Sorry for no thumbnail. But when I go to save it or even copy it it become too pixelated. There is nothing I can do about it. : Halo 3 File Details So, I broke out of Orbital and put a base up there, colored myself black and put on a filter. Figured the sniper was appropriate. For all those sniper lovers!
This is not a prper post. Please embed all images with a photo sharing site such as photo bucket. Please for future pictures have all of them embeded. There are tutorials on how to embed pictures.
You have to embed your screenshots rather then sending a link to them. I will embed it for you. This has been done before, but that doesn't mean that this turned out bad. I really like the effects at the bottom of the screenshot. The lighting seems very nice down there. I wish there was way you can't see the part he is standing on though. Nice job
Thank you. I was sure it has been done before. And as for the base, I had no way of removing that. If I did it would cut out a ton of the background. I was already hitting the boundaries. And I know about embedding. I used to be a graphics artist. I just didn't like how it looks pixelated and not clear.
You could've had someone else delete the platform you were standing on and you would stay floating there if you didn't move.