This year will be great like well the past 2 years. This year we will actually have games in the summer. We will have Alpha Protocol, Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3: ODST, Fuel, Assassin's Creed 2, and Ghost Busters to name a few. Bigger list here So what are you looking forward to with all these new games coming out? I can't wait for Assassin's Creed 2, Overlord 2, Halo 3: ODST, and Fuel. I'm also looking forward to Battlefield 1943 on the XBLA this summer. I'm not sure about Bad Company 2, but who know. I didn't play Bioshock, but 2 looks like a great game.
Red Faction: Guerrilla Halo 3: ODST (only because it's $30) Maybe MW2 Assassin's Creed 2 Really not too many games I'm excited about. Hopefully we'll get news on stuff at E3 Oh, also, I'm keeping my eye on a little gem called Saboteur.
RedFaction: Guerrilla Saboteur Mafia 2 Borderlands Lost Planet 2 Dead Rising 2 Alpha Protocol Fuel DiRT 2 Assassins Creed 2 Kind of a big year for me now that i think about it.
I forgot about those 3. I'll probably buy LP2 and a definite rent for the other two. I'll buy if they're good.
Hey, I'm most definately looking forward to Halo3:ODST and Modern Warfare 2. Can't wait .... ~Cannon.
i hope we get good games in the summer! actually i hope we get good games all year round not like 2008 were the was a big dry patch for games coming out. what was even more annoying was the fact that the dry patch happened in the summer when everyone was out of school!
You know what, this year is going to be ****. I barely know what games are coming out but so far, it looks like they are all spin offs or sequels. But, to be a complete hypocrite, I'm waiting for Battlestation: Pacific. Halo 3 ODST and Tales of Vesperia. My life is complete if I get Tales of VEsperia and the other two games can go **** themselves if I don't have enough money.
if you go to it says its 60 so that might be why some are confused but yea it looks like theres some good games coming out mostly nothing thats getting to much attention though so that ould be good or bad
I'm primarily looking forward to Halo 3:ODST, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and Assassin's Creed 2. All of their prequel's were awesome games, so hopefully all of these games will be awesome as well. Oh, and the next Fallout 3 DLC should be amazing, as well as the upcoming Halo Wars DLC.
I thought that was common knowledge by now. I mean, bungie has said it, game magazines have said it, IGN, Gamespot... IGN: Halo 3: ODST -- Everything We Know So Far probably said somewhere in there.
Halo 3:ODST, Modern Warfare 2. I'm not sure if it comes out this year or not but I'm looking forward to Batman: Arkham Asylum, Only because the Joker is in it. JOKER FTW
Wow, I just read Game Informer's article on Assassin's Creed II, and I'm pumped. Despite the repetitiveness of the first game, I consistently had a great time with it by creating my own missions in the world. For example, my most notable was to kill 500 pursuing soldiers while constantly in the "red". I failed to meet this goal, but had made it to 330 before three soldiers chasing after me all jumped off a 5 story tower and fell to their death. Little ideas such as that is what kept me into that game, but now Assassin's Creed II will expand by ditching its old mission structure and replacing it with a new one. This structure can result in many varied events and missions, even though their basic concept may be the same. But if that ever gets bored, my same little games will still be existent, if not better. With new unique enemies, I foresee an all new challenge to over-come. And, there are proposed side activities that seem most promising. One missions involves the use of Da Vinci's flying machine, but to keep it aloft you have to fly over a trail of fire that ally's have lift, the smoke keeping the craft in the air in a way similar to modern day hot air ballons. This I am really looking forward too. And of course, there will be the same engaging story the first game had, but it will more than likely be far more in depth. Suffice it to say, this game alone has me anxiously awaiting the new gamingt year.
I am excited for Prototype, but now knowing that Activison is the backing studio and plan to exploit this possibly amazing game once every year, that's killing a bit of my excitement.