the noob tester so i'm making a map that is yet to be a named, but it will only be made to laugh at all the halo 3 noobs. i am coming to this board to ask for some advice on things a only a noob would do to incorporate in to my map. for example: the is a ghost in a small room blocked of by a sheild door so the noobs will actually try to drive it through the sheild, if their that dumb. post ideas here and i'll be sure to give you credit in the posting of my map. EDIT: lol nob tester... THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE STRENGTH OF DINGDONGS.
I made an obstacle course map once and one thing I used was two teleporters. You enter an enclosed room through a receiver node and there is a teleporter down a hallway. That one kills you/places you back where you started. The real teleporter is right behind you when you come through the receiver node. It's actually very funny to watch.
hmm... sounds okay but the map isnt exactly a full on puzzle map. its gonna end up looking like a normal map but will have features like i explained that are obvious to most, but not noobs.
place a shotgun behind a teleporter wall so when they go to grab it hey are teleported to their death
Sounds like a stupid idea... I mean no one will download it, no one is that stupid, unless on purpose. So in general it won't work, it won't even be that funny. so just drop the plan and make an actual puzzle map.
ha the shotgun is a pretty good idea and i'll prob have to use that one. also its not a puzzle map!!!!!!!!!!!!!