Halo 3 Noob or not Quiz

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Apr 25, 2009.


    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This quiz is to see if you are a Pro Player, Skilled player, Moderate Player, or a NOOB. put "a" for the first choice or "b" for the second choice. Below is the Quiz. Copy and paste your Quiz with the answers into your post.

    Halo 3 Noob or not Quiz

    1. Which of the the two weapons is your favorite? a.Battle Rifle b.Assault

    2.Can you four shot with a Battle Rifle? a.Yes b.No

    3.Are you higher than a 45 in any playlist? a.Yes b.No

    4.Do you use turrets such as mounted, Warthog, Exc.? a.No b.Yes

    5.Do you veto a map when it has BR's? a.No b.Yes

    6.Do you mostly go positive or Negative? a.Positive b.Negative

    7.Do you prefer Hardcore Playlists or others? a.Hardcore b.Others

    8.When you are playing a CTF game and the enemies Flag is in front of you, but theres also an enemy near "40 ft. away or less". Would you try to kill the enemy before picking up the flag or Just pick up the flag and try to get as far as you can with it? a.Kill the enemy first b.Pick up flag and run

    9.Which weapon do you use more, a Rocket Launcher or a Sniper?
    a.Sniper b.Rockets

    10.Do you do the Carrying in team games or are you the one who is carried? a.Carrier b.Gets Carried

    11.Do you prefer using a needler or a Frag grenade while finishing off with a BR headshot? a.Frag with BR Headshot b.Needler

    12.Do you teabag everybody that you kill, this includes NOOBS on a occasion or do you just continue the objective of the game and scope out your next enemy to take out? a.Walk away and finish objective b.Teabag

    13.Do you Send people trash talk messages, EX. You suck balls at this game. Or d you just start up a new game even though this particular game you owned someone? a.Carry on to your next game bTrash Talk

    14.When you die do you say Oh my god or start stressing out or do you call out to your teamates where the enemy is that killed you?
    a.Call out where the enemy is b.Complain

    15.Would you rather play an infection game or an MLG Team Slayer game?
    a.MLG Team Slayer b.Infection

    16.When Playing on Guardian, as soon as the game starts and you spawn on Overshield. Do you pick up the overshield as soon as you can or do you rush the camo and let one of your teamates use the Overshield?
    a.Rush camo "Without the Overshield" b.Take the overshield ASAP

    17.Do you XP boost or do you Legitametly get it?
    a.Legitametly get XP b.Boost

    18.In Slayer and objectie gametypes, do you play as a Spartan or an Elite? "This doesnt include SWAT" a.Spartan b.Elite

    19.Do you call out enemy locations or keep them to yourself?
    a.Call out enemies b.Keep enemy whereabouts to yourself

    20.Do you care more about trying to get a new achievement, knowing that the way your trying to get the achievement will affect the chance of your team winning "BOOSTING" or do you wait until you get the achievement by randomly coming across the oppertunity to get it, "The way it was ment to be done"?
    a.Wait for the oppertunity to happen, that will allow you to get the achievement
    b.Try to get the achievement by focusing on it in the game, no caring if you win or not

    21.Which armour helmet would you rather wear, Rogue or Hayabussa?
    a.Rogue b.Hayabussa

    22.Do you crouch in MLG games or do you never crouch in MLG games?
    a.Never crouch in MLG games b.Crouch in MLG games

    23.Would you rather make fun of a kid on halo with a squeeky voice or communicate with him to win the game you are playing?
    a.Communicate with the Squeeky kid b.Make fun of him

    24.Is Halo 3 your most played game? a.Yes b.No

    25.If you had the oppertunity to get Recon Armour before Halo 3: ODST comes out would you accept it, but when you accept it you become as bad as a level 25 that cant reach a higher ranking without getting boosted up or would you wait until Halo 3: ODST comes out and you will get better at Halo 3 as you wait?
    a.Wait until Halo 3: ODST is released b.Accept the Recon Armour

    Okay by now you should have completed the quiz and you should have all of your answers. To find ou what you are ranked add up all of your "a" Answers and check the Key below.

    21-25 You are a Pro
    16-20 You are a skilled player
    11-15 You are a Moderate player
    0-10 You are a NOOB

    For your post, copy the quiz with your answers and paste it. Then show your results to everybody else.

