What is your favorite melee out of all the guns from any of the Halo's? Mine is the Sniper Rifle melee in Halo 1.
hehehehe yeah, shuving the butt of the gun into someones face so fast and hard has bound to kill them someday, or hidiously disfigure them. I think that's what happened to Titmar...
brute shot fo sho. In Halo 2, if you jumped and meleed down it was a one hit kill. I dont know if it's the same in H3.
h2 plasma pistol. i had a game called beeboxing b/c i had plasma pistol only and we would go to the center of lockout and just punch eachother. its also a one hit kill.
Brute shot, Magnum or and my favourite; Shooting someone so thir shield goes with dual SMGs, the ramming them up their nose.
I think Mr. Wakko45 Has the right Idea.... the pistol wipe after wards, it to enjoyable not to spend hours ... just melee for the fun of it...
The one where you spin the pistol around after you bash someone. I think it is the first pistol, but I don't really remember.
the melee from the needler in halo 1 was cool because you jabbed all the needles into them but too bad they didn't blow up and it took too long
Seconded. I just played H1 again, and I love how you beat then you flip it back. I miss the H1 pistol, which was the main reason the Hang 'Em High remake failed. The BR ruined it.
Halo 1 pistol, and I agree with Wakko, the Halo 1 pistol mellee PWNZ! I love how you like open it up with you mellee too and see the barrel.