Unfortunately due to copyright issues I can't upload magazine scans. I recommend that you go pick up a copy of the June 2009 OXM issue. In this article about Halo, it tells you about some of the things that might not have made it or did not make it. You know the level Guardian, it was originally a single player level. The Hornet fight you do on the single player level "The Covenant" was taken from The Guardian Forest. There was a new enemy in the Guardian Forest, it had a laser eyeball. Oh and there was a giant Sentinel similar to those in Halo 2 at the end of the level. So pick up this issue and discuss it here.
Why would sentinels attack you? They don't become enemies until after you activate the new Halo. Unless they're rampant...which I doubt, because they aren't sophisticated AI.
I read that like a week ago. I wish they would have kept everything in. By the sound of it, that level was really long, the storm was much longer, and cortana used to be two levels and was longer. I also think that the laser eyeball is sweet.
Yeah things like this are fairly common in video production. Coming up and scrapping ideas are always those frustrating steps that game developers need to take. A Hornet on Guardian does seem a little interesting though. And by a sentinel with a laser eyeball: do you mean something like GuiltySpark?
I'm subscibed to it, so read about it. I don't really see why we can't do mag scans, but a rule is a rule, so I won't do it. I like the idea, but a giant eyeball? Maybe spark? Maybe he wasn't a threat in the last level, but they couldn't think of anything constructive to do there instead. I wonder if the tentacles from the Gravemind on The Covenant was originally meant to be a boss battle? Glad it wasn't, although, I don't see their significance other than hindering the escape and allowing access to the IWHBYD skull.
This was on IGN or something like that a while ago, but it was definitely interesting to see how Halo could have been.
Ohhh. I remember hearing about this on Bungie a while back. Yeah, it could have been really cool, but Bungie just didn't have the time to make it. Honestly, the Halo 3 campaign sucks giant, sweaty monkey ****. Bungie should have just postponed the release of the game to January or something in order to really make the Campaign well. 'Tis unfortunate.
I know one of the concepts for the remade Lockout was set on one of the giant sentinals which mine the core (according to the The Art of Halo 3). I guess sentinals must have had a bigger role in the campaign during production, too
That is your opinion. Your very non-explanatory opinion. Personally I enjoyed the campaign. I love the Halo story line. I wish that Bungie would say how the story would have changed if the level was included. We can't do magazine scans because it is distributing paid for content for free. Just like downloading movies.
At Grif's request I will explain why I don't like Halo 3's Campaign. The Bottom Line is that it's boring. If you've ever read a game reviewer's explanation of the most important factors that they consider when rating a game, they all say that pure entertainment is the most important thing. And that's just it: Halo 3's Campaign is unfortunately lacking quite a bit in the fun department. Let's take a closer look at why that is, shall we? First off, Halo 3 is chock-full of uninspired level design. While the first mission (Sierra 117) filled me with unadulterated joy, as soon as the Crow's Nest mission started, that giddy feeling immediately deflated like cushion bearing the weight of an obese man returning from a routine trip to McDonald's. Not only was every corridor about as gray and boring as physically possible, but once I thoroughly annihilated every squealing/growling thing in sight, I had to trek back through the same hallways again to prevent something from happening that was never clearly explained, nor felt like much of a threat. So much for a new gameplay experience. Hmm. Boring, linear hallway. Kill some squealing retards. ***** on the radio tells me to go back through said boring, linear hallway. Sadly, this sequence repeats itself (no pun intended) throughout most of the remaining missions in the Campaign. There is plenty of trudging back and forth through the same environments in addition to the whole "Okay, we deactivated this tower. Now let’s take care of the next one with the exact same layout." I will admit, however, that this pattern is punctuated by some genuinely fun moments. The Ark and the first 10 minutes or so of The Covenant are some of the best moments of the Campaign. Tank beats everything? Awesome. Getting the Spartan Laser for the first time? **** yeah. Unfortunately, the rest of the Campaign feels really straightforward and average. It devolves into a "Go from Base A to Objective B, and fire your Assault-Rifle-that-now-sounds-like-a-$1.99-cap-gun-from-Wal-Mart at anything that moves" Game. The repetitiveness is even present in the "boss fights" that the Scarabs are supposed to provide. Now, before I go on, I must say that the first time that I saw and fought the Scarab on The Storm was ****ing awesome. And the victory explosion? Epic. Every time. That explosion is one thing that I wholeheartedly congratulate Bungie for. However, (and this is a BIG however) it is lame to simply repeat that boss fight whenever you need a climactic moment in the storyline. Once you know how to defeat the Scarab, it's not that amazing to do it again, but with a desert instead of mud. Or, near the end, to have TWO Scarabs instead of one. That's like saying, "You like cookies?! Well, I've got something even better! TWO cookies instead of ONE!!! OMGWTFBBQ??!!??!!?!?!?" Yeah. Real original, not to mention the "boss fight" between you and Guilty Spark that is more like an interactive movie than anything else. And why the hell didn't we get to fight the Gravemind? He's been ****ing with the Chief for well over two games now. Isn't it time to shoot his tangly ass? When I said before that I wished Bungie had just postponed the release date so that they could have more time to work on the Campaign, this is the kind of result that I hoped would have come from the delay. Overall, Halo 3's Campaign felt rushed. Bungie had some cool ideas (the Scarab and ensuing mushroom cloud) and plot points (Cortana's ****ing Bipolar insanity) that they wanted to get across, but time constraints forced them to pack as much as they could into a small space, and the end product suffered because of that. The ideas are there, but the execution is lacking. Despite all of this, the rest of Halo 3 kicks serious ass. I love Matchmaking, I love Customs and crazy Game Variants, I love Forge (duh, I'm posting this on Forge Hub for God's sake,) and I love Theater. Bungie, you did a fantastic job on the multiplayer side of Halo, but the cost of that was detrimental to the single player Campaign.
While I disagree with what you say I will defend to the death your right to say it. I know that it seems like people like me are far and few between now, but I genuinely enjoy playing the campaign over and over again. I enjoy looking for different roots, bits of Halo lore and different ways to do things (which I guess is the same as different ways to do things). Yes I know the Scarab is slightly lack-luster but I still enjoy trying different ways to take it out. For instance driving a Warthog off the giant ramp onto the Scarab on the Ark. Or letting a Marine fly me over it on the final 2. Yes these may seem small, but every time I play the campaign I notice something new or different. Its not the play style of most, but it is the way I play and I love it.
cool i might just do that. lol and i just remebered the giant sentinal its an Aribter level that means its automaticly gay!! j/k i love that level
It was on IGN. They also said the Guardian's Laser Eyeball's could be ripped out and used like Sentinel Beams.