    This quiz was made by: SWEETbabyJEEZUS
    #1 SWEETbabyJEEZUS, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  2. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think you meant to do this:
    25 out of 25-Pro
    20-24 Skilled
    Under 10-Noob
    Otherwise it doesn't make sense.
    I'm "skilled" but I'm not. I just have stategy.
  3. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What gives you the right to call people noobs based off a quiz when you can't even spell "Four shot". If you enjoy the game, it shouldn't matter how good you are.
  4. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Plus, what makes you a noob if you perfer a weapon?
    Oh you like the needler so your a noob. No.
    The AR is just as good as the BR. Your a noob if you don't relize there is a time to use an AR and a time to use a BR. If you come at me with a BR and I have an AR and your close, you might as well run away. But long range, the AR won't cut it.
  5. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can the OP spell? Yes/No
    Is it really obvious which answers the OP wants us to pick that make the quiz obsolete as no-one will pick the 'noob' answers? Yes/No
    Are half the answers based on stereotype? Yes/No

    Quiz is destroyed now. Kthxbai. Caretaker makes a good point, and I'm being no more of a twat than you are, in a vain attempt to gain favour it would seem.
  6. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is obviously in the perspective of a MLG. Some good question would be

    Your are in the turret, there is a guy shooting at you with a magnum next to him is someone with a laser, who do you shoot first? But then again that is about who you see first.

    Maybe: Do you take the hog straight to enemy base every time without a gunner at the beginning of the game when there are expendable mongooses?

    Do you camp rocket (or power weapon, but a spot like in the middle of valhala, that is a control point) spawn?

    Do you think rocket race should have bin ranked?
    #6 Willmatic, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  7. Ethrock

    Ethrock Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Also that deals with do you see the guy with the laser? what if he's lasering from behind. But I guess there are a few assumptions for the sake of the question. Answering the question correctly in that case, and performing the correct action when actually confronted with the situation, are two different things.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There fixed my fake quiz

    And yes I make fun of squeakers because they are always annoying and want to add you if you didn't even know them.
  9. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. Which of the the two weapons is your favorite? a.Battle Rifle b.Assault
    Answer- B

    2.Can you four shot with a Battle Rifle? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- B

    3.Are you higher than a 45 in any playlist? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- B

    4.Do you use turrets such as mounted, Warthog, Exc.? a.No b.Yes
    Answer- A

    5.Do you veto a map when it has BR's? a.No b.Yes
    Answer- A

    6.Do you mostly go positive or Negative? a.Positive b.Negative
    Answer- B

    7.Do you prefer Hardcore Playlists or others? a.Hardcore b.Others
    Answer- A

    8.When you are playing a CTF game and the enemies Flag is in front of you, but theres also an enemy near "40 ft. away or less". Would you try to kill the enemy before picking up the flag or Just pick up the flag and try to get as far as you can with it? a.Kill the enemy first b.Pick up flag and run
    Answer- A

    9.Which weapon do you use more, a Rocket Launcher or a Sniper?
    a.Sniper b.Rockets
    Answer- A

    10.Do you do the Carrying in team games or are you the one who is carried? a.Carrier b.Gets Carried
    Answer- A & B

    11.Do you prefer using a needler or a Frag grenade while finishing off with a BR headshot? a.Frag with BR Headshot b.Needler
    Answer- A

    12.Do you teabag everybody that you kill, this includes NOOBS on a occasion or do you just continue the objective of the game and scope out your next enemy to take out? a.Walk away and finish objective b.Teabag
    Answer- A

    13.Do you Send people trash talk messages, EX. You suck balls at this game. Or d you just start up a new game even though this particular game you owned someone? a.Carry on to your next game bTrash Talk
    Answer- A

    14.When you die do you say Oh my god or start stressing out or do you call out to your teamates where the enemy is that killed you?
    a.Call out where the enemy is b.Complain
    Answer- A

    15.Would you rather play an infection game or an MLG Team Slayer game?
    a.MLG Team Slayer b.Infection
    Answer- A

