Forgemates of Forgehub *The New Thread Forgemates was originally founded by Tex but because of his responsibilities as a moderator he was unable to keep control of it and that's where J A Y came in. He offered to assume all duties of running forgemates. And finally, thats when I came in after J A Y was too busy with other things, but all credit for it's creation to go to Tex. Seriously guys, Tex deserves a pat on the back for his efforts with this. I noticed the amount of people asking for someone to forge with, so I decided to make this thread. Secondly: It is up to you to meet your forgemate, look around the board to find someone you think you will enjoy forging with! Basically, if you are looking for someone to forge with, post your request to meet someone here. APPLICATION: Gamertag: Times you can get on: Mic yes/no?: Something describing yourself: (example, Matt (the black elite) from Pre-Game Lobby.) Some of your work: (Optional) A link to your maps. Pre-Game Lobby: Lol of the Day You may want to also add a map or two that you have worked on to give others an example. I'm NOT looking for someone to forge with, I simply am trying to bring people togethor, for the good of forging. Lastly: It is up to you to meet your forgemate, look around the board to find someone you think you will enjoy forging with! NEW FEATURE! Thanks to Blazeisgod for the suggestion Actual banners made by Blazeisgod and Monsta Masha What you can now do, is copy these images I'm about to post, then link them to your original post! For example: 1) Have 2 tabs/browsers up. 1 being this thread, the other being your "edit signature" page. 2) Copy one of below images location (in right click, DONT click copy image(you can, but i find it easier to have all bbcode going...). 3) Go to your "edit signature" page. Paste image location, then in front of the url have and behind it have [/img.] ([b]WITHOUT THE [/b].) 4) Go to your post showing your application. Then copy the location of the post located HERE: (if you want, resize the image to its full size by clicking the bar vvv) [IMG] image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1023x451 and weights 614KB. 5) Now that you've gotten this far, go back to your "edit sig" page... 6) Paste the url location before the part. 7) NOW the last thing you need to do, is put [url] example url here [/url.] ([b]WITHOUT THE [/b].) 8) You should have [url=example url location][img]example img location[/img.][/url.] (again [b]WITHOUT THE [/b].) 9) This is an extensive tutorial on how to link images...but I can foresee these questions flooding this ya...tudahh!! you haz linkzorz in your imagezorz... This one is by Trent: [IMG] This one's by Monsta Masha: Another by Monsta Masha: There should be more soon enough =] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so this portion is originally suggested by Shock, and I actually think it was a great idea. Then Blazeisgod suggested a new idea, similar to Shocks, but an improvement...: I will be posting people's forgehub names, then a link to their post. This will simply gather up all the people who have posted on to the OP(original post) so that you don't have to go scanning the thread. Then once you've clicked their name, you can be directed straight to their post. Also, if you have found someone you enjoy forging with, simply send me a pm or post here asking to remove your name from this list. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order of appearance: MLGLR playahater LOCKdownN Scopulus Killamanjaro123 E93 Jump4h tung44 bluepenguin23 Novak Monsta Masha Dthen Markkus philthyphillup maddflash hellclown ZOMG HomieG54 D3m0n Warlord Shatakai PiRaTeS ArGh Us Mortarion BIGGnelson TydeSkomark thekidbd4 The Kn1ght Lantus Nova fornozo Actualy Cool xRedNormandyx link51 Fleabus 7 Rentless Shaking Bro Kamakse DarkBlades Flawless Blades DarkMsage Darkdragon xUNSCxHeadShot ImI METAL ImI StreetSoccer12 illumination SpoRker made49 malauk KUBLUH the forger ray0111 haloforgeman13 CPV18 Thorax tehGREAT SA Comedian phillipinoJ II SHEDO II CaptainAmerica Jimbodawg TechnoDJ shadowdyno ENR SK8RBOI101 joeyshofe dennis1895 TimmE67 Shadowreaper565 Pavidus GC Limited Bonehead5000 astronum Like 50 newbs Prophet of Heresy Grunt Sniper 53 Kronos398 M715ForLife MavsPower Khala Warrior55 Eaglewing nerdygamer Teh Original PK Happy War Cow hitman slayer33 Chemical Wasp Mr_Monkey SAVExTHExWHALES Zaffaman TrioEnzyme CondalingisRice StRiKeRj94 Pablo Zoodles Squiddish Aultin Bloumbas Sargent suchy Flexwalker100 Furry Nat Riehl FR0ZEN FEARS Assassins Bullet Norlinksy RH3 Duckyz Gamer720 BigBraund xXxBIG MITCHxXx JSlayer7 V Undertow V blakeyPoo almost999sk8 Puddinpwner sonicfait zangor13 weedman n00bsk00lbus309 GCLimited FZToXiC Bass Forger pinohkio DA HITMAN 117 devined Welsh Noggy brett3123 DeathstarsOG halo kid 024 the persister2 xFr1ct10nx FlipStik JNeWcOmB TheDarkKnight05 darth ky ShreddedDreamz The Official Y35 deathshadow41 Akirathedon spazmonkey92 Blanked grozny camyhead1 GNR ninjaMonkey kitson12 o Forge Freak o 3volution The Spartan III bigbucketsbilbo BlueHawk2000 smitty0018 Bloumbas OMG a Snail The Hawk Bahh M15 Halo Orlando cow for cow Memphos twisted gaming1111 Huntar KristalXKlear connerwb Bartoge Ell3ment spazmonkey92 Big Mazy 117 JomiGu Triple08 Composite Ghost Conkerkid11 Halo Slayerzlol TMlord95 WastedMammoth NewbAmoeba Youtuber Isle 0f View B Stuke ShadowPuma22 i2 Ninja 4u Jzzkc Mr OvenStuffer KSI Condemned Billy Small 44 d4rkdemon drummerguy360 pixie dusttt Foxxeh Squirrel TwistedLife MousseMooseROCKS Xtremegamer1996 Epic with an e CowboyPickle23 Yes, I do realize that some of them go to an individual post, while others go to the post on the page that the post was made...Please...don't comment on it..
