So basically all I need to know is the item limit with and without the oln, and is there any good threads on sandbox right now? thanks a lot
What's OLN? And are we talking about the Forge 'money' or the items that you can place? I'm really confused. Note: I just made myself look like a noob. I needed to know this, and I had the opportunity, so I asked.
I too would like to know what OLN means... being new to this community has its ups and downs, its downs being all of the abbreviations. Any other abbreviations that you guys use regularly would be appreciated as well.
“OLN,” or Object Limit Number for those of you afraid of abbreviations. There are 3 systems in Forge put into place to make your item-placing experience all the more smooth. These are the Specific Item Budget, the Total Budget, and the Object Limit Number systems.