
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Scottash, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    by Scottash

    MAZE was one of the first maps I've ever forged, I completed it in June - almost a year before I joined forgehub. The forging is definately not the high point of this map as I had just discovered interlocking at the time, but the gameplay more than makes up for this. My friends and I have had months of quality games on this map and it is considered a "classic", if you will, amongst us. If you're in to frantically smashing buttons in order to knock obstacles out of your way to escape from the pursuing zombie this is the map for you!


    Map overview, not much to look at but it should give you some idea about the size of MAZE

    As the name suggests, MAZE is a medium-sized enclosed maze with a twist. The entire map (apart from the starting points) forces you to crouch, adding a unique feel of helplessness which adds to the panic this game often causes which = hilarity. This game has to be played with the game variant HIDE (original again, I know), in which humans must traverse the map and escape from the zombie's wrath long enough to survive the full 3 minutes. The alpha zombie is invincible and can only be killed by a well co-ordinated assassination. Doing so will grant the player 6 points as well as bragging rights for the rest of the game. Zombies recieve 1 point per human kill (which is harder to achieve than you may at first think), and the Last Man Standing recieves a 3 point bonus for finding the best hiding spot.

    Map overview without roof to give you some idea of the layout

    Maze is pretty standard in its layout. 1 human spawns at each of the 4 corners of the map and 1 zombie spawns in the middle (also known as the equipment room). Therefore, this map can only support a maximum of 5 people, which I feel works perfectly given the time limit and also makes the players feel more vulnerable starting on their own. This can also lead to several shrieks followed by nervous laughter when you encounter a fellow human as you turn round a corner. Personally, from my experience I've found that the best way to survive in HIDE is to part ways and find your own hiding place, otherwise this can lead to a rather embarassing double kill if a zombie finds you and your mate cowering together in a small room, not too disimilar from a broom closet.

    starting human spawn before crouching

    Zombie spawn in middle of map
    *NOTE* Gravity lift + weapon holder in centre of equipment room have now been removed

    Moving on, as previously mentioned there are several places where you can hide, some of which are more cheeky than others. The most common one which you will find are small rooms behind barrels which must be knocked in a few meters for you to squeeze through, and then knocked back so as not to arouse suspicion.

    Two rooms, Four Barrels, not enough time

    The "knocking of barrels" manuever being demonstrated masterfully

    You will encounter other obstacles such as pallets along your way which are exactly what you don't want to see with a zombie hot on your trail. That one barrel may be enough for the zombie, depsite travelling at 90% of the humans' speed, to catch up with you and exhaust your 1 life per round. ​


    The most common tactic in the game is to find an inconspicuous place to hide from the zombie and pray to whomever that the zombie doesn't find you. There's nothing more terrifying than seeing the white glow from his energy sword reflecting off the only thing that stands between you and certain death: a couple of barrels filled with fish. ​

    Dead end​

    White glow​

    Resistance is futile​

    Hiding spots

    Up high

    Close call much?

    Right under their nose (well... over in this case)

    If hiding does not appeal to you so much, there is always a challenge for the more daring amongst you... to venture to the belly of the beast... The EQUIPMENT ROOM! <<cue dramatic music>> For many this is a place of certain death should the zombie find you in its lair, but for those who pull it off successfully the rewards are plentiful. In the equipment room lie 1 tripmine, 1 flare, 1 deployable cover, and most importantly 1 grav lift - 1 in each of the 4 corners. When used correctly these tools can make even the most unfortunate soul into Houdini. The flare will temporarily stun the zombie allowing you to escape, unless you too are blinded by your own equipment which pretty much means you deserve to die. The deployable cover has an interesting effect in that it not only seals of the corridor, slowing the zombie down, but propels you several feet forward - very handy in a tight situation. The trip mine doesn't do much to be perfectly honest but I thought I'd put it there for variety.​

