Chopper Wars Created by Yours truly, Stonyboys Chopper Wars. Doesn't it sound awesome? It's a 4 player free for all map, filled with tons of fun and awesomeness. There are 4 choppers on the map, and each player must take his chopper and try to splatter the other players. Easy, right? If you're skilled enough. The map is scattered with fusion coils, and even with the slightest bump of the chopper, they'll explode, sending you way off course. On the outskirts of the map are man cannons, or in this context, chopper cannons. Lose control of your chopper, and you'll be sent helpless in the air, usually with a pending death. There is no need for honor rules, as i have made it so that only splatters do damage. The only use for your chopper guns are to send the other chopper off-course(because they have some kind of bumping effect). Now, I know what you're thinking: Been there, done that. I know the pictures make it seem really simple and dumb, but just get 3 friends and see how fun it can be. Whoever I played it with liked it. Also this is not only my first forge map, but my first map that I post here as well. I'm especially proud of my blocking walls (the leaning ones) and deleting everything off of Foundry by myself before I found the canvas maps. At least give it a try, please! =3 Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ YES ] __Instant Respawn [ ___ ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ ___ ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Overview from left. Overview from right. Secret weapon (if you can get to it) Download Chopper Wars Map Download Chopper Wars Gametype
It's pretty much just a big ass, blank map. ForgeHub is about what people make in Forge. All you did was put some choppers in a big open space with fusion coils, man cannons, and you blocked off the back. I suppose this might be fun but if I was going to play this with a big party, it would be pretty stupid. You should have added in some ramps or different platform levels. It looks like you put very little effort into this, to be completely honest. Add some obstacles in the middle of the map or something that people have to drive around.
It's a very nice idea, especially as your first map, i congratulate you on that Looks like you did put some effort into this and i think that counts for something. The thing is, the map is too blank. You did make floating object, and good job on that. But maybe you should consider making a v2 making it more decorative and with interlocking and stuff. Im not sure about doing this on Foundry, because its pretty small and probably wouldn't be best for a Chopper War. I like your concept and everything so i shall give you a 2.5/5 for effort and being your first map. Make it more creative and fun if you plan on making a v2. Goodluck forging and have fun Oh yeah, and welcome to ForgeHub
^okay, i'll try and do that fancy merging and stuff. can you PM me some suggestions? EDIT: Also, you probably didn't download it, so i'm gonna go ahead and tell you that I did make the spawns and starting points. That counts as skill, right? Seriously, i told you to just try it, since it does look boring in the pics. Have you tried it? =(
Well, they'll probably be infracted for not actually trying. Also, big empty maps aren't always what you will call as "simple n' boring". Incredible gametypes like, Griffball, Smear The Pinky, Pillars of Smear, and the list goes on. It's about how you use the map that matters. Anyways, there's nothing really new about your map, no new ideas honestly introduced. I would suggest making it in sandbox, sice the standards for it are much lower than that of foudries. You should have at least taken the time to make a full wall, and I would recommend getting rid of the mancannons; they always interrupt gameplay. Had you made it on sandbox, you could have eliminated camping at the start with killballs, and you would have had much more to work with, even though it'd still be an overrated monster jam map. They're SOOO unoriginal, and it's honestly been made 100 times with the same concept, and never innovating on the idea. Overall, looks decent, I would also recommend that players not start in the open map :S.
But i did try.... You guys don't honestly expect a first timer to do a big complex map that has interlocking, geomerging, e.t.c, e.t.c? yeah, I have a faint idea of how to do them and I really want to learn how to make awesome maps like you guys, but I started forge two weeks ago... I swear it took me two hours to set up the two blockers, because I kept bumping the walls I'd put up already. Forge is incredibly frustrating for me, really, the things you guys make in 5 mins take my an hour.
I try out up to 20 maps daily. Right now, my Xbox can't connect to Xbox LIVE because of something with the DNS server. I wouldn't have to play the map to know how it would be. The pictures show enough. Honestly, that's why you have to post pictures in your map posts. So you have an idea of what the map is like and you're not just downloading something random. I commodarate you on your first map post. Lately, though, so many bad posts have been on ForgeHub that I have gotten less tolerate. I'm sorry if I'm being too blunt but sometimes, that's the only way to get through to people.
No, i have not downloaded it yet, because i haven't got the chance to yet, been busy. If i get the chance to tomorrow, ill try it out. And of course we wouldnt expect an incredibly amazing map from a new forger. You put effort into your map, you're learning, and that's what counts. Remember, Practice makes perfect. Forge can be really frustrating sometimes and we all know how that is. Maybe add me on Xbox Live, my name is GremIins (the L is actually a capital i) When i get the chance, ill try helping you with some techniques
No, that's the way to piss people off. Respect will get you heard, and if that fails, don't forget that it is very much possible to ignore what you don't like. Pictures are a good tool, but they don't paint the full picture. Simple maps can be very fun, and some examples have been provided in this thread. Just as long as gameplay is good, that's what matters most. If there is budget leftover, it would be pretty fun to add some ramps, obstacles, and such. I would also suggest putting the choppers on the edges of the map for safety. Along that same note, it may be helpful to make the spawns on a higher level, for example on double boxes.
I put enough spawn protection I think, when you spawn you get 3 second camo, and a 3 second burst of speed to get to a chopper (in case you don't spawn beside a spawned chopper). Thanks a lot for the offer, gremlins. I'll take it. I'll add you ASAP. EDIT: I also got an idea now of what to do to make it better. First i gotta learn geomerging though. See if I can.
That sounds like it'd work pretty well. I'm not the greatest forger ever, but i know the basics and all that lot. Ill try to help you my best