Foundry sunday delight

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by o aeonic o, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. o aeonic o

    o aeonic o Ancient
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    #1 o aeonic o, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    hmmm... this map was quite fun to play, however your set up for the info doesn't do it justice, you need a descripton and a bit more set up for this post.

    Now the maps is a very good first entrant on Forgehub, you have sed the shild doors to good effect and there are some very well interlocked parts... this being said some parts need a bit of an interlock upgrade (especially on the turn shown in pic 4)

    final word: this map shows alot of potential and with a bit of tightening up it could turn into something very popular, keep up the good work


    p.s. Welcome to Forghub

    EDIT: the last pic isn't working
    #2 Cannon Fodder, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  3. o aeonic o

    o aeonic o Ancient
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    thx i was gonna wait to post it so i could get some tips from people but my friend kronic helped me out by explaining how to post it so i posted today
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Well it seems the tutorial for uploading pictures I gave you worked But make sure you put in a clean description of your map.

    As I told you I downloaded the map and I am now going to address the good and bad points of your map.

    The Size Of your map is quite big which is a good thing to do with racetracks.
    The layout of your map is very good, it has twists, turns and jumps which I like.
    Your Shield door placement is in good spots allowing for a neat turn in places.
    Your Starting gate is good, much like that on real racetracks with the lights and everything, I like how you made it so that they can't go until the Fence walls spawn.
    There are spawns throughout the map, this shouldn't be because we wouldn't want people having to walk to the starting gate.
    It isn't set up for Racetracks or Raceway variants.
    The map looks sloppy in some areas.
    The only place I found where you could reach the mongooses top speed was the "bridge drop" at the start.
    Random mongoose placed on the "driving zone".

    These are just the good and bad points I can remember off the top of my head. As you can see there are a few bad points which can easily be fixed up with a bit of work, such as the sloppy areas you could interlock/Geo-merge. Random mongoose could just be deleted, same thing for the spawns. You could set up the game to play with the variants which isn't a very hard job.

    As you can see there are only some minor things to fix. If these problems are fixed then I'm sure the map could become a popular one.

    I also noticed that you have just over $100 so maybe (that's if you feel the need to) you could add some minor aesthetics.

    I hope the information I've given you will help.
  5. o aeonic o

    o aeonic o Ancient
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    thx for the info and all ur help kronic!
  6. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Alright i'll say a few things on this from the pics becuase I will be without my x box for around a month becuase I got the red rings of death =(...

    first there is very minimal interlocking besides that one turn which will cause bumps and won't work very well... Also when you forge with boxes or double boxes always flip them upside dowm becuase it makes them work and looks alot better for a racetrack or mainly any forging. It also looks like there will be alot of bumps becuase of the angles you have certain objects going up or down at... but for a plus the whole thing is double wide =)
  7. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This looks like a fun race map, but it is sloppy. So is your post. Might want to fix that so your map will get more attention. I did like the banked turns though because those looked smooth. i have another question. When you go off that ramp in the last pic, do you hit something to stop you from flying off? Well, you did okay. All you need to do is neaten it up a bit.
  8. o aeonic o

    o aeonic o Ancient
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    ty all i have made a revamped version set up for ractracks and mostley all borded i posted about 10 min ago

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