I have been working on this for most of today. I wanted to know what you guys thought of it. I plan on taking up the BG with a good stock city or something. What could I add or do to it to make it better?
Make sure that you get a good city land scape when yo do the bg, and try to make the entire thing have a nice colour like a city scape would normally have.
Ya I know I just am looking for a perfect BG. I have yet to find one that fits just right so if anyone has a good one please post.
See the main thing with this is not finding a good BG. It is finding one that fits the space. Cause most I find look perfect but are too small.
Hmm, if you are gunna use a city it needs to be pretty futuristic and blue coloured to fit with the nanosuit themes. You could also try that lovely castle from the CryEngine 3 trailer.
A city would be great in the background, but i was thinking maybe you could have some sort of steam or smoke coming off of him as if he were just on fire or something (indicating that he is fast, powerful, and explosive). Just an idea..
Ya I knew that Drax. I found a city but the sy and majority of the pic was orange but some gradient maps solved that problem. I also made a B&W Version with a city from the present times which looks alright. And I like the idea of smoke. I am going to try that thanks
Oh that is nice! But once again it is not big enough. I need 1680 x 1050. I'm not a pro so could I edit it and add stuff to it to make it bigger?
Hey MNM it's my new wallpaper. Btw if you put a stock in there (if there will be a edited version) could I use it as my desktop background too.
Haha thanks. Although qhat fills in the teansparent space? I'm guessing just black. And when I do get my newer ones done go ahead. I don't care. I mean it's not like you're making money off of your desktop BG
I disagree. But I don't think they match on either side of the character. I much prefer the stuff on his right to the stuff on his left.
I think the C4D's look good. But the colors don't match too well. With the too BG's I have picked and tryed I used Gradient Maps to color them better so the all blend together.
Is it alright if you PM me when you've thrown in the background? Sorry, but this is awesome, I've GOT to pinch it.