We're all familiar I'm sure with the classic Snipers-Shotguns game mode, wherein each player has a sniper rifle and a shotgun. Well I decided a little while back to make a twist on this game mode, and set up snipers versus shotguns. Hit this link for a download! Here is a list of rules setup; Mode: Infection Humans: Snipers Zombies: Shotguns Zombie Start Count: 50% Starting Zombie(s): Random Recommended Players: Eight Players Time Limit: Five Minutes Rounds: Three Alpha Zombie Traits: Same as normal Zombies (They aren't actually zombies, just an opposing team) Last Man Standing Traits: Same as normal player traits. 'Zombie' (Henceforth 'Shotgunner') Traits: Appearance: Black Motion Sensor: Enhanced - 25M Player Speed: 90% Shields: Standard Shield Recharge Rate: 110% Damage Resistance: 110% Shield Vampirism: 10% Leech Immune to Headshots: No Primary Weapon: Shotgun Secondary Weapon: Magnum (May be removed in future versions) Grenades: None Weapon Pickup: Disabled Infinite Ammo: Enabled Human (Sniper) Traits: Appearance: Poor Camo Player Speed: 110% Shields: Normal Shields Damage Resistance: 90% Shield Vampirism: No Leech Immune to Headshots: No Primary Weapon: Sniper Rifle Secondary Weapon: Magnum (May be removed in future versions) Grenades: Normal Weapon Pickup: Disabled Infinite Ammo: Enabled Last Man Standing Traits: No Changes No Waypoint Map Setup: No Weapons/No Nades/Mongooses are done through game settings. Camo/OS must be done through forge yourself. Sorry. No Camo/OS No Weapons No Grenades Mongooses Only Custom Maps Welcome for unique gameplay Medium sized maps preferable for smooth fair gameplay The ideal play: Essentially the snipers are difficult to see from a distance, which is useless to shotgunners other than when searching for snipers. Snipers can see shotgunners from further away but will need to take a few shots to put them out. When up close and personal snipers poor camo will do them little good, they should always avoid getting too close. Shotgunners should learn to sneak around, this gametype works great on maps like High Ground, where there is a combination of open space and bases. Hit this link for a download!
I regret to say that I won't be uploading it into my file share until it's completed. Shouldn't be too much longer just a bit of tweaking left, then I'd be willing to toss you a link! Thanks for the comment.
it'd be alot easier if Bungie had taken in my idea of letting the pleyer choose what each spawn point gave you (for a weapon). if a shotgunner zombie kills a sniper, the sniper will still go to the zombie team right?
Update: I have released Snipers vs Shotguns V1 for download. It can be located on my fileshare here. Please note that feedback is really appreciated. I will work on a V2 with feedback I receive and info from my own playtesting. So far infection fans really enjoyed it, and I hope it goes far. If the game mode picks up enough interest, I will start developing maps specifically for it.
Do the players only have one life? If not then they should because otherwise the sniper number will decrease over time. Although that may not be a bad thing, it would probably be better if there was only 1 life per player. This would make teamwork more necessary.
This won't work... at all. Snipers > shotguns. All the humans have to do is camp in an elevated location, and they win.
I'll take that into consideration! Thanks for the comment. It's worked so far with no difficulties as per playtesting. Also if it picks up as I said I'd make maps specified for it, which would make this tactic less effective in varying ways (Block off certain areas, provide tunnel style cover for zombies, etc). But thanks for the feedback.
You have to design the map like most other good maps. Make sure that no one can camp in any situation. But a good player could use a sniper in close range just like a shotty, right?
That's generally the idea. This is what a lot of people failed to realize playing the game mode. Over range snipers do have an advantage, but the shotgunners have the magnum, which can turn the tides of a battle even at range. Just use your magnum to keep snipers scoped out and move from cover to cover. Alternatively for snipers, stay away from shotgunners and stay moving. A moving target is a helluva lot harder to pick up than a still target using the magnum. If you find yourself pinned by magnum fire take cover! Return fire in kind with your own magnum or snipe while your buddies distract the shotgunners. Teamwork is essential in the gameplay! I want to setup some custom maps but I need to know if people are going to be interested in the game mode first, I have other projects to dedicate my time to if this is going nowhere. My friends love it though, I got a few buddies into a custom game, we played Snipers vs Shots (I wanted to know what they thought) and it ended up taking up 80% of our playtime today! The gametype is enjoyable on the right maps. We found the following maps worked fairly well; Guardian - 6 players The Pit - 6-8 players Isolation - 6 players Narrows - 6-8 + players We haven't done any DLC maps yet but we're excited to. Please play the mode guys. Let me know what you liked and what you didn't. Let me know what maps worked well and which were horrible. Some maps to keep away from would be Valhalla, Avalanche, and surprisingly, High Ground. I originally thought the gamestyle would work great on High Ground but it didn't really play out. Please review the original post as there have been changes to the game mode! Note that snipers only have Allies motion sensor, shotgunners have advanced but limited to 25 feet (vs the 75 for snipers). This means snipers, KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN! Shotgunners can sneak up on you. If you're playing on maps with cloaking snipers, try to keep control of that, if shotgunners get control the situation can get messy fast. Overshields are helpful to shotgunners, but snipers if you grab it remember you'll light up like a christmas tree! Good luck and enjoy the gametype guys, let me know your complaints and what you loved.
I would actually like to see this made into a forged map, without any camp spots for either side as i mentioned before. Perhaps a little tweaking of settings (like getting it out of infection) and it'll be perfect.
If this is meant to be a different take on the Team Slayer game of shotty-snipers, rather than an Infection game, in which the scale of balance is always tipped in favour of one side (humans in the beginning, zombies in the end), I would suggest that you change the gametype to VIP, but leave the player traits the same (of course). If you set up the scoring system to be exactly like team slayer by removing any effect the VIP aspect might have on it (extra points, one life per round, proximity traits, traits different than his team mates, etc.), you could essentially have the Team Slayer game of Snipers vs Shotguns, just with VIP, though that wouldn't make it any different, it would just enable the game to function. If it is meant to be Infection, I have to say, good job. It sounds very well tested (something many people don't seem to do) and very well thought out (something not many people seem to do either). I would like to see you make a few maps for this to have optimum gameplay and flow, as well as all the default maps.
Hey guys, thanks for the previous comments. I'm glad there seems to be some serious interest here from at least a few people. I'll develop a map for it in the future here absolutely. I'm going to see what I can do about having some unique gameplay aspects integrated into the maps for added unique outcomes. To respond to Sotha Sil156, originally it was supposed to be slayer style. But I never thought of your above idea, and I'm going to look into it. But people seem to love the fact that one good shotgunner sneaking in can easily flip the outcome of the match, so, I'm not sure. I will likely keep it this way. We'll see once I've developed the other one. I'm a little saddened I have to go clean some maps and game modes (or vids/pics) off my hard drive as for about the tenth time I'm pushing my 100 custom content limit. Thanks for the feedback, and Southa Sil156 if you DL it let me know what you think after playing. Please vote in the added poll!
the shotgunners should have increased speed or poor camo, otherwise this won't work. I like the idea, but balance will be very difficult. I'll be interested to see if you can pull this off.
As per previous posts it has already undergone extensive testing. The balance worked out okay for the maps listed in the poll thread.