Sandbox Mythic Highway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by janmonge10, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    Mythic Highway

    Hey I'm JayFlipZideX and I recently made a new racing map that's in the new Mythic Map Sandbox. If you guys like some good racing experience check out this map variant called Mythic Highway that takes place high up in the SkyBubble. It's got unique terrain and some crazy drifts along the way as you approach the finish line. It's really fun especially if you have more riders within the game. Its also another good way to just sit back and relax from all the Slayer games that you play.

    Here are some pictures of the map for your convenience.



    Steep Climbs


    Steep Falls


    Unique terrains


    And lots more!!!!

    Here's the link to download the Mythic Highway alone : Halo 3 File Details. Also, If you're interested I have other maps that are mostly perfect for all types of game plays. Click on this link : Halo 3 File Share to access and download more of my fileshare.If you can please feel free to leave comments about the map so I can see what I can improve on. Thanks

    Hopefully you'll like it! ~JayFlipZideX~
    #1 janmonge10, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  2. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    ahaha my mistake..alright can you try it now. sorry its my first post here on forge hub.
  3. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    I think that parts of the map are far too narrow to allow for competitive racing-How would someone take over in the narrow areas? Also, that makes it really easy to fall off.

    On another note, your "unique terrains" are very original-I've never seen the like of those before.

    If only you could widen parts of the track, but if you hit into any of the limits, then too bad. If you did hit a limit try making your next track shorter, to enable wider tracks. If you didn't hit a limit make wider tracks in V2.

    Edit: I see what you were trying to do in forcing skillful driving, but you still can't take over unless the person in front falls off.
    #3 noklu, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  4. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    Yea i figured. I guess it's more of a test your driving skill and speed kind of track. But few of my friends that I showed it too still had soo much fun with it. You should go download it and check it.
  5. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    Looks really cool.I like the way that you force skilful driving rather than fast driving, i would view this as a breath of fresh air when it comes to reactrack mapsone word: Skilfull4.5/5
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    The 'unique terrains' seem very...un-playable. I mean, at full speed, you'd skip the first two, hit the last one and fall off. If you interlocked those, and tilted them a bit, it would have been much better. Either way, this map isn't the best race map I've seen. It's track seems original, but what's with the two paths in the last picture? Anyway, for now, 3/5. Sorry, dude, but this doesn't really jump out at me as an astounding map.
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
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    extremely sloppy., plus its horrifically skinny. I don't think 2 mongooses could fit on the same bank, let along one survive it. your "unique terrain" is horrible. That's not being creative, that's being lazy. Get a fluid racetrack down, no bumps, wide, nice banks, interlocking, and I'll come back and tell you what you can improve on. For many nice racetracks go to
  8. phredryxun92

    phredryxun92 Ancient
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    Looks alright and a bit sloppy. i give it a 4/5. Possibly a v2 to make the track a bit wider for racing.
  9. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Yeah boiiiiiiiii, look at all dem haters. You would think they would have something better to do... Seriously. There are many tracks that I don't like, but I don't go and post on all of them. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all.

    First impression was a bad one since you don't have it set up for VIP games. After I got past that, I really enjoyed this map. I think it's better without a checkpoint. This map is one that is just fun to mess around on. I had several people in my party, and they all enjoyed themselves racing around this map. Sure, some of the forging could have been better, but that makes it more challenging, and, in this case, more fun. This track is really long, so it doesn't get old. If you want a competitive game on a boring map, this isn't for you. But if you are itching for a good time with some friends, give this map a go.
  10. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    Yea I wasn't really aiming for a competetive kind of racing map. I just made this so all my friends can go to my race map and just hang out. Thanks for the comments
  11. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    Just trying to get alot of people to see my maps so they can give me a feedback on what I can do better
  12. StoneColdLemon

    StoneColdLemon Ancient
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    finally! another map like Quantum! personally i feel that the single-wide tracks like this are way more fun than ones like infared cruise, where its just a short map with not much variation just more banked turns and jumps, and they are always really short, but if its not double-wide it gives the forger the potential to make huuugge tracks. good job im DL'ing now.
  13. X taco king X

    X taco king X Ancient
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    I think its great I wont be a loser and restate what others have said, but here is my comment to you:

    Definetly dont stop making these kinds of skill test maps, It seems you have a nack for them and after 1 or 2 maps you could become one of the best at these race maps. Also work on making those difficult terrains a little harder to fall off, but still time consuming.

    4/5 man great job
  14. janmonge10

    janmonge10 Ancient
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    And also note, I didn't know interlocking when I made this map so it's a bit sloppy. I guess I can make a v2 if I have spare time.

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