This is my first try at making actual screenshots so dont be too mean :lol: BTW, I know these are pretty similar, I took them all in the same game. Also I know the effect is pretty basic...its my first try though :embarassed: Discovery: Discovery picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket Into The Light: Into the Light picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket Demonspawn: Demonspawn picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket Determination: Determination picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket Failed Creation: Failed Creation picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket Unbound: Unbound picture by Michael4182 - Photobucket
Always embed your pictures. Spoiler They all look relatively the same. Try using some different effects and maybe in a different spot. It's cool seeing it the first time but not 5 more times in a row.
I think the majority or so are good. At least better than the stuff that has recently been on "Bungie Favorites"
they all look the same, i think that the b facs are better than this. considering that all these are are angles of things that any1 with a 360 and halo could do. 2/5 they also look too bright
Like Caretaker said, remember to embed your pictures, and if you are having trouble doing so, then visit this link. When you have time to do so, edit your post so that the screenshots are embedded rather than linked. Anyway, I really like the last one, and even though I've seen the effect several times before, this screenshot in my opinion was taken quite well. The first four seemed too similar, and kind of got boring to look at due to the similarities. The fifth is interesting to say the least, but it is kind of hard to tell what the picture is actually of at first – I still think it's a pretty cool pic though, once I understood what it was of. Overall, good job on your first attempt, and keep trying.
tisk, tisk, tisk, you need to embed. well these are all pretty much the same, so good i guess, nice for a first few