map created by ferrari504 description:This map is created for assault or CTF. So the the attackers start off in a sealed of room which contains a few battle rifles and SMGs, and the flag or bomb. They must carry the flag out of this room into an open area that has barricades randomly laid to provide some cover to the flag carrier. On either side of this open area they also have window pannels with battle rifles for a gunman to provide cover for the carrier. Now after the open area are stairs which lead up to a base where most of defenders spawn. This base has two shotguns and a few battle rifles in it. It also has 2 bunkers on either side of it which have machine guns in them... After the carrier has cleared these obstacles he must step into a man-cannon elevator(which is a series of man-cannons) this will take him to a floating area in the sky where he places the flag down to score. This is a pic of the base where the defenders spawn and part of the elevator. This is a pic of the man-cannon elevator. The elevator in the last pic takes you to this area where the bomb or flag is placed. The base is large and it has one bunker on either side which has one turrent in it. The attackers spawn in this sealed off room which has a few weapons in it. This is a view looking from the base to where the attackers spawn. [ = download [/color] [/i]
I was looking at the bottom of the page and I noticed it was linked to ur fileshare please link to a forum page. U can find guidelines in the main section of maps
Hmm, certainly looks interesting, but how did you make it so the attacker's spawn in the enclosed room? Did you drop a fusion coil on a crate or something to be let out? This seems like it couuld be spawn camped easily if they all only spawn in the one room. Also, what is respawn time on the shottys? The ammo? It seems too easy for the defenders to get two shot guns and camp where the scoring is, or near the elevator entrance. Sorry to be nitpicky, it looks like a great map. edit: also make sure you put a link to the specific thread for your map, NOT the fileshare. Go to your map, and click publish to forums, and then give that link
:squirrel_jaffa:i helped u finish up this map, and i agree now looking back on it, shotguns should have a longer respawn rate, and not as much ammo
hey guys Blood Enigma and i just had this map redone i changed a few things and interlocked some others
the pics look very good and i like the upside down single boxes inside the rightside up boxes with the turret i will dl and get back to you with more
ferrari504, no double posting. You've done it twice in this thread already. Also, please don't use all capitals, especially in thread titles. I'm going to edit the title of this thread so that it follows the rules. If I see more violations, I'll have to lock this thread, and I don't want to have to do that. Thanks.
Your link seems to not be working? Try using this [ url=URL HERE ]NAME OF HYPERLINK HERE[ /url ] Except no spaces in the url tags
No i haven't downloaded it because your link is broken and i can't seem to find you on ok i managed to find and download it here is what i think the hill is very well constructed but very open and simple, the mancannons that lead upto the sniper platform don't work half the time but i understand that that's very hard to get right, i don't think you should have placed the sniper IN the sniper tower but somewhere else so it's a challenge to get and get to the platform but it is rewarding if you do. the attackers base doesn't look like you spent much time on it and the shield doors are too scrappy for me. the gameplay on this map i think would be quite enjoyable if you fixed those areas
ok thanks you everyone who left suggestions and I will keep them in my mind when I create version 2 of this map Thanx To Everyone!!!!