    16.When Playing on Guardian, as soon as the game starts and you spawn on Overshield. Do you pick up the overshield as soon as you can or do you rush the camo and let one of your teamates use the Overshield?
    a.Rush camo "Without the Overshield" b.Take the overshield ASAP
    Answer- B

    17.Do you XP boost or do you Legitametly get it?
    a.Legitametly get XP b.Boost
    Answer- A

    18.In Slayer and objectie gametypes, do you play as a Spartan or an Elite? "This doesnt include SWAT" a.Spartan b.Elite
    Answer- A

    19.Do you call out enemy locations or keep them to yourself?
    a.Call out enemies b.Keep enemy whereabouts to yourself
    Answer- A

    20.Do you care more about trying to get a new achievement, knowing that the way your trying to get the achievement will affect the chance of your team winning "BOOSTING" or do you wait until you get the achievement by randomly coming across the oppertunity to get it, "The way it was ment to be done"?
    a.Wait for the oppertunity to happen, that will allow you to get the achievement
    b.Try to get the achievement by focusing on it in the game, no caring if you win or not
    Answer- A

    21.Which armour helmet would you rather wear, Rogue or Hayabussa?
    a.Rogue b.Hayabussa
    Answer- A

    22.Do you crouch in MLG games or do you never crouch in MLG games?
    a.Never crouch in MLG games b.Crouch in MLG games
    Answer- B

    23.Would you rather make fun of a kid on halo with a squeeky voice or communicate with him to win the game you are playing?
    a.Communicate with the Squeeky kid b.Make fun of him
    Answer- A

    24.Is Halo 3 your most played game? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- A

    25.If you had the oppertunity to get Recon Armour before Halo 3: ODST comes out would you accept it, but when you accept it you become as bad as a level 25 that cant reach a higher ranking without getting boosted up or would you wait until Halo 3: ODST comes out and you will get better at Halo 3 as you wait?
    a.Wait until Halo 3: ODST is released b.Accept the Recon Armour
    Answer- A

    19. 8D
  10. Goober

    Goober Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You would hate me for this quiz, if I really took it. Because I would argue for a C answer, and correction on spelling and grammar. Seriously man, consider what you're doing with this: You're trying to push others down while lifting yourself up, and trying to gain favor in doing so. Be more mature man...

    EDIT: What do you have against Elites, Needlers, and teabagging? Those three things combined are like the best thing about Halo!
    #10 Goober, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amen. I recently started using the Elite armor variants, I love the needler (although i don't use it much, its more of a "fun" weapon for me) and I've been teabagging since forever.
  12. lost

    lost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I disagree completely with your quiz, except for the elite part. I hate elites. :mad:
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    1. Which of the the two weapons is your favorite? a.Battle Rifle b.Assault
    Answer- A - Battle Rifle

    2.Can you four shot with a Battle Rifle? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- A - Yes

    3.Are you higher than a 45 in any playlist? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- B - No

    4.Do you use turrets such as mounted, Warthog, Exc.? a.No b.Yes
    Answer- B - Yes

    5.Do you veto a map when it has BR's? a.No b.Yes
    Answer- A - No

    6.Do you mostly go positive or Negative? a.Positive b.Negative
    Answer- A - Positive

    7.Do you prefer Hardcore Playlists or others? a.Hardcore b.Others
    Answer- A - Hardcore

    8.When you are playing a CTF game and the enemies Flag is in front of you, but theres also an enemy near "40 ft. away or less". Would you try to kill the enemy before picking up the flag or Just pick up the flag and try to get as far as you can with it? a.Kill the enemy first b.Pick up flag and run
    Answer- A - Kill the enemy first

    9.Which weapon do you use more, a Rocket Launcher or a Sniper?
    a.Sniper b.Rockets
    Answer- A - Sniper

    10.Do you do the Carrying in team games or are you the one who is carried? a.Carrier b.Gets Carried
    Answer- A - Carrier

    11.Do you prefer using a needler or a Frag grenade while finishing off with a BR headshot? a.Frag with BR Headshot b.Needler
    Answer- A - Frag with BR Headshot

    12.Do you teabag everybody that you kill, this includes NOOBS on a occasion or do you just continue the objective of the game and scope out your next enemy to take out? a.Walk away and finish objective b.Teabag
    Answer- A - Walk away and finish objective (I only teabag if they REALLY deserve it)

