Yup... well, actually I could work, but only for the park district. And there are restrictions then. Well, I don't really need a job, so I will work when I'm 15. And I can't beleive you guys were lucky enough to do coding and graphic design at 14. I would like to do that... I don''t know of any local places that need that though...
I got lucky with my job, usually you need a P.H.D for the job I have but my 8th grade Technology Teacher taught ME post highschool technology stuff because I came into his class so often during lunch. I was at the right place at the right time, I was at a computer place in town and something didn't seem right on a game my friend was playing because the game system driving seemed slow. I checked out all the files for it and corrected some edited files that someone sloppily tried to edit to make it easier, but almost ruined the computer in the process. When I was almost done, the owner of the shop came over and watched me the rest of the way. My friend already left by then so I had the owner test it out and he was fascinated with my abilities at COMPUTERS. (Not Xbox 360's so nobody ask how to mod in Halo 3 or 2 because I haven't the slightest idea.) He then offered me a job of helping people wipe hard drives, clean up computers and all that stuff because besides being a gaming shop its a computer refurbishing shop as well so I correct files and if their not able to be corrected I wipe it and start over from scratch. I do need some files to start out with but that's about it.
I'm very successful already at 12. I work here. Usually I just moderate, but I some more stuff aswell. I don't get paid much, but I receive rewards often.
I currently Work at a Grocery store called Brookshires. The people there are awesome, im just tired of pushing carts in and out of a building for 7 months, and im about to quit, once my computer is paid off. I make $6.80 an hour....
No it's not... To you it might, but federally, it's not. Are you serious? :silently chuckles to myself: I'm not laughing about that, but my family has a funny joke going about Zero Gravity...
Wow... that's high. Well, on your state scale, yes it is low. But as I pointed out, not where he is (actually, I never pointed that out. Lol...) Anyway: Let's get back on topic.
I work with my Dad sometimes he has a construction company so I usually work there if I ever need any money I get paid like 15 Euro per hour. Its great because I get to smash things .
I'm looking to broaden my horizons and move on to be the Lead Drafter at a Uranium company here in town starting in May. I goes from $20/hr to $27/hr! Yippees!!!!
I don't have a job. I should get one, considering I'm a sophomore. My parents aren't very generous either, so I'm pretty much broke. If I did get a job though, it would most likely be designing and silk-screening shirts and other stuff to sell. I'm pretty good at that.