This is going to be my first Screenshot on Forge Hub... It isn't particularly good, but its kind of funny. ... And a little strange. So its nothing special, but it could be worth your human eyes' seeing. Can anyone think of a better title? Thanks.
"Mess with MY planet, will 'ya?" A bit small, but I like it! I don't think anybody here would have noticed that and taken a picture of it, so +1 for you! Campaign is another +1 Originality is also a +1 In all, I give this picture a 7/5 (4/5+3=7/5) Keep up the good work!
I like it. It looks like the jackal is freaking out because its got a gun in its face. As for the title, I don't think its that bad, but it could have been better. 5/5 for originality
MC: WHAT YA GONNA DO NOW, HUH?????????? HUH!?!?!?!?!? NOW WHAT???????? HUH?????????????????? YOU WANT SOME??????????????????? Jackal: IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRYIMSO BANG! MC: *breaks in and out like a guy on speed* I gotta get off the damn speed.
Lol, this is a great picture. The fact that you noticed the Jackals giant mouth and managed to get a picture out of it only gets you a better rating. It's Certainly an original picture and it's good to see a campaign shot. 5/5 Can't wait to see more of your work!
haha this is pretty funny. hes about to get murdered point blank, how does he feel now. "This is what you get for getting me called all the way out here on duty!"
Wow, thanks! You guys are giving it better ratings than I expected! ... I've gotta post some more.. Most of mine are like this one. Thanks! :happy: