Sandbox Capricorn

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gamefreak1792, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Map: Capricorn

    Remake of: Gemini

    Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, KotH, Territories, and Infection

    Players: 2-8 (Depending on Gametype)

    Link: : Halo 3 File Details

    Overview of Inside

    Pic of sword spawn from the front

    Complete overview of the map

    Like i said up in the top of the post, this is a remake of the classic Halo 2 and Marathon map Gemini. This is a pretty true remake with the exception of the tree and a few sizing issues. One major thing i altered was the tree. I made it so you cant just jump through like you could in Halo 2. I did this for gameplay and for looks. With the tree being hollow there was no one object that looked good as the tree so i did the single side idea. The other issue was sizing. There is a bit of a size difference in the walkway between the tree and the statue in my map and Halo 2. Unless your completly anal it shouldnt be an issue.
    Other than those 2 things the map is a remake it the true form of the word. I have done to the best of my ability to make this a complete remake. All the weapons are exactly the same with the exception of 2 spikers in place of Plasma rifles, but other than that everything is near identical. Overall weapons on the map include:

    * 2 Plasma Rifle-10 sec

    * 2 Spikers- 10 sec

    * 2 Carbines- 30 sec

    * 2 Brute Shots- 60 sec

    * 2 Plasma pistols- 10 sec

    * 2 Needlers- 30 sec

    * 1 Shotgun- 120 sec

    * 1 Sword- 120 sec

    * 1 Beam Rifle- 120 sec

    * 1 Overshield- 180 sec







    I had to improvise on the respawn times for the weapons because i didnt feel like going into halo 2 and counting out each weapons respawn. I felt that these times would be appropriate for the size and design of the map.
    Yes i know that some of the weapon combos might be alittle overpowering but i was just following Halo 2's design. If anything it might be less overpowering from halo 2 since they actually downgraded some of the weapons. Anyways thanks for checkin out the map and make sure to check out my other maps as well.

    - Gamefreak1792

    #1 Gamefreak1792, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Looks good. Just downloaded it and will play it tonight. One thing i might suggest is that the respawn time on your dual wieldable weapons be longer. 10 seconds is pretty short. Overall though 4.5/5
  3. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    One reason i made it so short was because not a whole lot of people use duals and because thats what bungie had them on on sandbox so i figured id keep them at that
  4. Winterburner

    Winterburner Ancient
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    I saw a remake of Gemini a while ago, it had some minor flaws and so on this looks very fine, loyally remade comparising to the original and resurrected again into Halo 3.
    About the dualwieldable weapons, I always try to have quite a lot of them in my maps just because people do not use them so much. So with that I agree with you Gamefreak.
    This will definitely get my download.
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Dude Ive Been waiting for someone to make a remake of gemini. The Walls Look amazing. Nice job with the grass. Beautiful Map. Thank-you so much for remaking this. I Love this map in Halo 2. Nice job, 5/5
  6. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Check the forums, it's been done.

    I like how you put the roof unlike the other one but this remake seems a lot smaller than the actual map. Both are really good remakes but I think yours might be a bit more accurate. Good job, man.
  7. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    This looks like a pretty good remake. Not to be mean, but there is another Gemini remake that I like better. This one looks fairly cramped from the screenshots. I like that you stayed faithful to the weapon set, but you should set the respawn time on the dual-weildable weapons to 30 seconds or 45 seconds. The outer walkway part that you made looks great!

