Sandbox Beaten Path

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by DimmestBread, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Beaten Path
    Created By DimmestBread

    Download Beaten Path
    Download Running Free

    Video of me completing it

    Beaten path is designed to be the ultimate obstacle course. Most courses are either too difficult or too easy and they don't have much diversity with what you are trying to do. Beaten Path solves both of those problems. It is designed for people new to obstacles, veterans of obstacles, and the average player.

    Beaten path is an obstacle course. It is designed for one player, but you could do it with more. The gametype is land grab. There are 8 territories that you try to capture. More on that later. The main obstacles for the map are pushing a golf ball, driving a mongoose, and jumping. Each obstacle has a main hub which is better explained below. Each obstacle has an easy difficulty, a medium difficulty, and a hard difficulty (except for jumping, it only has medium and hard). Each of these paths is accesible by the obstacles main hub. All in all, there are 8 paths and there is a territory at the end of each path. Your objective is to try to capture as many territories as possible. You can do any of the three types of obstacles at any time and you can do any difficulty by simply walking in and out of the teleporters since they are two way nodes.

    For those who still don't understand this is a short and easy version of how it works. You spawn in the room with three teleporters that are marked by powerups. Each teleporter brings you to an obstacles main area. From that main area, there are challenges that you take on. Each challenge is marked with weapons for how difficult it is. The more weapons, the more difficult it is. At the end of each path is a territory. Your job is to capture all the territories.

    -land grab
    -3 second territory capture time
    -no grenades
    -sword start
    -no weapon pick up

    Large Overview

    Central Pub

    This is the central hub. This is where you spawn at the start and everytime you die. There are three teleporters. The blue one leads the the golf ball area. The yellow one leads to the mongoose area. The red one leads to the jump area. These are two way nodes so to come back to the central hub, just go through the teleporter that is at the obstacles main hub.


    This is what it looks like at the end of the mongoose and golf ball paths. You push the ball onto the reciever node and continue through the sender node. If you are on the mongoose, you can just drive through the sender node. The territory is on the other side of the sender node. Be careful though because some of the sender nodes are on a jump up and you can only go through the bottom half of the sender node because the golf ball won't block the top. If you jump too high, you will come out of the reciever node and possibly knock the ball off.

    Golf Ball


    This is the central area for the golf ball area. The two way node in the back leads back to the central pub. There are all 9 golf balls. There are 3 different paths that you can take. Easy, medium, and hard. Each path's difficulty is designated by the number of weapons. The lower the number the weapons, the easier it is ( 1 - easy, 2 - medium, 3 - hard). Take a ball and take on whatever path you want.

    Golf Ball Easy


    Push the ball up the single wall and onto the platform. Push it across the 3 double walls onto the next platform and down the next double wall and onto the platform.


    Push the ball onto the stone bridges and continue to the next platform. You and the bqall cannot fall through so don't worry about that. Push the ball over to the reciever node, jump through the sender node, and capture the territory.

    Golf Ball Medium


    Push the ball up the ramp and lead it down the other side. Use the walls on the side to your advantage when trying to push it over the crest of the ramp. Don't let it fall off, but be more careful that you yourself don't fall off.


    Push the ball across the double wall and lead it down the next ramp. Don't push it too hard here. Push it onto the reciever node. Make sure that the ball has completely stopped because the wall is at a bit of an angle so it will roll if not stopped completely. Jump through the sender node, and capture the territory.

    Golf Ball Hard


    Push the ball onto the shield door and make it bounce so it lands inbetween the two double walls. Jump on the large block and over to the ball. Push it onto the platform and begin to push it up the banked turn. A nice hint here is find a way to stand under the ball so it doesn't fall off while continuing to hit it forward.


    Push the ball down the banked turn and land it on the platform. Use the obelisk on the platform to help catch the ball. Manuever it through the series of grav lifts. This is very easy if you do it slowly. Push it onto the reciever node, and capture the territory.
    #1 DimmestBread, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  2. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    This is the central area for the mongoose. There are all 8 mongooses and there are 3 paths that you can take marked with weapons which determine their difficulty. The same meter is used for difficulty, 1 - easy, 2 - medium, 3 - hard. Jump on a mongoose and take any path you want.

    Mongoose Easy


    Drive the mongoose across the corner of the double boxes. its best to do this at a pretty high speed. Then drive up the ramp and straighten yourself out.


    Drive across the bumpy road. You must be careful here because driving too fast will not allow you to make the turn but driving too slow will make you fall inbetween the blocks. Then drive across the next corner. Drop down onto the ramp, try not to fall off the end, and drive up it. Drive through the sender node and capture the territory.

    Mongoose Medium


    Drive across the slanted ramps to the end. The only way to really get stuck here is if it rolls to the bottom of the ramp up against the walls. Drive up the last ramp and onto the double walls. Drive across those and onto the platform.


    Drive across the single double wall and onto the platform. Its best if you approach this at a little bit of an angle. Go off the grav lift and land on the double box (don't try to drive up the double walls, it is impossible). Use the double wall as a barrier to hit yourself off of. Go through the sender node and capture the territory.

    Mongoose Hard


    Drive across the crooked wooden bridges. Its best to do this at a constant speed but slowly. Get onto the platform and be sure to straighten yourself out. Jump off the platform onto the series of small ramps and drive onto the large ramp. Be careful here because any sudden quick movement can throw you off of the side.


