Awww, I missed the testing session!! Oh well. Hopefully I can play a game on this with you some time tomorrow. It looks like a lot of fun!
That is absurd. I was going thinking/going to say the exact same thing when I saw that he whipped out another map. I will probably download even though I don't like conquest that much. In one sided objective games, does the bomb point/flag spawn on territory 3? If this is the case, does one team spawn in both the normal conquest bases and the other at the bomp point/flag spawn? Also, FYI, your map threads always load very slowly. I don't know if that is from pictures that are too big or too many of them, but I thought I would just let you know.
I had a lot of fun on this map. And I still say that people are going to start stealing that diagonal wall thing. I know I will. I believe that's because he uploads large, high quality images and then uses the IMG tags to shrink them down for the forum. I've already brought it up, but apparently my suggestions count for very little to Cosmic Rick.
Draw: sorry, man, you've been on Forza. Texas: No, it goes from the top through territory 3 and to the other top. Though the bomb plant point is on the second level, not the top. And the flag is just on the edge so it's easy to drop down. Also, the teleporters switch function in asym. maps. Yeah, It's because I use the full-size images and resize it in the post code. The upside: people can zoom in by clicking on the picture title. The downside: slower loading. Furious made me promise to resize before I posted this one, but I forgot. And I figured since it was only 7 pics that I'd be fine. Sorry to anyone with a slower connection. Also, did nobody notice my 'turret's syndrome' joke? That's good stuff. EDIT: Furious you had to post just then, huh?
Ok, I just thought that it took some geometry change because your original post said it changed for asymmetrical games. But, I guess that was referring to the changed teleporters and sword spawn. The load time isn't too bad but a little slower than normal.
I know I get a case of turrent's syndrome whenever I get killed by one of those things. I think it's interesting to see a gametype itself and all applicable maps get attention from an entire community in order to perfect it. This is how we're going to beat down the door at Bungie when they start putting custom games in their hoppers. Anyway, nice job on this one. It plays very smoothly, and I love all the aesthetic work you do. I noticed the diagonal walls tonight during the game, I like.
Naw, my 360 has been in Texas this past week and when it came home on Saturday, I soon realized that my gold account had ran out. My check deposit didn't come in until today so I couldn't get back online until just today. The last game my brother played must have been Forza.... Anyways this map definitely has that "Cosmic Rick" quality to it. All of your maps seem to have a certain quality to them that I can't quite put my finger on. I'm fairly certain that if I were to play 5 new, random maps, one of them being your own, I'd be able to pick out which one is yours.
I just thought I'd post some praise for the map from the bungie forums that made me laugh. "Dude u kno wats up this map is ILL" - E DUB atl 18 You heard it, folks. ------------------------- We'll have to test you on that, Draw. Except you have access to my ideas page, so it'd be pretty easy. Texas, nothing major, though I'm planning on making a map that completely morphs when you switch from asym to sym.
Well, I guess he's not gonna like the proposed changes to Conquest, then... On to the map, though. I only got to play it once with you, and I was so busy trying not to die all the time that I never saw any of the pretty stuff that you normally have scattered throughout the map. This is a very unique way to set up a game like Conquest. It still works very well. Great job as usual, you bastard.
I have to say I didn't think it was as good as the picture lead me to believe it would be. It seems to be quite rough around the edges to me. It's hard to describe, but it doesn't feel polished or carefully crafted. Things like having the stairs to block people from getting out, and then a box between them in the gap seems like this was a quick fix to something you didn't anticipate. And there are gaps and holes, infact the turret areas seem to me like you had a gap and thought "maybe a turret could go there" rather than it being planned. There are more examples but they've slipped me mind. I like the design and concept, and things like the small gaps for shooting are nice touches, but for me it feels kind of rushed. Eh, I see you have lots of support so maybe its just me.
This was a really good map, I didn't feel like I was in Foundry at all. Though when we played, the teams were quite uneven, it was still very entertaining. I hope to play again some time.
This map is very fast paced. You always seem a bit thrown off when the round starts as you make your way down the levels, but then the endless battle over key positions ends. Great jobon your conquest map.
Thanks for the name drop in your post, though I don't know if I really deserve it. I kinda said I was gonna build a round room, got to work a little bit.. then the tornadoes took away my internetz. Anyway, fun map. I think people are really starting to dislike and mistrust you though. How do you make these so fast? If you don't give up your secrets soon, or slow down your map production, then I feel things could get very bad for you.. lol. Oh, and why do those fusion coils not blow up when I throw grenades at them? That defies all logic.
The turret areas were planned. The backs of them are a little messy and the ceiling-simulating stuff was just because i didn't have a better way of blocking everything off. I didn't give these areas the love they maybe deserved because they don't affect gameplay at all. And because after Kentucky Tango, I needed to suspend my patience a little bit. From an actualy conquest perspective, I think there flaws are almost unnoticeable, though. My next map will be meticulous again. I promise. 1) I used almost exactly the same layout you set up for me, just had to add those fence boxes. 2) Yeah... I'm worried about squidhands, especially. 3) Too many items on the map, I think. Shooting them still works.
I still love this map, it was a great map to introduce me into Conquest, I would highly reccomend this map for any Conquest fan!