    Aesthetics: 4/5
    Gameplay: N/A
    Overall N/A

    (I'll DL and test and come back with my gameplay review later.)
  8. Wailingjam

    Wailingjam Ancient
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    Sweet remake, Gemini was my favorite FFA map in Halo 2, and I would also like to say one more thing dang it peoples steels my ideas before I can creates them. Beyond that the remake of it is great, like the fact you added some of your own designs and the interlocking is great. And If I were to change one thing it would be the space given for the people who go through the tele (the ones above the tree or your structure) only because the original had a lot of space. Anyways great map, 9.5/10 and a 5*
  9. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great feed back, i think its awsome that people like it, as for the size it is really not that much smaller. there is a bit more room in the original in the spot i mentioned and the orginal is bigger by the top tree teleporters but other than that its pretty similar in size, i think it looks smaller because i took away some of the useless features like the little dips by the teleporters and just little things like that but anyways thanks for commenting and downloading :)
  10. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    As a remake, this map is just "okay," but as a map by itself I think it is very good. The arched doorways look very nice; they are a nice aesthetic piece. To improve the map I suggest making a few things more even, such as the sword and overshield. They are off center and it makes the map look sloppy. I think the towers are a little too small, as I found myself falling off immediately after walking through the teleporters. If you fixed those few problems, the map would look much better. If you have enough items, definitely try to make the map more to scale. The purple room feels nice, but the blue room and side halls are much too small.

    Good job overall. I'd really really like a v2, even if you don't fix the size.

    EDIT: After reading your post above, it's possible that I'm imagining it, but the side halls just don't feel right at all.
    #10 Love Slice, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  11. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Wow this is really accurate. And well made. The arches to the main room are really well designed. Sorry, but there is one flaw. The teleporters. They contaminate the maps beauty. Interlock the recievers into whatever is belows them upside down and place the ramp the length of a single box under. The 2 ways or senders (I don't know which) are fine as is. Good job. You've got my download.
  12. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    The map is pretty accurate and looks good but i actually did have a problem with the sizing of it. The back area is way too skinny and so are the ramp hallways. Besides that though, this is pretty good. I wouldnt have expected someone to be able to do a somewhat decent Gemini.

    Also, your grav lift ... set to inf. respawn.
  13. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Amazing remake! I've been waiting for someone to take a stab at this map, because it so fun to play. It looks incredibly accurate, and for that I give you kudos.
  14. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    *Post continued

    Alright, so I just downloaded another Sanbox Gemini remake, and the ONLY thing that I liked better about it was the size. The forging was a lot sloppier, and it didn't look as nice as your map, but the sizing really made a difference. The purple room and the curved platform behind it don't really need to be changed, but you should try to lengthen the blue room and surrounding hallways. The hallways could also be widened a bit. Maybe a bigger sniper room too. I'm not trying to be picky, but this map could go from "really good" to "outstanding!" if the size was fixed.

    GL man.
    #14 Love Slice, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I just played a game on this with some friends and its not that bad pretty good game play , yes the side halways are small but that didnt kill it for me. Its accurate and its fun to play on i wouldnt be surprised if you won the remake contest with this. good work.
  16. PRS

    PRS Ancient
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    wow i downloaded this and played with a bunch of ppl it looks and feels like Gemini. Great Job. The Sword spawn looks good, and the teleporter in the back looks cool. Overall you did a wnderful job on this map, and it has the potential to win Forgotten Treasures. Good luck. 5/5 dl'ed
  17. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
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    I just real quick wanted to thank everyone for the awsome feedback, i seriously didnt expect it to do this well im really glad that it plays like gemini to cause i didnt play test it so im really glad some of u guys play tested it and left some feedback. Thank you guys so much.
  18. W4ffl3s

    W4ffl3s Ancient
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    Amazing. I, myself, made a Gemini remake, but mine falters to your aesthetics and smoothness. Although I did noticed that you still have $136 left on your budget for the map. If you haven't already reached the limit on objects I would like to make suggestions to improve your map slightly. In the back outer portion of the map the ground in front of the teleporter is raised in the original map. So doing it on your map as well might add to the gameplay. Also I would suggest expanding the back portion in full and maybe adding railing on the outer ring. Finally one more suggestion: I used the gloomy effect on my map and it gave it a pretty good look, see if it will give you the same. Once again great job. I congratulate you prematurely on your success in the Forgotten Treasures contest. I know this is going to win.
    #18 W4ffl3s, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009
  19. ott2own

    ott2own Ancient
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    Looks great,surely as good of a remake of Gemini as possible with forge. Great job man, keep up the excellent work! 94/100

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