You use the old Geomerge method - interlock an immovable object on the top of another object, then double tap the second object into the ground.
Follow this tutorial if you want to be able to geomerge the "old way." Note that it is usually a very good idea to brace your object on any sides that it may want to "escape" through when setting up your geomerge. This can help get your object to go exactly where you want it to go and prevent further pain and time consumption working on one merge. This involves being able to interlock objects the tutorial to do this is right here and an advanced guide on both topics can be found here. One final note: Matty put up a guide which explains the use of other geomerging methods, though it also covers the "old way," here. All of these guides and tutorials can be found in the Forging 101 sub-forum of this section. There is a link to find this group of guides/tutorials on the left side of the Forgehub homepage entitled "Forging 101." Note 2: Bl00D F1R3 has set up and maintained a youtube channel that contains tutorials on how to do a variety of forging glitches/techniques. I heavily advise that you look through all of these videos and the videos in the links above to give you a visual demonstration of how to geomerge and interlock effectively and accurately in your maps. Happy Forging!
just use all the other objects to merge. Killballs won't work and we don't have any doors or anything, so just use the old method. Bakkie pleur...