Bunker Bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Jpec07, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Download Bunker Bridge | Download Conquest (v4)

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, this map is built on Standoff.

    Yeah, I know the graphic sucks. I'm too lazy to make one that doesn't, and am trying to get this up quickly (I don't even have a map layout shot this time 'round). The concept was to make a simple Conquest map on Standoff using the natural map geometry in the bunkers (either base) to define the boundaries of the map. Players start in the lowest rooms on each side and work their way to the curved hallway at the top, where a teleporter takes them to the center territory. It's built for Conquest V4, though V3 would work as well (despite the lack of powerup).

    Here's the weapon breakdown of the map (per team, in order of appearance):

    • Assault Rifle
    • SMG (2x)
    • Carbine
    • Brute Shot
    • Frag Grenade
    • Mauler
    • Spiker (2x)
    • Battle Rifle
    • Magnum (2x)
    • Spike Grenade
    • Assault Rifle (again)
    • Needler
    There were two things I took into careful consideration in making this map. First, in the Book of Conquest, there were only three Conquest maps on Standoff. Considering how naturally the bases flow, it was very surprising to me that no one had considered using them as the layout for Conquest (as that seems to be the best way to make a Conquest map, from what I've seen). Second was the difficulty of closing off the bases adequately. Initially, I'd planned to extensively geomerge fence boxes or double boxes into the doorways I'd wanted blocked. However, as that failed impeccably quickly, I resorted to using movable objects as immovable barriers. Wire Spools, Crates, Barrels, and Barriers all comprised my means to securing the map. The third issue that I ran into while forging was the fact that Standoff lacks the ability to spawn my beloved Plasma Rifles, which really threw weapon placement off.

    And now for a picture walkthrough of the map, starting from the Defenders' spawn (it looks almost identical going the other way):

    Here you can see the territory marker for Territory 1, along with the first four weapons on the above list: AR, Sniper, SMGs, and Carbine. Going up the ramp at the end leads to the next picture.

    From this shot, you can see a pretty fair glimpse of the majority of Territory 2, including the flag marker, the Brute Shot, the Mauler, and the Frag Grenade.

    This is the second half of Territory 2, which leads towards Territory 3. Here we see the Spikers, the Battle Rifle, the Magnums, and the Spike Grenade inside Territory 3.

    Rounding the corner shows the rest of Territory 3. Here we see the marker, the second AR, and the Needler.

    At the end of the round hallway is the means to get to the central Territory 4: a teleporter.

    And here is Territory 4: a narrow bridge linked to the rest of the map by teleporters at either end. The Man Cannons ensure that there is no camping of the teleporters, and should also make for some pretty epic showdowns right in the middle of the territory (as they do blast teams straight towards one another). While not perfectly aligned, the safety rails are there to make sure that players don't fall off the map when they're not in control. Proceeding through the opposite teleporter leads to the opposite base.

    This is the view from the other side of the teleporter. Not much to see save for the aesthetics included in the map.

    The Attackers' round hallway, and Territory 5 (whose marker is visible in the shadows).

    A view from Territory 5 towards Territories 6 and 7, this shows the magnums and spikers from a better angle, and the aesthetics along the second territories' back walls.

    Showing Territory 6 (from right on top of the marker), this shows the aesthetics and the way to Territory 7.

    And the view of Territory 7--the Attackers' spawn.

    Note that the map has not been played yet, and has not been set up for any gametype besides Conquest (though future versions will support Slayer, CTF, and Assault). The map took easily less than five hours to Forge, so don't expect perfection (though if perfection was achieved, all the better =D).

    It seems like the biggest question is the Man Cannons (understandably), so here's my answer. In the half-bazillion times I tested the system (only half a bazillion--I didn't have time for a whole bazillion), the Man Cannons only push players out of the teleporters when they first teleport to the middle territory. The only way they block people advancing onto the other team's bunker is if you actually stop walking right before you hit the teleporter. Otherwise, the teleporter's teleporting effect hits you before the Man Cannon's Man-Cannoning effect, and you can get through just fine. And Zack,that's why I have the second set of Man Cannons on top of the teleporter: if people even think about trying to get up there, they're shot to kingdom come (and it doesn't take you unless you're really trying to get up there. The only issue with the Man Cannons is that it's possible to slide-bounce straight through territory four. Normally, friction stops you just shy of the middle, but if you slide-bounce at the right time, you can actually go straight to the other team's territories.

    Version History:
    • 1.1 - Removed Sniper Rifles, made guardrails on T4 even.

    Credit goes to God, for giving me my creativity.
    Credit goes to me, for actually forging it.
    Credit goes to AZN FTW for helping me to think through gameplay theory while forging.
    Credit goes to Bungie, for making such an awesome map to work with.

    Action shots will be included as they're available.

    Please reply with questions and comments.

    All of that said, here are the links again:
    Download Bunker Bridge
    Download Conquest (v4)
    #1 Jpec07, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    Whew! you ALMOST totally an amazing conquest idea that i had but not completely. pretty close tho >:|...

    On to the map. it looks pretty good. i like how you used standoff for conquest props for that one. The only thing i could find wrong with this is the mancannon/gravlifts at the teleporters. I think those should be taken away as it seems it might hinder middle hill gameplay. Then again, i haven't played it so i really have no idea what i am talking about at this point.
  3. aDeAdHeRo875

    aDeAdHeRo875 Ancient
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    wow congrats on finding a way to use standoff. i give you props for that. i can' wait to play this to see how it play and i might have trouble competing against this map on another sites forge off, well since it on stand off you get a huge bonus on that part lol well maybe i'll play it tonight after school and after work
  4. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Just posted version 1.1! Not much was changed: after a playtest, it was suggested that the Sniper Rifles are too powerful for the map, which I agreed to. I also decided it worthwhile to make the guardrails on Territory 4 more even than they were (note, they're still not perfect).

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