
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by benjamin king, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. benjamin king

    benjamin king Ancient
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    a infection map that plays in the city.

    1x 5 storey hotel
    1x car shop
    1x super bungalow
    2x 3 storey high house
    1x cafe/pub
    1x fountain of dooom!!!
    1x house with accessible roof
    1x police headquarters in the sky!


    chief of police(alpha zombie):
    strong, shielded, has a sword, fast and jumpy
    police men(infected):
    weaker(100% health but immune to headshots), also have swords, are also fast and jumpy but not as much as the chief.
    start with br and smg. do extra damage but have no shields and can drive vehicles.



    main street

    car shop bungalow and fountain

    floating police station

    inside police station

    police station opens in 45 secs

    you're probably hidden by then.

    houses overview1

    teleporter house(unreachable it is?)

    stair meganisme in hotel

    garage of 2 storey house

    car shop
    #1 benjamin king, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    It seems that it would be a very suspenseful infection map, and that's what Infection's all about. But there isn't as good forging overall on this map versus your other posts. I'd give it about a 3 out of 5.
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    k, well to start off, you have many grammatical errors. "abbondoned" is not a word. also, the first sentence is kinda confusing- i don't really understand what you are trying to say there. i'm not going to list the entire collection of grammatical errors...

    onto the map. it's definitely a unique-ish idea, and i like how the non-infected can find a place to hide, although i think 45 seconds is a little too long of a wait for the alpha zombie [20 or 30 would be better]. the buildings seem to be built well, but the kill ball is a nuisance. if there is no purpose for it, remove it. also, you should keep both of the lights the same color- it kinda ruins the blend. other than that, the map seems empty. i highly suggest that you add a few more buildings. from the pictures, it looks like half of the crypt is empty.

    and now, my final review.
    post: 5/10 [many grammatical errors]
    pictures: 8/10 [no action shots]
    map: 7/10 [overall, pretty solid]
    gametype: 5/10 [lacks proper description in post]
    forging: 5.5/10 [i don't see any interlocking, [EDIT] and some parts could be better]
    originality: 9/10 [ i haven't seen anything like this on sandbox]
    a final grade of: 6.6/10
    #3 toasted kittuns, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  4. benjamin king

    benjamin king Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ok thanks for that info. but i ran out of money but i'll be making a v2 soon.
    and about the grammar english is not my fisrt langauge i'm dutch and only 15 years old. so i have like only 3 years of english grammar and spelling at school.
    #4 benjamin king, Apr 27, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2009
  5. Kampy

    Kampy Ancient

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    It looks like a small left 4 dead sort of thing but I think that It will be fun. Now Dowloading

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