    "I'm so shneaky. Da grav lift is mine!" DENIED​

    The grav lift. One of the aspects I'm most proud of in this game and the most valuable equipment item EVAR. In the one of the corridors just outside the equipment room you'll see a dumpster on your left hand side (if you're leaving from the middle). Behind this dumpster lies one of the sneakiest hiding spots in the game which is a great achievement to pull off as it requires skill, a suitable distraction and a lot of luck. To enter this sanctuary one must first obtain the grav lift from the centre (which is an achievement in itself). Then, once the coast is clear chuck that badboy underneath the dumpster and watch the waste storage item and its juicy contents fly. ​


    This is not a happily ever after by any means, however, and once again the franctic button mashing begins again. The zombie will have been sure to have heard the sound of rubbish flying through the air and will be making their way to your location as quickly as possible. Your only option is to shoot the grav lift (normally takes one clip from your magnum) to force the dumpster to drop. In the past this has lead to many humans being cruely denied safety and being stuck on the other side just as the door closes and your "friend" leaves you to your fate. ​
    Et tu Scottash?

    So close...

    ...and yet so far (Halo Wars kill style FTW)​

    Oh ye, I forgot to mention... the zombie can also pick up equipment. Before the cries of "outrage!" begin, this was done so that if humans got a grav lift at the beginning of the round, they wouldn't have to wait bored (as the zombie would also be) until the end of the round. The grav lift has a spawn rate of 60 seconds so if you manage to get in there after 2 minutes you should be safe, or just chance it at the beginning and hope the zombie never finds out. If they do, however, you're pretty much screwed when that grav lift respawns. ​


    I wouldn't be looking so smug if I were you...
    300 Leap leads to an easy infection​

    Well that's pretty much it. I recommend you download this map and play it with a few friends one night, preferably when it's dark, there's nothing funnier than hearing your pals scream like 5 year old girls down the mic as you sit contently in your own little corner safe from harm... for now... Please feel free to leave constructive criticism and stories on your games on HIDE.

    Just incase you missed them at the top: ​

    HIDE Game Variant
    #1 Scottash, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Remii

    Remii Ancient
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    At first i was going to say this is similar to Peasant hunt, but now i say this is effin sweet, and its alot diffferent than peasant hunt. The equpiment room is a good idea, anthough sorta a big trap =) Your idea of the dumpster switch is a geat idea, but youre right the zombie can hear. This map is definately in my queue. Youre a good infection maker. For the future, try making an infection map in the crypt of sandbox, or maybe the sky bubble for a Big Team Infection. 5/5 VERY NICE DESCRIPTION ITS NICE TO SEE A GOOD ONE TIME TO TIME.
  3. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    thanks for the quick reply :D I'm currently making a much better one on Sandbox in the crypt which I think'll be even more terryfying to people XD I just wanted to submit this one first cause it's kinda old and I wanted to see if people liked the idea first
  4. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    Sounds like a novel idea. Why not do a remake on sandbox? I bet it could be awesome. I personally am sick of foundry and will need some time to use it again.
  5. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    You should remake this on Sandbox, but have it maybe a random maze. I love this, just I wish it was bigger. That would be so much fun.
  6. Garrettastic

    Garrettastic Ancient
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    I downloaded this only because of the good reviews, but now I think this is a great map and idea. I really like how most of the rooms require crouching and the barrel and pallet roadblocks are very inconvenient (in a good way.) It was always really nervewracking to be one of the humans. This one-ups Lost Chamber and will definitely stay on my map list for a long time.
    One quick note though, in the main central room in some spots the ceiling is too high and causes players to uncrouch and disable them from moving forward. This happened to players in the game on more than one occasion. Just a quick refitting on an object or two should do the trick.
    #6 Garrettastic, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  7. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Thanks for the review, it's great to hear from someone who's actually played the map :) I've noticed the same problem myself in the map, where you stand up and have to press in the thumbstick to crouch again. I used to think that it added to the general panic and was hilarious watching the person you're chasing desperately trying to crouch again, but I can see how it could get annoying. As you said, a quick refitting would fix it, which I'll definately do if more people say they like this map. Plus, I'm currently 25% through the remake on Sandbox, but it'll probably be a while yet till I finish that. I'm working on something much bigger ;)

    Thanks again for the comments everyone, please keep them coming!

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