    13.Do you Send people trash talk messages, EX. You suck balls at this game. Or d you just start up a new game even though this particular game you owned someone? a.Carry on to your next game bTrash Talk
    Answer- A - Carry on to your next game

    14.When you die do you say Oh my god or start stressing out or do you call out to your teamates where the enemy is that killed you?
    a.Call out where the enemy is b.Complain
    Answer- Both? I'll count this as 1/2 of an A

    15.Would you rather play an infection game or an MLG Team Slayer game?
    a.MLG Team Slayer b.Infection
    Answer- Neither... hate both... 1/2 of an A

    16.When Playing on Guardian, as soon as the game starts and you spawn on Overshield. Do you pick up the overshield as soon as you can or do you rush the camo and let one of your teamates use the Overshield?
    a.Rush camo "Without the Overshield" b.Take the overshield ASAP
    Answer- A - Rush camo

    17.Do you XP boost or do you Legitametly get it?
    a.Legitametly get XP b.Boost
    Answer- A - Legit

    18.In Slayer and objectie gametypes, do you play as a Spartan or an Elite? "This doesnt include SWAT" a.Spartan b.Elite
    Answer- A - Spartan

    19.Do you call out enemy locations or keep them to yourself?
    a.Call out enemies b.Keep enemy whereabouts to yourself
    Answer- A - Call out

    20.Do you care more about trying to get a new achievement, knowing that the way your trying to get the achievement will affect the chance of your team winning "BOOSTING" or do you wait until you get the achievement by randomly coming across the oppertunity to get it, "The way it was ment to be done"?
    a.Wait for the oppertunity to happen, that will allow you to get the achievement
    b.Try to get the achievement by focusing on it in the game, no caring if you win or not
    Answer- B blah blah blah

    21.Which armour helmet would you rather wear, Rogue or Hayabussa?
    a.Rogue b.Hayabussa
    Answer- A - Rogue

    22.Do you crouch in MLG games or do you never crouch in MLG games?
    a.Never crouch in MLG games b.Crouch in MLG games
    Answer- Don't play MLG... 1/2 A

    23.Would you rather make fun of a kid on halo with a squeeky voice or communicate with him to win the game you are playing?
    a.Communicate with the Squeeky kid b.Make fun of him
    Answer- B - Hahahaha... you're like 6!

    24.Is Halo 3 your most played game? a.Yes b.No
    Answer- A - Yes

    25.If you had the oppertunity to get Recon Armour before Halo 3: ODST comes out would you accept it, but when you accept it you become as bad as a level 25 that cant reach a higher ranking without getting boosted up or would you wait until Halo 3: ODST comes out and you will get better at Halo 3 as you wait?
    a.Wait until Halo 3: ODST is released b.Accept the Recon Armour
    Answer- A - Wait (Recon Armor is ugly!)

    Okay by now you should have completed the quiz and you should have all of your answers. To find out what you are ranked add up all of your "a" Answers and check the Key below.

    21-25 You are a Pro
    16-20 You are a skilled player
    11-15 You are a Moderate player
    0-10 You are a NOOB

    For your post, copy the quiz with your answers and paste it. Then show your results to everybody else.

    This quiz was made by: SWEETbabyJEEZUS

    My score: 19.5

    Not a great quiz, but I was bored.
    #13 AceOfSpades, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  14. killbot a61

    killbot a61 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i saw a test like this by a bungie employee
    it was called what type of halo player a you
    i dont really like this test because it has some faulty questions
    like the elite and spartan one, you can be an elite and have a legit 50
    some of these questions could go two ways
    by the way i got skilled player
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
    Senior Member

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    so what happens when you can't answer more than half of the questions because there isn't a third answer. Try not to pick questions that are situations that there can be more than two ways out of.
  16. Connor14

    Connor14 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For number 5, I would veto if I do not think I would do well on that map, even if the battle rifle was my starting weapon. Most likely I can pick up a battle rifle on just about every map. Also if I did not have any grenades left then I would still use the needler because the needles lock on to the target.
  17. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I will accurately explain how I think most of these questions are completely stupid.

