happy hour B00MERdude's favorite time! map can be used for capture the flag or slayer there can be any amount of players there are two bases divided by a sniper stand and a wedge hill w/ rockets and invisibly. each base has a walk in room with doors and a side base good for sniping. there is three ways to get to the other side... go through the front area the invisibility or the rocket wedge the back hallway the map is here click here! the front way from side base the side base from front walk in room base back hallway middle wedge
what you have is awesome but it seems like you could have more of it why don't you make a little more cover in a v2?
Okay first off I'd like to say is it is very open in the middle of the map. That can be a problem especially with snipers. You maybe want to add some more cover in the middle. Second off Those shield doors in the back hallway of the map should be removed because that will lead to camping with the sword which ruins gameplay. Also another thing is the spawns are poorly placed throughout parts of the map. I see a few behind like one barrier out in the complete open. That needs to be fixed. This is just a suggestion but you might want to maybe add some aesthetics to the map so it is more appealing to the eye and maybe interlock more (which isn't really necessary but just for aesthetic purposes). Overall i think the map needs improvement in some places but it does look pretty good and I see some geomerging which is good. I will not be downloading though for a couple of reasons one of them being I can already see how it might play.
It's not as open as some maps are, although I can't deny it is open. The barriers provide lacky cover, and you won't feel (nor be) safe in the area between the middle and outer structures. Besides that, the right turret structure (as seen from the middle structure) - you know with the bridges and such. If you walk up to if from the right side, the side without barriers on top, it gives a MAJOR bump, and if you don't walk up fast enough, you can't even cross it. Fix that. On the left side, the bump is only minor. Also, the AC spawns far too quickly. Increase that from 30 to .. Somewhere between 90 and 150. Also, you say "CTF or slayer", I hope you mean one-flag CTF? That might actually work great. I only did a forge-through, so I can't really give you constructive feedback on the gameplay, although I believe it'll be passable. Make a v2, and test it thoroughly before submitting.