MINI-GAMES If you've ever played Hobo Heights, Cops 'n Robbers or any other minigame, you've probably fell in love with minigames the first time you tried. I think it'd be cool if Bungie had a minigame playlist that had games like Hobo Heights, Cops 'n Robber, Tremor 'n Mouse, Grifball, etc. INFECTION Sure, DoubleEXPWeekend has Living Dead every few months orso, but being the most popular Custom Game, I think Infection deserves it's own playlist. It could even have custom variants like Super Heroes. CLASSIC This is probobly my best idea. Bungie should have a playlist that plays all remake maps. It could include all Slayer and Objective games depending on the map. Like, a remake of Blood Gulch could play CTF and Slayer, while a map like sanctuary could play Oddball and Territories. Tell me what you think and add your own ideas.
I agree with team classic. Except for the gametypes you have for sanctuary. That map was all about the ctf/assault. Anyways. They need a social snipers playlist. Or just put the gametypes back into social. Its really annoying that the only way you can play snipers is ranked with all the maps... but i think that they should have a user playlist (this is forgehub...) full of user games and maps.
i agree about the infection playlist because when you get a good custom infection game you can just stay on it for hours and still be having fun. so yeah they should defonitly put in an infection playlist.
Copy-pasta from my thread that got closed because of a troll. Anyone remember the community playlist in Halo 2? I don't exactly remember the name of it but I know it was from a part of the Halo community. It had some crazy fun gametypes to play. Like the one on Foundation where everyone had overshields with a sword and there was a hill in the middle, the hill game on Midship where everyone spawned with rockets and the hill would stay right in the middle of the map, the "combo-training", and the crazy fun fiesta FFA where everyone spawned with a random primary and secondary. You guys remember those? I loved them. I played that playlist daily because it was so laid back and relaxing compared to the competitiveness of the other games. I wish that Bungie would bring it back. All the playlists in Halo 3 right now are too aggressive. You only get a break on weekends with Grifball, Melee, or Zombies. I'd like to have a playlist where the objective is to win but you're too busy having fun to care if you win or not. Bring back the community playlists, Bungie!
the 2nd and 3rd ideas seem good but the 1st wouldn't be possible. Cops and Robbers and Tremors have honor rules. A map with honor rules would be broken on matchmaking.
I'd like to have a Living Dead playlist with gametypes that are actually fun and doesn't have a max party size of 1. That ****in' sucked last weekend.