Sandbox Highway A&D

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by SPARTAN 121, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    First off, I must give credit to TheGreatBrownie, for without his "Hectic Highway" map/gametype, I wouldn't have been inspired to make my own version. I pretty much took his idea and created my own interpretation. You can find the original thread for "Hectic Highway" HERE. And now, back to the show...

    Map/Gametype Description:
    Highway A&D
    is a 2v2 one bomb assault game played in the Sky Bubble section of Sandbox. Each team will spawn on their own "highway", with their own objectives. The Attacking Team will spawn on the "Blue Side" (as indicated by the blue columns), and must reach the end of the highway via Mongoose. Once there, they will find the bomb which one member must pick up and carry a few feet to the bomb plant location. The Defending Team will spawn on the "Red Side" (as indicated by the red columns), and must chase down the Attacking team and prevent them from planting the bomb. The team with the most bombs planted in 10 rounds wins the match.

    The rest of the map/game details will now be explained via a picture tour! I will be your guide, so follow me!(captions will be placed under the picture)

    Seen here are the spawn areas for both teams. As you can tell, the Attacking Team (foreground, blue columns) has a bit of a headstart. One large block in length to be exact. Both houses a Mongoose, but the Defending Team spawn area will also house a single Fuel Rod Cannon.

    10 seconds in, ramps spawn, connecting each team's spawn areas to their respective highways. I wouldn't hang around much longer if I were on the Attacking Team though, because 20 seconds in...

    ...a Killball will spawn, killing those who think it's funny to hide from the Defending Team.

    About a third into the highway, the Attacking Team will have to make a choice. Expert driving can only get you so far, choosing wisely at this point can be the difference between winning or losing. The 3 choices are...

    ...Route A. This route may be the shortest distance between the spawn and the "End Zone", but it's also the most open to enemy Fuel Rod Cannon fire than the other 2 routes. There are a couple slaloms, but it shouldn't be a problem to expert drivers.

    ..Route B. This route leads directly above Route A. Taking this route will add a few split seconds to your run, giving the Defending Team a chance to catch up slightly, but you are shielded very well from enemy Fuel Rod Cannon fire. In fact, there are only 2 small windows of opportunities that the Defending Team will get to stop the Attackers...

    [​IMG] of which can prove quite disastrous for the Attacking team should the Defending Team have accurate aim and timing.

    Route C leads to the right of the other 2 routes. Technically, this is the safest route to take in terms of enemy Fuel Rod Cannon fire, but one slip-up on the driver's part can mean losing the round.

    Oh, and if you're taking Route C, drive safely, but also drive fast; you're going to need to jump a gap at the end.

    If you make it past either of the 3 routes safely, you will find yourself in the "Final Stretch". You'll notice a narrow section that you must cross. Do so, and you will arrive at...

    ...the "End Zone" Get off your Mongoose and walk past the shield door before you get hit in the back with Fuel Rod Cannon fire. A Grav Lift keeps you from coming back out once you have crossed to the other side.

    Once on the other side, pick up the bomb, and plant it at the bomb plant location just a few feet away. Be careful though, because at the end of the Defending Team's highway is...

    ...what I call the "Clutch Cannon". This is the Defending Team's last hope of stopping the Attackers from planting the bomb. It will launch the Defenders into the air, doing two things: 1, it will send them to their deaths, and 2, it will give them an open view of the Attackers in the End Zone, as well as their final opportunity to stop the Attackers from planting the bomb.

    Here is a view of the 2 highways from the spawning area. The left side is for the Defenders, and the right side is for the Attackers.

    Here is another view of the 2 highways. You can't tell from this shot, but the columns that act as cover for the Attacking Team get spread further and further apart as it gets closer to the End Zone.

    Some things worth mentioning:

    - I originally wanted to name this map/gametype "Highway Assault" but Bungie changes it to "BLAM!" because of the "ass".
    - 4 players are required to play this game. No more, no less.
    - Everyone spawns with a Plasma Pistol. The guy riding "shotgun" on the Attacking Team can use it to slow down the Defenders.
    - Infinite Ammo is enabled.
    - The shield doors found at the end of the Defending Team's highway are there for a reason. They're there to force the Defenders to use the Clutch Cannon.
    - Picking up the bomb will decrease your movement speed to 50%

    Download the map HERE.
    Download the gametype HERE. (REQUIRED)
    #1 SPARTAN 121, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. kilamanjara14izback

    Senior Member

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    Sounds extremely fun, I am not sure if this has been created before but if it hasn't, it is very original. Some things I would like to know is *edited for not reading the post like a noob*, and on the cannon clutch thing on the left side there seems to be a ledge where defenders can get on to shoot at the bomb with ease or if there are more than 1 defender, use the mongoose and/or a teammate to help jump ontop of that pillar of short ramps and u can see whatever u want to kill the attackers
  3. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Good observations. The pillar of short ramps are stacked 3 high, and will be impossible to get on top of by yourself... if a team decided to try to get on top, they simply would not be able to do it fast enough to stop the Attackers.

