Race Standard Gametype?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Ray Benefield, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I would have to disagree with that. I just last night created a new game type that is a tad more hardcore in some ways then RACETRACKS or Raceway.

    Ridin' Dirty is an FFA racing variant (like RACETRACKS and Raceway) that I created because I was tired of the "honor rules" in some other variants such as no shield-door checking or pit maneuvers. In my variant, there are none. You do whatever you can to win. That's the only rule.

    -Points to win: 25
    -Points per arrival: 3
    -Points for death: -1

    In Ridin' Dirty, you play to 25, but get 3 points per destination arrival. This means that you will have to do 9 laps. However, when the VIP dies, whether it is a suicide or splatter, you lose 1 point. This means you have 2 strikes before you actually lose a lap to the others. Let me explain further. If you do not die, your final score will be 27, because it is the closest multiple of 3 past 25. So if you die, you lose one point, which would mean after 9 laps you would have 26. If you die again, you would have 25 points after 9 laps. However, dying 3 times means that you would only have 24 points after 9 laps and will have to do another lap. This makes it a little more hardcore than the others.

    Players do no damage, and have only 10% damage resistance which makes it easy to splatter, so don't flip your 'goose. You have 75% speed and 150% gravity to discourage walking around, and to make it more difficult to cheat on some maps that you can climb back around and walk through the checkpoint. Players are armed with a shotgun, which is mostly aesthetic, since you do no damage, and it adds to the Ridin' Dirty concept of... riding dirty... It can also aid in preventing splatters as getting shot at with a shotgun distracts anyone even if they know it does no damage. The shotgun also prevents people shooting your 'goose in mid-jump and throwing you off, as the shotgun has a very short range. There are no waypoints or radar to keep the drivers concentrating on driving, and to make it a tad more realistic. This also helps stop spawnkilling AFK players, as you would have to stop and check to see if they aren't moving unless you can see the starting point from the track.

    On to the respawn effects. You respawn with default speed and gravity to help you get to a mongoose as fast as possible. This lasts for 5 seconds. You also gain 5 seconds of respawn time every time you die, whether by suicide or splatter, so try to stay alive.

    Well, that pretty much explains my gametype, which is not designed to replace RACETRACKS or Raceway, but is instead a style of racing with a slight hardcore tilt. Win at all costs, but remember to have fun out there as well.
  2. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Cool idea, but I really don't see the point of it. You really didn't change much. You are hoping someone gets fliped and hope they get splatered. This is very unlikely to happen in a regular race. A person will just get right back in and dirve off. Starting shotguns, but you can't do any dammage?? Sorry but it just seems you were board and wanted to try to reinvent the wheel. I don't see enough changes to make it worth anything. The only thing that I feel is interesting is the fact that if you fly off the track, you loose a point. So what if some jerk cuts you off and makes you flip off the track? You loose because of that? At least with BT you can get back at them by shooting. I see what it is you are trying to do, I just don't think it's going to make enough of a difference to be worth a DL.
  3. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Yeah. That's the point. Cutting people off, pushing them into walls, all that stuff is the reason I created the gametype. It's not frowned upon here. It's encouraged. Everything else with the gametype is just a perk. The shotguns are to prevent the retards that just shoot at people from effecting your flight paths in jumps, and they are there for aesthetics. Everyone looks like a bamf with a shotgun on their back. What difference does it make what gun you have if you don't do any damage? And splattering was barely mentioned. I just wanted people to see that you could actually splatter people now instead of hitting them and flipping off to the side while they just sit there watching you in perfect health.

    I don't think you do see what I'm trying to do. Ridin' Dirty is another style of FFA racing, kind of like MLG is another style of slayer. MLG is still essentially slayer, but its differences are what sets it apart. It's the same with my racing variant.

    Finally, Ridin' Dirty is a mindset more than a gametype. I just created the separate gametype to help players keep that mindset in game, and I think that the changes help make it seem like more of a streetrace than the other variants.
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Actaullly, now that I think of it, your game variant sounds pretty fun. I like the fact that you can race dirty and not have to feel bad about it. I would like to DL the game and give it a try. Great idea. I will have to give it a go.
  5. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    Just dying once will be like losing a lap anyway though because you'll be behind everyone and can only catch up by lapping them.
  6. Skater91411

    Skater91411 Ancient
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    No ive tried to make a full loop lol.
  7. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    what if rather than using VIP waypoints, you forced players through a hill, on a KOTH gametype? that way, you could just create a mechanism to force players through, and get a point amount for passing through (unless you can't do that on a vehicle...)
  8. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    I tired that and everything else.. The problem with KOTH is, when you go through it counts the points in real time. It other words you might get two points if you go through slow. The VIP variants is the only option. Maybe for Halo 4, Bungie can add more options suited for mongoose racing. That would be sweet!
  9. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    That's why he said to just use a mechanism to force players through... imo, though, the only advantage a KotH-gametype would have is for smaller tracks that you loop through in > 10 seconds, such as figure eights. Downsides would include losing VIP influence/other settings, which are useful in the making of Battletracks variants if you want one person shooting and the other driving.
  10. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Like I said, I tried the KOTH idea even with a mechanism to push you through, it still gives you random points. I already stated this?

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