High Rise Bumper Cars V3 Created by Thumtac Inspiration from Ultimate Bumper Cars by Da Pig Note KoTH cars will not work for this map. Supported Gametypes: Bumpercars: -25% speed -Invulnerable -0% damage -1 life -No radar -Full vehicle use -No grenades -Starting weapon: Magnum Changes from V2 Not many changes here excep: -A completely revamped cheat system (see picture for more details about cheat system) -Gametype changed from KoTH to slayer to respond to complaints about hill control not registering. Map Description Well there isn't much of a change in the map layout so I'll just post the description from V2: Only thing is though you can't stay in your garage at all for more than 20 seconds and you can't leave your garage unless you are in a ghost. Also now the goal of the game is to knock as many people out of the ring before your knocked out. But lets look at some pictures. What would a map be without pictures? Well this is the map. You can see the 6/8 garages exits and see a tiny glimpse of the cheat system. You can also see in this picture some of the aesthetic nonsense but not all of it. *hint* *hint* This is the kill system as mentioned in the description no changes from V2. After 90 seconds if the round hasn't ended this baby will come into play and destroy everything to end the round. 90 seconds is a lot though. Don't think that games will be cut short by this. You rarely ever reach this kill system. Well here is the vastly improved kill system. A bunch of you are wondering how it works probably. Well you spawn about a foot above the ghost and fall into it You cannot escape the garage easily without going through the two guardian teleporters which lead to your death. The only way out is to go through the teleporters in your ghost where the teleporters will have no effect on you. But most of you are thinking that you'll just wait. Well no cause after 20 seconds a man cannon will spawn behind you and if you aren't in your ghost you'll be flung into a teleporter and if you are in a ghost you'll be flung out uncontrollably into the battlefield. You probably will fall into the pit but you shouldn't have been picking your nose. But now everyone is probably thinking but 20 seconds in a bunch of ghosts will just be flung into the arena. Well thats not the case. The ghost will only be affected by the man cannon if it is touched. Brother! Help Me! Long live the king! NO!!!!!!!!!!! Reference gets a cookie Newton's third law in action So this is the final stage of high rise bumper cars in my opinion, but if you have any constructive criticism be sure to message me by gamertag/forgehub user name or just post in the forum. I would like to give a special thanks again to Da Pig for being a pioneer into the world of incredible halo 3 bumpercarnage. His map was a great inspiration in the making of this map. Download Bumpercars V3 Download Bumpercars
I'm about to have some friends over and was thinking of whipping out V2 but now I can show them an even better version! PS. Is the quote from the Lion King? PSS. Don't remind me of the physics assignment I have on Newton's Third Law! Edit: After playing this with my friends, no-one wanted to try any other maps because it is so awesome!!!
Very nice. I've played a bumper cars game on foundry, but size was a huge problem. I see that size is no problem with your map. Your starter system is a bit much, but I guess it doesn't harm anything and it gets the job done. Your kill system made me laugh. I guess that a game like this may need to be ended at some point. Well done, the aesthetics for your layout are great, very structured. Keep up the forging
WOW Already? Y not just edit the post and put it there not just making like 100 new Threads in 30 mins lol
3 threads in 3 days. 3 updates. It makes sense. Thanks and the starter system is to ensure fairness and create smoother gameplay with less honor rules. I think I have eliminated a need honor rules for bumper cars with this map.
eek, so many of t hese! Please no more! But really, this must be like the 7th bumper car map on sandbox, its great that you can do it and all, but stay away from these. This one is, however, a little nicer aesthetically in comparison to others.
geez kid! you are fast! you must enjoy forging a lot. thats a good thing! nothing i can see can be improved with this, though cant you camp if you were to get onto the middle platform, even if you were only to be there for 90 seconds? cant wait for a v4 if there will be one at all XD! youve got a dl from me, and i dont have the map packs yet!! good job! keep up the great work!
I have a lot of time on my hands and I am not really in a matchmaking mood right now. But to explain the central platform requires perfect timing to stop on and anyway a perfect ram will knock you right off the platform. Thanks for the compliments and eventual DL. If there is going to be a V4 which I highly doubt there will be it will probably be just a better polished, better merged map. But I see no problems with this map so it isn't in my interest to waste some few hours to make another map update.
Couldn't you just get out of the ghost on the central platform and if someone tries to ram you just jump over them?
very nice!! i tried to make a map myself that was like this so i know how much thaught gets put into this. good job and very creative with the 90 sec death
Wow this is almost perfect. You've got your own non-cheating mechanism, the aesthetics are great, and you've prevented people from stalling your game for too long. The only thing that bugs me is that there can only be 8 people in the game max. Oh well. I probably won't download it because i have a couple maps like this and that is enough for me. Great job though. 9/10
Great Map. I DLed a while ago, but just yerterday i noticed something. When you are in the spawn box, if you crouch behind the ghost as close to the wall as you can get, (my nooby cheater friend found this out of course. he always has to find a way to cheat) you get stuck behind the mancannon as it spawns. you can wait for the other people on the main floor to die via the kill system while they are waiting for you to come out, and the noob camper will win the round. I suggest fixing that in an update, if not a V4.