This is my first sig made in PS CS4 with the help of HellsRequiem as my Sig School teacher along the way telling me how to use some functions. I mostly followed a tutorial but for some things changed or added things. V2 V3 B&W V4 I want to get rid of the flower cause HR says it is too much. So CnC guys
Red means blood. I really hope that isn't the theme of the signature. Tone down the red. You had it going there, but then you added the red. Just had to do that. Anyhow, much better.
Well I added 2 others and I can't believe I'm getting good compliments from Frag on my first sig in PS!!
I'm complimenting you? Oh, that must be me in my alternate personality. I have one so as not to get banned of this site quickly.
Well I haven't got any other compliments yet. But you shall get banned one way or another. lol I have a new version I plan on putting up after school.
I'd be glad to see it. And yes, eventually I will be banned permanently. Not like I would care though.
Didn't think you would And why is it that you are the only person that posts in this thread other than me?