Insurrection (Orbital variant)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Slartibartfast, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Slartibartfast

    Slartibartfast Ancient
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    Insurrection is an Infection variant of Orbital. It features substantial blocking off and some interlocking with the use of filters. Its not a new idea and probably not original but I wanted to make a working Infection variant. Orbital is fairly jumpy already and its tight corridors and gloomy service tunnels inspired me.

    The map begins with Gloomy filter on (sorry I placed the filters outside the map and couldn't edit them, so I had to take the photos with it on). Then after 120 seconds black and white kicks in. After 180 seconds Old style comes on.. freaky.

    On to some images:

    The humans spawn around the entry 'carpet'. A temporary barricade is between them and the zombie entrance point (left)

    The zombie spawning point is in the central lower corridor. It is completely blocked off apart from the end. (The start point for the alpha zombie is actually way back at the beginning of the corridor). A shield door stops spawn killing. Grav lifts spawn after 30 secs so the zombies can clear the shaft. The Alpha Zombie can clear it to begin with, but more on that later.

    Moving down from the zombie spawn (right) and the human start (top) there is another barricade with weapons behind.

    Then on down the crowded corridor with some equipment and human spawns (in case of suicide - these are dotted around the map). I fiddled with the boxes to make it more mazelike.)

    Into one of the two main rooms with hiding places behind the pallets.

    The computer relays hold a never-respawning sword and some weapons behind another barricade...

    ...both main rooms can be easily flanked, however, by zombies using the quick way up the vents.

    Down the stairs from the human start is another barricade..

    ...leading to the other main room.

    Finally there is a place to hold out if the humans can get there.

    On to the gametype and some action shots. The gametype is Pandemisis.
    The Alpha Zombie spawns with the following traits:
    - 300% speed
    - lowest possible gravity
    - one hit kill (like 300%, can't remember the number)
    - VERY poor health (10% resistance)
    - poor camo
    - grav hammer
    - 75m radar
    - force color black.
    Yes, it can escape the pit immediately but the humans need to have their wits about them. It will take one shot to kill, but can move insanely fast and is semi invisible. Chaos!
    [EDIT: The Alpha Zombie now has normal gravity. This gives the humans more of a chance - otherwise a good alpha could kill them all fairly swiftly.]

    Normal zombies spawn thus:
    - normal speed
    - 100% gravity
    - 125% damage
    - normal health
    - no camo
    - energy sword
    - 50m radar
    - force color black.

    - normal speed/damage/health
    - no radar
    - 75% gravity (well it is in space!)
    - force color orange.

    On to the pics:

    Recovery team enters. Tele leads to 50/50 chance of death or one of the main rooms.

    Alpha zombie kill! Keep your eyes open...

    Even normal zombies are pretty scary...

    Black and white is freaky.

    Thats me getting killed that is.

    Well thanks for your time reading that wall of text, and I hope my first post is good for FH standards. The map is finished but things can be modified so I'm happy to accept comments and criticism, especially about the gametype. So, download, grab a few mates, head to custom games and have fun. Feel free to change the round limit if 3 is not enough.

    Thanks to testers Fingy Zit, Saber Crystal and Shinobi Red.

    [EDIT: Map updated to fix zombie spawn camping issues, gametype tweaked]

    #1 Slartibartfast, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  2. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    one of the first good orbital maps i have seen

    i like the use of barricades and the maze feel
    you should of called it deadspace
    because it reminds me of that game
  3. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the worst map ever!!!

    Na I am just joking. Probaly the best Orbital map I have seen. 5/5
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome.
    I'm trying really hard to think of a deadspace reference, but I can't.
    I'll D/L when microsoft points are back in stock in our town ^^
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    You call this a map! Wow, this is a pitiful disgrace to forgehub.

    You know what I see?

    I see a un-thought out map, thrown around in a couple of seconds. That's it, nothing tells me to download this map, it's disturbing to even see this?

    "Oh look, I'm going to go make an infection map on orbital, perhaps I should add some effects to make it look cool"

    FX is overused now, it does nothing but cause confusion and eye strain.

    and what in Gods name is the tele for...

    "Yay! I guess since I'm ready I will go through the teleporter to go kill some Zombies... Oh No! I died!" Seriously get rid of that, it's a waste of space and just plane useless.

    Overall. I give this map a 1/5. If I could I would give it a 0 out of 5.

    The map is a catastrophic failure.
    It was not thought up, un-original, stupid ideas were implemented into the map, and FX is old and ruins what little fun could have been had in this thing you call a map.
  6. Kole

    Kole Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm sounds like an... honest opinion ^ Meh little harsh Id give it a 4/5 cause i dont think people are going to unattach from sandbox
  7. BlUnT 4ce tRAUMa

    Senior Member

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    this reminds my a lot of one of my maps, Lights Out. still i like how you took advantage of orbital's bleak nature and tight corridors. though not that original, you still pulled of one of the best orbital maps i've seen 4/5

    My Maps
    Lights Out:
    Parallel: <<IN PROGRESS>>
  8. Slartibartfast

    Slartibartfast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys for all your views.
    Radiant - I understand what you mean. Yes, its not the most exciting map, nor is it the most original. I wasn't aiming for these however, I was just trying to see how the stock Orbital could be turned into an Infection - friendly map. Perhaps yes the tele is a bit stupid. As I say it is a work in progress still - I'll remove it if people do get annoyed with it.

    Although the effects were added for more than just "looking cool". Effects may be 'over used' by others but I used them to ramp up the difficulty for the humans and zombies alike.
    I guess what I'm trying to say is may main aim was to create an infection variant of Orbital, not an entirely new map.

    But yes, thank you as a senior member for having an honest opinion.

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