also i would like to thank some of my beta testers names are, Mr Frodo24, DLwaste, OniZer0X, monkdisher, and GoldenSangheili. A special thanks to my co-creator c u l8er (bnet name cardio king) Feedback: Please, if you are going to rate this leave a post below describing why you rated what you rated. If I can get a bunch of comments it will make future maps of mine better and better. Thank You! Map location: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=13438664