What is actually giving the screenshot that effect? Any way it looks kind of cool, I have seen stuff very similiar to this in the past. I don't think I have seen a picture of the satellite, "Charging its Lazer." I like the originality or this screenshot and it actually had me chuckling a little when I saw it. Nice job
A magician never reveals his secrets =D. Hint though, there's a 99% chance that it's not what you think it is.
I love the comedy of this picture. I am guessing that you threw a flare up in the air, there is also a chance that you used a gravity hammer. There is a very small chance that you got a grenade to blow up right in front of the satellite.
Yeah, I know all about the laser chargin' stuff. It's a nice simple pic. Although you might want to retake it with the glow centered more on the tip of the satellite, unless you had to angle it that way to get the effect. I'd still suggest messing around with it a little more. If I had to guess... bubble shield?
It's actually modded, a variant of Standoff where multiple copies of the sun on the map are placed randomly around the map. ugh, trying to find the vid. I've seen in on YouTube before. Oh well.
It looks pretty cool. Its weird how the satellite looks real, but everything else looks kind of fake. Anyway, good picture 3/5
If this is modded, then it wouldn't be in matchmaking like the poster mentioned. The screenshot itself has a pretty good comedy feel to it, and I'm still trying to figure out how it worked.
^none of you have got it right. It's not modded, i just happened upon it when i zoomed in for something. it wasn't in front of the sattelite, but as I saw it i turned around and saw the sattelite, and that's how it came to be. Hint: The way I made it is hinted upon in the caption of the picture.
i already mentioned that it had something to do with a spartan laser. isnt that ironic? i used the spartan laser to make a laser pic =D