Improving chances of winning

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by A hobo, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    I know people talk about that being an elite in team SWAT improves your chances of winning. How so?
  2. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    It doesn't increase your chances of winning, It just makes it tougher for people behind you to kill you ask quick. I'll answer this simply since I play quite a bit of swat. okay, The elite's head is sticking out of it's chest (sorta). So of you are running in one direction, If an enemy is behind you shotting at you, It is difficult for him to kill you because your head is no where to be seen, Until you turn around. That's why. :happy:
    #2 chung_wii, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  3. Riku

    Riku Ancient
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    I believe some people say this because sometimes an Elite's head is harder to hit than a Spartan's, such as when you're trying to shoot an Elite from behind in SWAT, as the Elite's head is in front of the body rather than on top. Although, I think it's also easier at times to hit the Elite's head than a Spartan's, such as shooting it from the sides because of the greater length of the head.

    So in some situations the Elite could be better for SWAT, but in others it could be worse.
  4. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Not only that, but the elites have some sort of godly black hole in their neck that takes no damage.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Its hard for people because they don't know the exact location of their head.

    I always aim for the chest in the front. Their actual head from the side and just at the tip of their back from behind and I manage to kill them in 1 to 2 shots most of the time.
  6. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    They are easier and harder from different angles, but also sometimes an Elite reacts differently when shot, for example: Not dieing when shot perfectly in the head.
  7. Goober

    Goober Ancient
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    I play as an elite all the time, so I've got some decent experience in the glitches of the elite body(don't take me as cocky, I just play a lot of SWAT!). The neck is an area on the body of an elite where you can shoot and not kill them. Blood pops out, but no damage.

    Also the head in the actual geometry of the character is shaped differently, making it somewhat unpredictable for damage. I have been shot in the face four times while I was reloading, then shot the guy in the face plus a melee for good measure. He was not happy. And I know the shots hit me, because not only did my controller vibrate, I saw blood pop out of my eyeballs! I'm not quite sure of the full geometry of the elite skull, but its not entirely accurate for the damage as it is the graphics.

    For those of you who have a hard time getting a kill on an elite from behind or get the mysterious death from behind(talk about a story you don't want the guys to know!) heres a little tip I found out personally: When aiming at the back of the head of an elite, try either jumping to shoot the head or aim just slightly over the head/shoulders of where you know the head is then pull the trigger. You should get a kill, but try this out in a practice customs game to get the knack of it.

    I hope I was helpful with this, perhaps informative. If I said something you don't quite understand, please say something so I can explain it differently...
  8. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    It's not that bad once you learn how to get around it. I'm an Elite killing pro now that I have a fifty in SWAT :)

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