Just wanted to show you guys these pictures I took. You get a cookie and a congratulations from me if you know how I got these. Any guesses?
Theater, stop when the letters and stuff appear but it is still somewhat black, then go up into the cliff to the left of the pelican, push yourself into a corner, press Y twice really fast YAYYAYA DUBLE COOKE ON NOM NOM NOM
pretty cool but kinda lame how bungie just re did this area with flood infection spores for the area where the 6 terminal is.
Beat the hell out of the pelican until it spins out of control and crashes into the carrier. cookie plz
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC00oo0oOOKKKKKK11ii1ii1ii13333sss5s55s55s55s55s55s5 Kewl gai. Can you show me how to get there.