Why all hate for maps like Isolation/Assembly?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by g35cpe, Mar 29, 2009.

  1. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    It's a good BR map on the top & bottom portions.

    Medium-close range combat.
  2. Pluvialis Aquila

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    There are some small factors that ruin maps for me. Specifically, I don't like the presence of the rocket launcher or ghost on Isolation. Those two things do a good job of ruining what could be fun gameplay.

    In addition, I just don't like the layout. It seems to me that Bungie got this idea to make a double level map with above ground and underground levels and thought that it was innovative enough to make people like it. Other than that, there isn't much creativity, and that failure to make two levels with good flow is my biggest complaint. When I personally play on a map, I like to have a plan of where to travel, but on Isolation it so antisystematic. You also have to do a surprisinly large amount of traveling in order to get good angles on the other team, which is odd for a fairly small map.

    The aesthetics also bother me. It's a pretty ugly map. So while the name is cool and the concept behind the name is cool, the map itself is much less than what it probably could and should be. There needs to be more novelty.

    I haven't played on Assembly. I think it looks awesome though. I'll have to wait to find out.
  3. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Isolation sucks, and Assembly is fine.
  4. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I totally agree with you. Isolation isn't that bad a map. I love to play FFA and SWAT on it, it's perfect for that. And Assembly? That's my least favorite of the new maps, but I still like it. The scenery is great, and the gameplay's not bad either, but the theme of Orbital and the SEXINESS of Sandbox are just overall better than Assembly. There are peopl who just hate it because "IT R PINK, I DUN LEIK DAT!!11!111one!!"
  5. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Isolation just flat out sucks. I've never liked that. That's the only map I've never really liked. But Assembly is diffrent.

    Assembly is amazing. Except for Team SWAT. With a lack of cover, I don't know who decided to put that on the match making play list.
  6. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    I've always liked Isolation. It's a great map for Team BRs and SWAT. I think that it could do without the ghost, especially spawning so close to the Rockets. Everyone has their favs though.

    I'm really liking Assembly so far. Halo 3 was kinda weak in the arena style maps (such as Halo 2's Midship, Foundation, etc.) so this was a great addition. TS and Team BRs are great. It's ok with SWAT but its a gamble to go anywhere and spawn kills can be a problem. Overall a really good map.
  7. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I hate Isolation and Standoff with the burning intensity of a million George Foreman Grills.
    They just outright are horrible. Standoff is ok when you have a Hog or defend the base but impossible to do anything else but Isolation is flat out horrible, I had a good time on it once. Me, my bro and my two friends were playing SWAT against the biggest Noobs ever, 22 - 5. Two of them quit so we got on Mongeese in SWAT and pwned them ON A MONGOOSE. 50 - 12. The only fun I've ever had on it.

    Epitaph is awesome though and has some of my favorite Architecture.
    #47 Undead Fanatic, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  8. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Swat on Isolation is a no no. People look up at and angle and began firing over the hill. People get kills without even trying. Assembly was fairly interesting. I really hated the gameplay, but I think it would play very well with conquest.
  9. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    I hate Assembly and Standoff with a passion, because standoff flat out sucks when all the vehicles are gone, and Assemblies gameplay is so boring and bad.
  10. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Yes, it really is. Standoff however is a great map to practice sniping because of all the different distances you can be from your enemy. You can be across the map scoped in or you can end up in the middle pulling off no-scopes. I do love this map for big team battle though, but sometimes when one team gets a hold of the two warthogs and the spartan laser, gameplay can really get discouraging for some people and half the team usually ends up quitting.
  11. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    I understand the iso hating.. it doesn't seem cut out or designed for serious games, it seems to work great with mini-games/infection maps though. However Assembly is amazing.. how can anyone hate Assembly BR's or Assembly Multi Flag BR's? it's perfect.
  12. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I don't. I always quite liked it, more for FFAs that team games. I think the only things I'd change would be making it slightly bigger and change the wall aesthetic and the setting. Its on the Ark and that area has been isolated because of the flood infection but on all the other Ark maps (Valhalla, Construct etc) you get a brilliant scenic view and you can really see where you are (ok, infront of a huge waterfall or in a mountain gorge is a bit vague but it looks nice!) and Isolation just doesn't have that. Its just a wall will sparks on it.
  13. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    There is some mad love for Assembly over at the MLG forums. I'm not trying to sound mean or cocky, but I think Assembly is a map that higher-skilled players like. I'm not saying that the lesser-skilled players don't like it, but a lot of them don't. Again, I'm not trying to stereotype; that's just how I see it.

    As for Isolation, I think Isolation is a good map. I never veto a game of BRs on Isolation. I think it deserves more attention.
  14. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Yeah, thats true, I love Assembly, but when I play against a good team, it just frustrates me. Its a map that require a lot of skill, fast reflexes, being sneaky and good team work.

    About Iso. I would like it without the bottom part. War just on to would be great. Instead of that giant hole that goes underground I wish it had a Tower or something.
  15. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    Assembly is for the pros out there. It's like Midship 2.0. I personally don't like it because it's so small and I get BR'd in the back right as I spawn. I'm not the hardcore type. I got the skill for it, just not the patience.
  16. Riku

    Riku Ancient
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    I love Slayer on Assembly, yet I have to say that I dislike pretty much any gametype on Isolation. I'm not entirely sure why, but I just don't think the map flows or plays very well. I think it has something to do with the lack of cover, especially on the top hill area, which most of the time you can't even walk across without getting killed. I also think the areas where you can move from lower ground to higher ground (other than the bases and the gravity lifts) are too open as well. Too easy to get splattered by a ghost or blown up with rockets, etc. If you don't get killed by one thing, it seems to me that you always get killed by another.
  17. urban destroyer

    urban destroyer Ancient
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    i actually think that assembly is a really good map.Its great to be played on in matchmaking because its great for heavy competition games like MLG and team sorted games.Its also good for free for all.Ill be truthfull now and got to admit its good for team swat but I think theres to much spawn killing.Iono thats just my opinion.One more reason I love the map is cause you could make some awesome screenshots on it.
  18. lost

    lost Ancient
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    I like every map except isolation and snow bound. They are just so repetitive IMO
  19. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Are you kidding?! Assembly doesn't lack forging abilities, sure you have different/weird objects but that doesn't mean you can't forge on them. I have made a great conquest map on assembly. It isn't that hard to forge on it just takes time.

    I can't understand Isolation but no it doesn't lack forging abilities you can still make great maps on it but it just won't have giant structures or anything unlike on foundry or sandbox.

    Gameplay wise Assembly is amazing. It is great for any gametype, Hill,assault, FFA, One flag, etc... It is also very fun for the fact of the weapon layout, if you look at it is, A grav hammer, rockets, brs, carbines, plasma rifles and more. It actually has a very good weapon layout, except for the fact that the grav hammer is so close to camo.

    On isolation it is great for multiflag, hill and FFA, etc... It is very fun for BRs. The open area lets you have extreme Br battles. It is very fun for CTF also it forces you too use teamwork because of the open space so you can win.

    All in all both of these maps are great maps, I don't understand why they are so underappreciated.

    (W00T just made my longest post ever)

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