Not going to say too much about this, just that it's probably the most unlucky way to get betrayed, but that's for you to decide. LINK Download comment, and if you have a worse way of being betrayed, please tell/show me. P.S. if this is in the wrong board would a mod please move it
go on youtube type -top ten betrayals- at least watch the #1 betrayal clip epic fails id link it but im on psp
um i would say the worst way to get betrayed would be getting splattered by a spartan or elites body. that would be amazing!
My PSP can't handle the size of ForgeHub. :[ The worst betrayal has to be someone on your team shoots the fusion coils on The Pit and one of the cones kills you.
I kept getting betrayed by this one guy. At one point he chased me with a shotgun and wasted all the ammo trying to kill me (this was after the third betrayal in a row). Then he started to AR me and I lost my shields, so I got pissed off and stuck him. He kicked me... I've never had an obscure betrayal though.
lol.get a bigger memory stick? but yeah i hate it when people chase you down and waste all their ammo trying to betray you
I got betrayed once on Blackout because my teammate was lunging at a guy with the Sword in BR 2, but the bad guy managed to duck around the corner just as he lunged, and I walked by. My teammate missed the Blue guy with the lunge and hit me.
I was playing an infection game on Foundry (can't remember the name) and betrayals were off. So then someone shot a fusion coil then another fusion coil came right at me and it killed me. I was laughing so hard and I continue playing the game. I didn't save the clip.
haha i can imagine that. lolfor a good rofl betrayals are playing a rockets variant and every time you spawn aim at you feet and shoot. It pisses off your team so much
The worst kind of betrayal is getting spawn betrayed in any way. Like when you spawn right in front of your team mate in swat, and -blam!- your dead.
Saw a vid in team doubles on gaurdian, a team spawns invis, one guy thows a sticky but didn't know hit teamate was right there so he go stuck. He throws another one but it lands just before the target touches Oversheild. You died in vain.
haha iv been sent of a cliff in the gunner seat, horrible betrayal my team mates nade did it. Worst betrayal is having a hog fall on you from out of the sky, via the wheel on last resort lol that was like the first h3 vid and it was funny as hell. Or having a tank get caught in the wheel getting destroyed the top of it flying off like it has a mind of its own and splattering you, via halo 2 idk if it can happen in h3 never tried.
The worst betrayal i have had is one of my teamates was screaming around a corner on a mongoose and i was in front of him and i was a few feet in front of a wall. anyway his gunner tossed a grenade and they flew over my hit the wall then bounced off and snapped my neck. i laughed so hard i couldnt finish the game.
I've got one on the SWAT theme: People spawn killing all night on me so I'm getting a little pissed, k? New game starts with my newfound buddies, who made it to the FL btw, and before I leave black screen I'm dead. I'm like freakin out, "how the hell'd they shoot me already?!?!? Ima teabag that bastard!!!!" One of my friends was laughing in the background. Turns out we were on the pit, and in SWAT typically your team spawns in a diamond. Well I guess I had the front spawn, and he freaked out and triggered me! After he told me, I couldn't keep from laughing. I actually hunted him down tho, and betrayed him back for the heck of it. Almost lost the game cause of that betrayal too! Team somethin or other, Gaurdian: I lunged to assassinate this dude going up from shotgun to blue on the stairs. I got him, but apparently my buddy went for him too. He was a tad late, and got me instead. I'm sitting there looking at the black screen trying to figure out what the heck happened.