Hey me and my bro are going to make a video series of these glitches and more once I get my capture card but until then, im going to put it in text. _________________________________________________ Episode 1: Drop Launching Drop launching is the basics of a halo 3 catapult. Here is how to do it... 1) Open a forge game in sandtrap. 2) Go into the moniter mode and spawn a 'drop pod, closed' 3) Fly high into the air, with the drop pod just above you. 4) look directly upwards, wait a few seconds until the drop pod is in the center of the forge crosshair. 5) Press the 'up' key on the D-Pad. look forward and when you land the drop pod should land on top of you and you should go flying... _________________________________________________ Episode 2: Driving the AA Wraith At the start of the level 'the covenant' there is an AA wraith you must take out, But insted of taking it out, we are going to drive it. 1) Start a game on campain that is in the level 'the covenant' and difficulty set to easy 2) Fight all the way till you get to the AA wraith (the one that fires green things rapidly) 3) jump on top of the wraith and melee the top front big until the cover comes off. melee once more so the brutes helmet comes off. 4) position your crosshair perfectly so that the "press RB to board" message dissappears (aim at the brutes hards) 5) when the message doesnt appear hold RB and keep shooting your BR. You should then get in the AA wraith. Note: when you get out of the AA wraith, it explodes. _________________________________________________ Episode 3: under the stairs in 'the pit' When playing a team slayer or team doubles on the pit first get a few more points then the other team then go hide under the stairs. you can still be shot but they probibly wont find you. 1) In between the room with the shotgun and the room with the ramp that goes down into the base there are some stairs that have no fence netting down the side. 2) go in the corner and keep crouching up and down (those that like to sexually assult those that they kill will know what i mean) also keep pusing forward at the same time. 3) you should eventually get under the stairs. _________________________________________________ Episode 4: Half Naked Guy in campain Now, your probibly thinking "WTF!" but yes, in the final campain mission there is a half naked guy. 1) As you go through the hole in the clifs look behind you and walk backwards, you will see a secret passage. That leads to the skull. keep walking backwards and you should see another secret passage. as you approach the passage cortana will say "where are you going?" 2) if you look left there is the final terminal, and if you look right there is big gap... 3) turn on your light by pressing up on the D-Pad. you should see a ledge between the big gap. 4) you need some one to grenade jump you over to that ledge. 5) once you are on the ledge. look to your left. you should see a small room. jump into it. 6) now go into the very top right corner of the room. a half naked guy should appear bobbing up and down _________________________________________________ Episode 5: Overloading Overloading is very simple, but yet can get you into specific areas that you could not access before. 1) Start a game of forge in any map... 2) Spawn a trip mine and set it to instant respawn 3) keep pressing X but make sure the trip mines are at least 20ft to avoid any "accedental" explosions 4) as your trip mine pile gets bigger you will eventually hear a boom in the distance. this means you have successfully overloaded the map. _________________________________________________ Episode 6: Under Construct Today we are going to show you how to get under construct. make sure you know how to overload a map first. If not, read episode 5 1) start a forge game in construct 2) overload the map 3) once the map is overloaded the main orange lift and the two purple beam lifts beams will dissapear and will not boost you up. 4) go into the bottom of one of the purple beams, then look down. you will see a small circle. just keep crouching up and down and you should fall through. now go into moniter mode and fly out. I recommend placing a crate in the big hole in the middle of the underground section. _________________________________________________
The glitch to get under the stairs on the pit was fixed a few weeks ago. I think everyone knew about it, anyway.
the naked mans been known about basically from the start just like the monkey people. would be better if you show people how to see the man on standoff.
thers already a whole series from halo2 that has shown about 200 tricks and glitches called CM-Xwing and they have done all of those glitches that you have talked about and more. so dont waste your time.
Nice tips. I didnt know the top one. Please add more, im sure there are plenty that people like us know, but some people dont.