First of all, Runescape is extreme fail. I did play when I was younger, and I regret it more and more everyday. Secondly, FishFingers to compare Runsecape to WoW in any way shape or form other than they are both MMOs is a horrible argument to make. Even comparing them as MMOs is a pretty big strech, as RS is a browser based game, and although it may be MMO, there isnt a whole ton you can do with other players. You may be yelling at me right now for being ignorant, but I am not, the other players in RS are only there for trade and filler, mainly. WoW's integration of Player to Player interaction is much deeper and meaningful. I would know, I have three 60+ characters. Even though you said this thread was about our opion of RS (horrible) you attacked WoW saying its basicly RS, research before you flame. ~Arvas
I used to get really into it when it first came out, but having everyone around you be level 100+ boosters, I lost interest. I don't hate MMO's or MMORPG's, but I can't really get into them becuase they're not my style...
Um, have any of you even taken a damn look at what it is now? The sucky ass graphics are gone, they are now WAY better. They introduced a lot more new skills, quests, and have expanded Runescape's size tremendously. You guys might have played in RSC or when the graphics weren't very good, the old style pking was there, everything has changed, you should take a look. (Play in High Definition, not Low-Detail)
Basically heres the Runescape v. WoW in a small piece: Runescape is browser based and can be free, otherwise very cheap, only $72 a year. WoW is an installed game that has fewer limits, but it costs more. So... Any RS player bashing WoW has no reason and should stop. Any WoW player bashing RS is spoiled or retarded. Neither is better overall. Whats the point of arguing? Yes I have played both.
Agreed....Runescape is too grind oriented for it to be fun for extended periods of time....It takes MASSIVE amounts of time to travel from one place to another, and the combat is RIDICULOUSLY unbalanced.
Hello, Well, I played Runsecape a while back and I thought it was AWESOME. xD It's average now. World Of Warcraft is where it's at. ~Cannon
this has to be the worst MMORPG ever! i mean its ok when your a kid lets say 6-10 but after that if your still playin on it you need to get put more(no offence to anyone who still does play it and there older than 10) i had an account and i go on it just to see if there is anything i can do apart from grinding but i can never find out coz i allways have to get off it after 2 mins of play(that includes loading times to) thats how boring it is!