Sandbox Sandbox 13

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by The Storm 59, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Sandbox 13
    Just to get it out of the way, this map is not an aesthetic map. Nor, however, is it a casual, competitive, MLG or minigame map. This map is best described as a canvas - but wait! Don't leave just because its a canvas! (by the way, where the hell should this go?)

    This map will change sandbox forging forever.

    First, I present to you a picture.
    Hmm, I'm out of the map, with the skull... that's kinda cool... but who cares right? I mean, I must have just overloaded the map... right...

    As you can see, the grid is verry much still intact. If you overload Sandbox, it disapears.
    And nooo! I didn't just take the pictures at different times! Gosh!

    The Reveal!

    Sandbox 13 is a map BlackOut99 - me - which blocks off Guardian lasers at their source, at the cost of 9 "huge blocks".
    Essentially - Sandbox is yours to forge, dunes and all.
    This map is notable for its helpfulness in getting the sandbox skull; just drive out there and pick it up.

    I blocked off the towers by mongoose forcing another profile out of the skybox, and then flying over to the towers in monitor mode and placing a large block in each of them, right in front of where they fire from.

    This was surprisingly easy.
    I was actually just planing on creating a map out in the dunes by using a wall. I played with the idea of blocking off the towers... but could never get out to them. Had to think back to that waterworld map on HighGround to get me going.

    There was one slight hiccup, however. One of the towers has a death barrier just in front of it, so that its impossible to get the block into a position which completely blocks the laser from the tower.

    I ended up using more than one on this tower just to be safe, and though i haven't had any issues with it, i wouldn't be surprised if it occasionally does manage to shoot through a crack or something. This tower is the one on the left in image 2. (oh, and that platform isn't actually there anymore, so don't worry).

    This map is full of possibilities, whether you just use the lack of guardians to build out in the dunes and delete the blocks later, or if you actually utilize the entire dune area.

    Download Sandbox 13 here!

    Have fun forging the f*** out of the dunes.

    PS. Anyone know which section this map should be in?
    PPS. Currently working on a version in which you can get out to the towers to change the spawn time on the blocks. Expect it by the end of the week - if not someone remind me. =P
    #1 The Storm 59, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I think I've seen this map before. It's call Sandblock, I think. Nice job blocking them off, though. That must've been a pain in the ass to do all that work. So, I congratulate you, and will use this map. ;)
  3. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Uhh dude.. You're way behind sad to say. Been done way too many times but good job :D.

    No Download though, I already have one like this.
  4. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    I love the style and presentation of this post. It got me really excited.

    For something I have had for weeks. Oh well.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    This has been done numerous amounts of times....

    The only difference between yours and the others are that you used more useful objects to block the tower as you could have used an item that not many people need....
    Also, when someone overloads the map, then the put the objects in front of the towers, when its done, the grid and everything comes back, you didnt do something out of the ordinary when you said "i have the skull but didnt overload the map".....
  6. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Actually i did. If you overload the map and go and get the skull, the grid disappears and the towers stop shooting. When I was out in the dunes the map wasn't overloaded, so i should have been dieing. But I wasn't. Tis out of the ordinary. Or was. But apparently this map already exists.

    And I now hate bungie's search engine. Spent ages searching for a map like this one before i posted it and couldn't find one anywhere. So i made my own and thought it was something new. =P
    Oh wells.
  7. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    You should have used FH's search engine then....
  8. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I like your posting / writing style. I can't wait to read the post for the next map you make. That beginning part was brilliant. Also, props on developing this map independently from all others, despite the fact that you're several weeks too late. It's too bad that it's utterly useless by now. If you can create this idea independently from all others, you've got some originality. Get back to work. Go make minigames NAO!
  9. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    I'd rather download a canvas that blocks off the towers with stuff I won't use. I use those blockes, therefore no download from me.
  10. Ghost717

    Ghost717 Ancient
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    I think this is a better version than the ones with the lasers blocked off with double walls because I use them more than block,huges. Thank you for not using all the double walls. I downloaded to use later keep forging.
  11. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I did that before I used Bungies. =P
    And I found zilch. Was it posted on FH?

    I used the blocks because I don't use them much, but i do use walls loads.
    Ah well... =P

    At least me can do writing good.
  12. Fluffball Gato

    Fluffball Gato Ancient
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    Well done.

    How did you get close enough to the towers without dying?

    Impressive, Terran.
  13. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    lololololololololololoolololololololololololol. A little late to the party, are we? But doesn't the grid appear even after you overload the map, when you start a new round?
  14. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    When you overload the map, if you start a new round the grid does come back, but then the towers can kill you.

    I got to the towers by going into the sky bubble and getting a guy on the back of a mongoose, which i then picked up and forced out of the barriers at the edge of the grid. After that you can fly close enough to all of the towers to hold a block out to them, and then save and quit.

    This means you can also get up there and change the spawn times for them. Except for one, which I mentioned has a kill barrier very far in front of it. To change the spawn time on this one you have to actually delete it (by holding something out near it and pressing Y you can delete the blocker) then place a new one with the settings you want, saving and quitting.
    Good fun.

    Because people don't like my use of large blocks in the current version, I have a new version about ready to go, which uses tube ramps on all of them aside from the hardest one which uses a tube intersection. This also incorporates teleporters to each tower, to save you from having to fly so damn far.
    I also have a version with sandbox still intact.

    Ill get it up sometime when i have time to make another map post. For now its on my file share, named Sandbox 13 and Sandbox 13C.
  15. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
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    Well written original post but yeah, been done and I've got one of these too. I don't find I use it... just never been too interested in building in the dunes myself.
  16. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    I already have one of these... This uses less pieces though. Which is good but nothing special.
  17. XxApocalypsexX

    XxApocalypsexX Ancient
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    thats pretty cool

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