*Stickied* Much thanks to JAY for taking care of this as long as he did. I hope you can keep this thread prosperous, aswell, Phreakie.
Gamertag: TMlord95 Times you can get on: 4-9PM Mic yes/no?:No, not right now. Something describing yourself: Tyson, the Spartan who has different shoulder pads!{Scout + Hayabusa}
Gamertag: WastedMammoth Time: most mic: yes dlc: all Hi im looking for a forge partner to assist me in making primarily conquest and racetracks mps. I know how to geomerge and interlock etc. I would prefer to find a european partner due to me living in the UK.
Gamertag: NewbAmoeba Times you can get on: Weekdays after 6pm PST, weekends Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Great forger, looking for a cooperative person who can criticize and give ideas. I prefer someone living in mountain/ pacific time due to possible connection and time issues. Some of your work: I have other maps, but I don't post them.
Gamertag: Times you can get on: After 9 Eastern, Im all yours on the weekdays | Anytime on the weekends Mic yes/no: Yes Something describing yourself: I'm definitally more of an aesthetic forger, focusing more on the flow of the map and less-bumpifying the walkways. Its Ok though, because give me a map design and I can build it, whatever it is. Some of your work: Here and Here
GT: Isle 0f View Times I get on: usually after school at 4:00 cst and usually at night also Mic:Yes About Me: I like to forge MLG and competative games although i don't mind some infection. Some Work: I haven't posted much but a really old map here
I'm looking for someone to help me (ShadowPuma22) and my friend (B Stuke) re-create the ever popular HALO 2 map Ascension. We have sorta started already but could use the help of some professional forgers. If your interested in helping add either one of us with a message relating to the forging and we will accept as quickly as we can and get to work. Thanks
Gamertag: i2 NINJA 4u Times you can get on: 10am-2am(next day) GMT Mic yes/no?: yes Something describing yourself: My real names danny, spartan and forge addict,easy guy to get along with british,english and i love you yankeedoodles. Some of your workMy friend posts my maps mainly!) Ghostly tremors v2 Ghostly Tremors v1 Reason for asking for partner: I need a more exprienced forge partner as the one i have now is very untidy and odesn't have full knowledge or the forge ways!:frustrated: Im looking for a patient forger, one who work with me on our maps and only with me on our maps.friendly and most of all a good imagination and a good forger! Ninja!:happy:
I really couldn't care less for structure in anything... and since the community's window of opportunity has already closed, there's no point in editing this to standards.. but if I leave it like this, then it will be spam.. so here's the updated post complying to your silly standards.. Gamertag: xXJiMbOjAmXx Times you can get on: 4:00 - 6:00 today only, window has already closed Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: I know all of the forging techniques, I have little free time, therefore I have very few maps to show off Some of your work: Read above..
need help Hello all, I am in need of a Forger who really knows how to build on sandbox. I need someone to do one simple, (but at the same time challenging) Task. A Bridge. I need someone who is also experienced in geomerging. Even on sandbox. Because I would like the ends merged with the sand. I would like to have a Bridge that looks something like this; So if anyone can help then please reply.
Gamertag: Mr Ovenstuffer Times you can get on: Negotiable Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: I got jokes, new to forge but my friend says I've got potential. Just looking for some familar or veteran forgers to help me out, in areas that are difficult for average forgers. I've got ideas, trying my best for the newest, fresh ones, I hate copying others.
I'll be on later tonight. I'll commit 7-8:30 for you.. My infos is a few posts above, and please don't bug me about the post format, I already did it once.. and once is always enough.
Gamertag: TheUncondemned Time: 3:00pm to 10:00pm (-8 GMT, Pacific) Mon-Thursday. 3:00pm to ? Fridays. Sat-Sun: free. Mic: Yes Something about myself: I have patience, if the need be. Um, I love forging (go figure, ). I don't have any maps yet, because I didnt have the time, but now I do.