Ok, so I'm having a problem. i'm trying to make a base, with interlocking involved and upside-down boxes. I basically want a shape like this: Awful, I know. Its very rough to get the idea. Anyway, the rectangly things are basically double boxes interlocked in various places. My problem is with the diamondy things, which represent single boxes. I need to interlock them at the same angles. I'm using the method on the 101 section, as I don't know any others that would work in this situation. I've done it at one side, in fact I've basically finished that side. I need to know how to get the angles to roughly the same amount of degrees. Obviously it can be out a little bit, but not so much that it is noticable. I've tried using the angles of the the squares on the underside of the boxes that are already there and floating a box at about the right angle so I could place another directly underneath. What happens with this is, the box I go to place underneath only gets a little bit of the way in, so I slowly push harder and harder to get it to squeeze in. A second later, it goes pinging out of the other end. Such is Forge, eh lol. Sorry for the wall o' text btw. Thanks if you can help
Use the lines on the foundry floor and maybe place a spawn area to help you align it correctly. Otherwise it just a case of placing and adjusting as you see fit?
Try sliding it against the other box so they are at the same angle, and then just don't press the trigger again. It won't change angle unless you make it so you're sorted.
I working on a info subject about angles... but Signs on there side have a triangle shape to them... and if you place so many you can end up with the angle you want...
Tried the spawn zone thing. Apparently, they don't rotate, only the wee transmitter things in the middle. So that doesnt really work . I think I'll try signs, thanks
Ok, so I've kinda used a mixture. I'm using Icy J's method of just working it out using the other box to get the right angle, and theMallet's cylinder thingy to 1.Check it's right and 2.Get it the exact right distance the right out. I'm now gonna try and use bridges to get the vertical (In the diagram) position right.