Does Cubed make anyone else pull their hair out?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dozer5274, Apr 27, 2009.

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  1. Dozer5274

    Dozer5274 Ancient
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    I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I really need to a place where I know people won't treat me like I have a third eye. I made a similar thread on, but the fanboys overran me and I ended up getting banned from those forums for making some rather harsh comments to some users and questioning the mental stability and specie of their parents.

    But there really aren't words to describe Cubed. A 30 second respawn on an overshield? Three types of grenades that all spawn at the top level, allowing the controlling team to rain nades on the spawning team? Shield doors coupled with 30 second respawns on a Mauler, Hammer and Shotgun? This map screams untested garbage. I'll admit I am not a great forger, but I've played on and created maps that are 100 times more capable of holding a competitive match on them.

    So this brings up many questions. Does Bungie care about what filth they throw into Matchmaking anymore? Are any of the internally forged maps even tested? Are the spawns really the reason that Shishka keeps maps from succeeding in Atlas?
  2. allnamesrtakent

    allnamesrtakent Ancient
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    bungie makes me :(

    havent played cubed yet but smashed, anvil, and every other varient they have introduced have been borderline unplayable.
  3. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Man, I didnt play the map you are talking about yet, but it surely sound like garbage.

    Just take a look at Sandbox default map and the maps that are done by users in forgehub. They are much better!
    I wonder what kind of maps would be done if we had the H3 map editor that bungie uses.
  4. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i would pull my hair out but i dont have any, so i just kinda scratch and itch like crazy. but nothing happens.

    i am in the same boat as you guys, its rediculous somethimes how bungie will post such terrible content on their forums. like did they ever even realize that excavation has IMMOVABLE turrets on it. i bet that plays like the old foundation. i dont think bungie is looking to promote the use of forged maps on halo 3. i dont think they want to be significantly showed up, because some of the forge maps here blow bungie maps out of the water, and if common players saw this, then they would call for sleek remakes. promoting forgehub is a potentional threat to them, which is why they will call for all that is crappy to prosper.
  5. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    The only forged map that seems playable in matchmaking is Utah Mambo. Any other map that Bungie promotes is pure garbage.
  6. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    I saw Cubed a while back and I agreed completely. the layout is kind of cool. thats about it.

    the forging is horribly sloppy, and theres cracks everywhere that can ruin grenade bounces.

    not to mention everything you said about the top floor.

    it really makes me wonder what the **** bungie is thinking, since they are so strict for submissions to MM, yet then they allow a garbage map like this into it.

    i mean, arent films of the map a requirement?
    didnt Bungie see that the entire time you just camp a shield door on the top floor with a ridiculous amount of weaponry so that you cant be stopped?

    sigh. yay for balance!
  7. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Shield doors and the top overpowering everything are meh imo. What really gets on my nerves is the fact that if they had even tested it just once, the respawn time on everything would have been noticed. I know it was by an employee, but that really isn't an excuse to have never played a game on it.
  8. EliteMuffBadger

    EliteMuffBadger Ancient
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    If you go to the ramp with the shield doors, and look under it there's a random block,huge under it (which blocks nothing) which you can power drainer jump to [there's a power drainer on the map].

    The overshield actually plays well I think, as it's hard to not get rushed after you grab it.
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    i didnt realize it was made by an employee, that makes it even more hilarious.

    i really dont understand that.
    i want to hear their justification for why they think it deserves to be in MM,
    perhaps they would prove us wrong?
  10. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    Cubed absolutely SUCKS. It just spells out "camp." It's ridiculous how the shotgun spawns on the top floor. All you have to do is grab it and camp. The hammer can't silence it, so that is just a terrible weapon layout.
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    You see, this is the kind of attitude that Shishka and other people who don't often come to Forge Hub see as elitist and asshole-ish. Acting like our collective **** doesn't stink and that we as a group could outshine Bungie is ****ing ridiculous. I've played on the map a couple of times and while I don't like it at all, I wouldn't be stupid enough to say that Shishka and Bungie are threatened by our spectacular forging skill. It is what it is, just be thankful that user-created maps are being integrated into matchmaking at all. Besides, if everyone ends up hating the map via the veto button, it'll be removed in the next update. Creating threads to specifically bash a user-created map, even if it's from a Bungie employee, is in bad taste (not directed at the quoted poster).

    By the way, you capitalized your own grammatical error, just so you know...
    #11 squidhands, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I honestly don't think its that bad, not great though. Its not hard to kill the person with the shotgun. The hammer gets a bit annoying though but they always do. I never got spawn killed once though. That might be why its in there.
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Could we have a link for those people that barely ever go on
  14. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure its in matchmaking. one of the free for all playlists.
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    I just found it on It's funny. If you search the forums for the keyword "cubed", you get a whole bunch of hate threads.
  16. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    haha, thats amusing. Oh well though. The funny thing is if a moderator made the map, I bet people would like it. Well, have fun with it. Its really not that bad but not amazing.
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It's most likely exactly what happened with "Smashed". I have never seen or played this map, but is sounds fail. Really? 3 types of grenades. That's only one notch above an armory.
  18. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    Oh, it's worse. Three types of grenades AND a shotgun spawn on the top floor. Shotgun respawns every 30 seconds. Worse still is the fact that both entrances to the top have shield doors. Ergo, you spawn on top, you win.
  19. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    Initiate Helpful_suggestion.exe

    Perhaps instead of blatantly and outright hating a map and ranting about it, how 'bout we make a compilation of things that we believe need to be changed about it / why it should be removed from MM. I believe we all should provide suggestions as opposed to hatred, then the entire community wouldn't get a bad rep for being elitist. So, instead of saying 'OMG I F***ING HATE CUBED! There are so many friggin' cracks that f*** up gameplay!', we can say 'I believe that cubed should be remade to remove all of the cracks that cause grenades to go crazy. This way, players won't have to worry about their throws being jeopardized by an easily fixed problem.' This change in attitude will drastically alter how the entire Halo community sees Forgehub, which it truly should be seen as, such that people can come to Forgehub to get advice and direction on making kick-ass maps. Our rep goes up, the community gets better at forging as a whole, and maps that don't meet the hieghtened community standards will be forced to either meet them or be removed from MM.

    #19 Cerberus Beast, Apr 28, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  20. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    I think I remember someone taking Smashed, fixing it up, and then posting it here, just to see how it would play if things were done properly. Its not a bad idea to do this with Cubed as well. Delete the shield doors, fix the respawn times, do what you think needs to be improved and then compare them.
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