Okay, I made this map a couple weeks ago and made a v2 this weekend. It's not the most perfectly forged map, but it's good enough that you will hardly notice in gameplay. This is the first of many remakes of games on sandbox. Each map is going to have a different twist to it to make it my own. For those who haven't played the original bull dome, the bull (zombie on chopper), comes out of a box and tries to run over everyone. The last man standing gets grenades to use on the chopper, but it takes 5-10 grenades to kill the bull. Here is how the map starts off: It undergoes its first change after 90 seconds. You would never get this far with 2-5 people. As you can see, this is something I decided to add to the Bull Dome, a place where zombies chase the humans in circles. Of course it makes it harder for the zombies, but if the zombie didn't want this to happen, they wouldn't let it get that far. After 150 seconds, the path to the teleporter spawns. You'll see where this takes you. The final face-off between the Bull and the remaining targets. Up here, one human can use a ...GOLF CLUB? Here is an overview of this "second" bull arena, where the zombie just got blown off. Notice the walls in the background. The zombies can fly through the pallets, but the humans can use them to their advantage (hint). Okay, finally here is a link to the map: Bull Dome DLXv2 And the game type: Bull Fight If you for some reason want to view v1, here it is. The changes from v1 are as follows: Used Blocks,Huge instead of walls for the second floor. Better aesthetics, columns on top of Blocks,Huge. Better path to teleporter. Completely redesigned upper bull arena. Bull Dome DLX Thanks for viewing and if you want, send me a friend request. I'm always looking for people to forge with And here is my MonsterTruckDLX, in case you want to try. MonsterTruckDLX
Now this looks fun. I myself would have probably prefered just the first floor, but it's nice to see you took the time to make some more. I think it would have maybe been better only to lure the chopper into trying to kill you(makes it more bull fighter), by maybe having it run into a killball, but hey this still looks pretty good nevertheless, although, neatness does affect gameplay in the longrun. 4/5, and a dl, looking forward to the next version.
Thanks for the feedback. I will make a v3 this weekend with all the suggestions here. Yeah the top bull dome is iffy, but I haven't decided whether I should keep it or delete it. I think I can make that path lead to the golf club instead of the teleporter. There are only a few areas that are uneven, and the third pic shows the majority of them. I also realize i have to fix an area that people can "cheat", but I would boot people if they start using it. I'll fix that in v3 as well. Thanks again.
wow you really did make it your own when I saw the name I was like this is just going to be the same but on sandbox but you added a twist I will probebly download
i dont think you should have made a second layer in the first paet because its too easy to evade the bull the u can easyly beat him in the second arena because the golf club is over powering
okay I'll make sure to take out the second floor. I can replace the teleporter with the golf club. However, I think the second layer of the first part is what makes this map more fun. I've played both versions of Bull Dome multiple times, but I tend to like this better.