    Drive off the ramp and land on the series of wedges and continue to the sender node Its best not to completely stop on the wedges when you land because they will throw you off the side. Pass through the sender node and capture the territory.
    #2 DimmestBread, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  3. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    This is the central area for the jump area. Unlike the other two, there are only two paths to take, medium and hard (2 - medium, 3 - hard). There are two reasons why: an easy jump area is sort of a joke and is very simple, and you can only have 8 working territories at a time. just run up to whatever path you want to take first and go crazy.

    Jump Medium


    Jump onto the block and jump up the fin. This can be very easy if you just think about how the fin works. Jump onto the double wall and slide down it (without landing on it), jumping off the ledge at the bottom to get an extra boost onto the next platform.


    Take a running jump so you land on the corner block on the lowest point to the very right or left. Walk up that corner block so that you are at the very top. Jump onto the half wall. Make sure you are on the post of the half wall. Then jump onto the next platform that has the territory on it.

    Jump Hard


    Jump onto the large ramp and walk to the corner of it. Getting a running jump from this is difficult at first but it becomes easier. Jump over to the fin and do a wall jump off of the ledge at the bottom of it so you land on the tall block. Jump over to the next tall block.


    Jump onto the fusion coil. Fusion coil jump either onto the blue light that is above the kill ball and then jump onto the platform behind the kill ball, or if you are feeling gutsy, you can try to make it to the platform from the fusion coil, but that is pretty difficult.

    Thanks to anyone who helped me test it or talked to me while I was trying to finish it to prove it is possible. I believe this is the only map like this. It caters to any gamer who enjoys obstacles and for those who play it, I hope you enjoy. Leave some feedback or comments on how the map plays and your overall feelings for it.

    Heres the download links again so you don't have to scroll all the way back to the top.

    Download Beaten Path
    Download Running Free
    #3 DimmestBread, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  4. freezingshdw

    freezingshdw Ancient
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    wow...massive map looks incredibly difficult, right up my ally, sweet, im downloading it
  5. exploreTheGore

    exploreTheGore Ancient
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    Wow, truly amazing obstacle course. I love how there is different difficulties you have to conquer and some of them look very good. I am definitely looking forward to this ans this is a definite download. The hard challenges look hard and I hope to have a good challenge.

    BUBA DUKE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I hope this is worth it it looks confusing but I downloaded it
  7. Caretaker

    Caretaker Ancient
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    I played this for a while. I couldn't get phase 3 of the balls or jumping part. I loved this way you did this. It's themed really well and was quiet challenging. I've love to see a second one. 5/5
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    ive never played this one, i'll have to try. although a few parts look familiar. that jump at the end looks to be very frustrating. i'll go DL.
  9. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Good luck to all that have downloaded it.

    Things that I would greatly like feedback on.
    I'm thinking about redoing parts of the jumping area and the mongoose hard area. I would like any feedback on those parts in terms of what you like about it, if you don't like it, why and what would you change, or a combination of both. Thanks to all.
  10. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    I really like the concept on this game. I've been able to get every territory except one that involves the golfballs. Nice stratification of difficulty in each section. It's put together very nicely.

    One thing though -- I was able to cheat on 2 of the territories. I can't recall which numbers they were, but what happens is that you placed the reciever nodes too close to the sender nodes in those two areas, which enabled me to get to the territory without blocking it with anything or riding a vehicle.

    If you go through these sender nodes really slowly, then instantly back up towards the sender node again, you can get through because your own body is blocking the reciever node (I guess).

    Anyway, simply moving the reciever nodes 5-10 feet from the sender node would be an easy fix for these two territories.

    5/5 - Very challenging and addictive.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Thank you for telling me that. And I'm glad you enjoyed it. Did you happen to finish the entire thing?
  12. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    Not yet, it's really tough man; and those golfballs require a great deal of patience. Even if I did finish it, it wouldn't have been legit (since I use the aforementioned 'cheat').
  13. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    haha. Yeah. Those golf balls are tough. I'll tell you now though that the grav lift part on the hard part is really easy if you go nice and slow through them. Do not swing the sword when going through that part.
  14. Ahmed 117

    Ahmed 117 Ancient
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    Wow, you were right, I did love it! But I couldn't beat the third golf-ball without a little help from forge... Any way, is it kay if I used some of your ideas for a puzzle map I'm making? I'm amazed with how you think! I will let you try it out for bugs first if you want!
    pls pls pls pls!!
    ya know, as a thank you?
    I'll give you credit!
    #14 Ahmed 117, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    sure you can. Go crazy. and I'm glad that you like it so much. When you make your puzzle part, just make sure you test for parts that can be exploited. That was the most annoying part with this. You would get this great idea and one thing would sort of screw you over. Good luck with the map though.
  16. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    I love how it gives players the difficulty that they want to work with. What I think might be the smallest flaw is that it requires the honor rule. You don't NEED the ball or NEED the mongoose to progress. But besides that, I'm into stuff like this. I can't imagine how hard it is to fusion coil jump onto a blue orb then over a kill ball. It looks awesome, enough said.
  17. MagicGiblet

    MagicGiblet Ancient
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    You must not have played the map and gametype yet. It's designed where you need to move those objects so you can reach the next location (blocking the teleporter with the ball or driving through it). If you don't have those over there, you can't get through. Unless you know something I don't...
  18. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    There was a way to do that on 2 of the golf ball parts but I fixed that a couple days ago and had already updated the OP. So yeah, you are right, unless he does know something we don't.
    #18 DimmestBread, Apr 29, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2009

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