We've all heard about how the default Scenery items on Sandbox tend to stick around even when you set them not to spawn at start, right? Well, I'm having the same problem with some Double Blocks that I created up in the Sky Bubble. I'm trying to interlock some stuff, (which isn't going too well btw) but all of a sudden, every single object that I've set not to spawn at start is still appearing, even when I restart the round after quitting out of Forge. WTF???? Anybody have any ideas? Question answered. No more posts.
I'm guessing this is what happened. Friend Number 1 Joins Game Friend Plays Prank on you Friend changes run time minimum to it's max Friend quits, chuckling to himself in the lobby by himself. My guess is somebody (or you) changed the run time minimum of the object to its max, and left it that way. It would explain why the objects keep re-appearing, and also why they don't disappear after you start a new round. To fix it. Go to Block, Double Hit X Hit X again Go to run time minimum Change it to zero Merry X-Mas... next thread..
I doubt it. Even when it's set up correctly, items on Sandbox tend to be there when they aren't supposed to be. The object usually disappears eventually, so waiting for a while does work. If it gets too long, start a new round and wait again. That's the best I can say, and that's what I have to do to get around that rather annoying problem.
First: are the items spawned by you, or default spawned? Default items tend to not disappear when you set them to not start. Two: Make sure to check all of your runtime maxes. I read, I think, that Bungie put in weird run time maxes in the OLN Bypass thread where Jpec is trying to get community teamwork to bust the OLN. Three: Jzzkc, you can take your cocky attitude else where. The community doesn't need that kind of attitude here...
I get the opposite of this for some reason, when I set the blocks to no spawn at the start they stay gone forever even though I set them to 10 seconds.
Another thought: Clean your disc. Some glitches have been linked to a dirty or scratched copy of Halo...
This has been happening for some weapons that I set to respawn at certain times in the game right when I start a new round. I just quit and reloaded the map and it was gone again. It's weird, and can be annoying for some people. The way I view it, the 'disc is dirty' theory is just a myth, but idk if it's been proven or not.
Sorry if I came off as cocky, I'm kind of in a rush when I'm on teh forums in general... between every painful homework assignment I allot myself 10 minutes to rampage on forums, answering and talking about as many things as possible until the alarm goes off and I have to continue homework. While I was in a rush, I didn't want to seem rude.. even though that has been known to happen from time to time. Anyways, I gotta get ready for skool.. happy forging.
Erm... I hate to admit it, but I'm a retard. It was the Run-Time Maximum thing that Jzzkc said first. *sigh* I can't believe I missed that. Thanks anyways.