    1. Which of the the two weapons is your favorite? a.Battle Rifle b.Assault
    There is a time and place for both weapons. Although the BR is better to have with you, in a close fight the AR works better. Nothing "noob" about knowing how to use weapons correctly.

    2. Can you four shot with a Battle Rifle? a.Yes b.No
    This has nothing to do with being a "noob" either. Just because you can "four shot" an enemy doesn't mean you have the right to consider yourself better than people who can't.

    3. Are you higher than a 45 in any playlist? a.Yes b.No
    Although you have to be skilled to reach a high rank as 45 or more, you're not a "noob" if you're not 45+.

    4. Do you use turrets such as mounted, Warthog, Exc.? a.No b.Yes
    Again, time and place. It's cheap to do in Team Slayer and it makes you look like an ass but it doesn't qualify for making you a "noob". Bungie put it in the game for a reason. Mainly, Big Team Battle.

    5. Do you veto a map when it has BR's? a.No b.Yes
    Depends on the map. I hate having an AR start but I'd much rather be stuck with an AR than play on certain maps. Nothing "noob" about that either.

    6. Do you mostly go positive or Negative? a.Positive b.Negative
    This is one of the few legitimate questions on here. If you go negative a majority of your games, you are either not very good or just aren't competitive as most people. I wouldn't say it counts as being a "noob" if you don't play the game to win all the time. If you're playing MM and still go negative most of the time, I guess that means you're a "noob".

    7.Do you prefer Hardcore Playlists or others? a.Hardcore b.Others
    Completely baised question. I can't stand the people in MLG, SWAT is full of people being an Elite to increase their chances of winning, and I do like snipers. You don't have to play Hardcore to not be a "noob".

    8.When you are playing a CTF game and the enemies Flag is in front of you, but theres also an enemy near "40 ft. away or less". Would you try to kill the enemy before picking up the flag or Just pick up the flag and try to get as far as you can with it? a.Kill the enemy first b.Pick up flag and run
    Another bad question. It's much smarter for you to grab the flag in 1 Flag gametypes because it resets the timer. You'd be the "noob" if you tried killing a guy, died, then the flag reset because you didn't reset the timer.

    9.Which weapon do you use more, a Rocket Launcher or a Sniper?
    a.Sniper b.Rockets

    Using a Sniper doesn't make you pro. In actuality, it's still a power weapon so there is the same factor of weapon "noob"ness. True that the sniper takes more skill to hit with, it's still a power weapon. There is a time for every weapon in the game.

    10.Do you do the Carrying in team games or are you the one who is carried? a.Carrier b.Gets Carried
    Pretty much the same question as negative / positive. Usually, people who get carried a lot go more negative than positive.

    11.Do you prefer using a needler or a Frag grenade while finishing off with a BR headshot? a.Frag with BR Headshot b.Needler
    Needlers kill people in regens, are great for open areas, and can be very useful if aim properly. It doesn't make you a "noob" if you know how to kill with the variaty of weapons Bungie provided. And sometimes, it's more "noob"y to spam frags than it is to use a needler. This question is completely based off of your own opinion and has no Halo 3 knowledge to it.

    12.Do you teabag everybody that you kill, this includes NOOBS on a occasion or do you just continue the objective of the game and scope out your next enemy to take out? a.Walk away and finish objective b.Teabag
    Teabagging doesn't make you look like a "noob". It just makes you look like an ass.

    13.Do you Send people trash talk messages, EX. You suck balls at this game. Or d you just start up a new game even though this particular game you owned someone? a.Carry on to your next game bTrash Talk
    Same as above.

    14.When you die do you say Oh my god or start stressing out or do you call out to your teamates where the enemy is that killed you?
    a.Call out where the enemy is b.Complain

    You're not a "noob" if you get frustrated with the game. Not calling out where you died is pretty stupid, though. In the same agenda, people can see where you die and they would be the "noob"s for not paying attention.

    15.Would you rather play an infection game or an MLG Team Slayer game?
    a.MLG Team Slayer b.Infection

    MLG is full of thick-headed, egotistical, elitists. That's a baised opinion. Just because you'd rather enjoy the game in a different manner than others, doesn't mean you're a "noob". This is also a biased question from you.