    As for the little ledge on the left side of the Clutch cannon, it's also there on the right side. For one, it's very hard to get/stay on the little ledge, and two, again, it's time consuming to the point where it's not worth it. If you play this with your friends, you'll notice that each round lasts no more than 30 seconds or so, it's very fast paced and there simply is not a lot of time for the Defenders to mess around, and the Clutch Cannon is their only chance to stop the Attackers should the Attackers reach the end Zone.

    Thank you for the comments/criticisms.
  4. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Ancient
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    This is really original and great fun. I like the fact that you can take 3 paths as it gives the attackers a chance of survival whilst still prviding equal chances of death.

    The asthetic look of the map is also very smooth and fantasticly interlocked. You can see the detail and thought that went into the map

    Final words: a new take on two old ideas (drag race maps and bomb maps) comes off nicely and is endless fun

  5. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    wow this is a cool map ill download it has a grate idea and even a good way to stop ****ing noobs, good map i like it a lot. try making it corner to corner and you would have more room and it would help out game play a bit more. or make it where the defenders have to loop around the attackers to get to some check point. where you could use like a game type sorta like infection to do it.

    the map would look sorta like this
    /. . \
    l. | .l
    l. | .l
    l. | .l
    \_ _/
    Jump here so ther is no cheating

    the dots are just there to help space it out

    any way once again good map!
  6. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    I would download this, but then i'd practically have two of the same thing. I already have a map called hectic highway from here on FH. Look it up if you don't believe me. It is already hard enough for the zombies because fuel rod shots descend over time and are very slow, but you had to add cover. This is only slightly more fun for the zombies or defenders than fatkid is for the fatkid. It was a good idea to make the wood bridge harder, but you failed to make it hard enough and I'm sure the average player will drive across that bridge every time. Sorry, but I really don't like it.
  7. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Oh I believe you. In fact, if you had actually read the thread and not just looked at the pictures, you'd know that it was actually what inspired me to make this.
    Me and my friends don't seem to have a problem with the fuel rod cannon, but yeah, they are slow and descend over time. Maybe rockets are more for you?
    I have never played fatkid, so I have no idea if being a defender here is actually only slightly more funner for the zombies in fatkid, which got me to thinking; if you didn't download this, then how do you know how fun or not it is? Same goes for the wood bridge; judging from the pictures it might seem easy, heck, it probably is, but how do you know if you didn't even try it? You can go ahead and "not like it", everyone has their own opinions, but it just saddens me because I put a lot of work into this (but not too much), and your opinions seem so strong for someone who hasn't even played it.
  8. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Maybe me and my friends suck, but it is REALLY hard to plant the bomb. The mongoose would get flipped before it even got to the junction, every game. If you were to make a v2, you should definitely add the branched path BEFORE the defenders get a chance to shoot the mongoose off. Also, you need only aim for the BLOCK the mongoose is near to flip it off. You might add walls to the right side of the attacker's track to help with that.
  9. SPARTAN 121

    SPARTAN 121 Ancient
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    Do you mean to put the branched path closer to the starting line rather than near the middle of the track? That will take some work, but overall it should help. If anything, I might go with you other suggestion, maybe adding some columns to the right side of the Defender's track; it'll definitely be easier than deleting a big chunk and recreating it. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

    Also, does anyone know the rules of posting v2 maps? Like, must I just edit this thread, or can I create a new thread? And if I just edit this thread, will I get an infraction for double posting with a new post saying that I have made updates to my map (v2)? Like, if I were the last one to post, then I made a v2 and edited this thread, will I get an infraction if I posted again after the update to let everyone know that it is now a v2?
  10. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    It usually depends on the changes. If you drastically rehauled the racetrack, or made other changes that would require people to become reoriented with new pictures and such, then its good to make a new thread. If, on the other hand, you add some things to the map, but it basically remains the same, just change the link in this thread.
    If someone decided to report you for double posting, even if you did have a legitimate reason, then you might get a warning, or an infraction. Or you might not. But since I've now posted you're free to update and post again.

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