    16.When Playing on Guardian, as soon as the game starts and you spawn on Overshield. Do you pick up the overshield as soon as you can or do you rush the camo and let one of your teamates use the Overshield?
    a.Rush camo "Without the Overshield" b.Take the overshield ASAP

    There is only one map that I know of where you could spawn by overshield and the other team isn't by camo; Gaurdian. If you are on the Red team on Gaurdian, you spawn on Elbow. IMO, one person should grab brute shot and jump lift to get Camo. The others should gaurd sniper tower. Now, it doesn't make you a "noob" if you grab overshield first. Some people don't know how to use it correctly and will just let it drain out.

    17.Do you XP boost or do you Legitametly get it?
    a.Legitametly get XP b.Boost

    Again, it makes you an ass, not a "noob".

    18.In Slayer and objectie gametypes, do you play as a Spartan or an Elite? "This doesnt include SWAT" a.Spartan b.Elite
    Elites where put in the game same as spartans. Just because you prefer a certain armor, doesn't mean you're a "noob".

    19.Do you call out enemy locations or keep them to yourself?
    a.Call out enemies b.Keep enemy whereabouts to yourself

    I won't lie, you have to be a "noob" not to call out locations. Of course if you don't have a mic, are playing a FFA playlist, or no one on your team has a mic, it wouldn't matter.

    20.Do you care more about trying to get a new achievement, knowing that the way your trying to get the achievement will affect the chance of your team winning "BOOSTING" or do you wait until you get the achievement by randomly coming across the oppertunity to get it, "The way it was ment to be done"?
    a.Wait for the oppertunity to happen, that will allow you to get the achievement
    b.Try to get the achievement by focusing on it in the game, no caring if you win or not

    This is a stupid question. First, you don't seem to know the correct meaning for "boosting". Boosting is not when you ignore what is going on in the match to focus on getting the achievement. It's when you rig the game so you play with people who will let you get the achievement (and you let them get it) instead of playing the match. Second, the opportunity doesn't magicially appear. You have to set it up that way so you can get it. It's called an achievement because you have to achieve it. If you have to divert all your attention in the match to trying to get that achievement, it doesn't mean you're a "noob".

    21.Which armour helmet would you rather wear, Rogue or Hayabussa?
    a.Rogue b.Hayabussa

    Another baised question. So you (and a majority of Halo 3 players) don't like Hayabusa. That doesn't make people "noob"s if they like wearing it. It's their choice. They shouldn't be generalized just because they don't share you're opinion.

    22.Do you crouch in MLG games or do you never crouch in MLG games?
    What if you don't play MLG games? I would still crouch out of habit. Plus, people are often aiming where a standing spartan's head will be. If you're crouch, you're giving yourself a slight upper-hand. You're the "noob" if you didn't realize the tatical standpoint of crouching. It wasn't put in the game just so you can avoid radar.

    23.Would you rather make fun of a kid on halo with a squeeky voice or communicate with him to win the game you are playing?
    The game is rated M for Mature. I have the right to make fun of the kid because he technically shouldn't even be playing. Sure, you can say that the 17+ is a "suggestion". To me, it's a rule of thumb. Most kids don't have the maturity.

    24.Is Halo 3 your most played game? a.Yes b.No
    So if you don't play Halo the most, you're a "noob"? Seriously, that's a crap opinion. There are tons of great games. heard of Call of Duty? You want to go tell people in that game that because their not playing Halo 3, they are "noob"s? Didn't think so.

    25.If you had the oppertunity to get Recon Armour before Halo 3: ODST comes out would you accept it, but when you accept it you become as bad as a level 25 that cant reach a higher ranking without getting boosted up or would you wait until Halo 3: ODST comes out and you will get better at Halo 3 as you wait?
    a.Wait until Halo 3: ODST is released b.Accept the Recon Armour

    Stupid question. No way could it happen so calling people a "noob" based off your own opinion is irrational.

    Next time, don't make a quiz if you're going to be baised and ignorant. Plus, I wouldn't try generalizing people into categories when you can't even spell.
  18. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    This is the stupidest ****ing thread I've ever seen.
  19. A hobo

    A hobo Ancient
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    Well, this is a piece of ****.
  20. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    skilled player ***** 20 lol

    the neither is cuz i don't complain, and only dicks who think they r pro call out locations like "Left Wing"

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