i think there should be ladders as a forgeable item it would put a whole new aspect into the game and would make it easier to go up without the wasted space of a staircase just my opinion and comments on how to make forge the best it can be
Yea Bungie lost touch with the ladder after Halo:CE, but randomly added them in 2(Waterworks ) and 3(I can't remember where), but it would greatly assist my map that isn't released yet.
Speaking of your unreleased maps... do you mind if I spend sometime with your map and the spawn points. There were a few very obvious ones that needed to be fixed. And I think the ladder idea would be awesome. But I think bungie sees it as making you too vulnerable while you are traveling. Which they want to avoid in order to give you control over all situations to incorporate more skill into the game.
In reply to AZN, maybe they could counter it by creating little bars to protect the person, but not completely block them off. This addition, in my view, would be delete-able so you could fit it in my spaces.
thx for the posts guys i do agree that it will make u more vulnerable but i think if used correctly it could add a nice feel to the map the reason i brought this up was because i do not like teleporters i think that a really good map should have teleporters i feel lost when i go through them and a ladder going up in tight places would be better than a teleporter (when there isn't enough room for stairs) also i think there should be more staircases allowed in the forge there just aren't enough
The only time I remember a ladder in halo was on sidewinder in Halo 1... I don't think it would work well with gameplay in Halo 3, so no. Edit: I though maybe was one of the choices... oops.
It was in a Halo 3 campaign level. Sierra 117 I think. The little base area towards the end has one *I think*.
There was also ladders in Crows Nest, during the part where ur in the hallways and there are a ton of brutes on the first level, but there is a ladder to a catwalk above them and another ladder going up into a vent system... Hey, that area would make a cool multiplayer map...
LAWLZ!!! I see what you did there... but seriously... SP is not the issue... its multiplayer that Bungie is being cautious about.
Ladders were all over Halo 1 Beaver Creek Prisoner...I think thats what its called. Campaign Sidewinder And some more I just can't remember the names
Yeah, but scardy... if you didn't notice, every map that was remade from Halo 1 that had ladders, were remade with ramps to0 replace the ladders... to include Longest and Battle Creek (Halo 1 name).
One night I had a dream that i kidnapped a dog and wrote out a ransom note in forged weapons, then the police chased me in banshees. True story! Anyways, I voted yes. That would make a cool forged object!
there where some ladders at the end of Sierra 117, and also some in Crow's Nest that allowed you to walk around in the ventilation shafts. Can't think of any others though.
Isn't there a ladder in the little bunker of High Ground for some reason I think there is but I'm not sure.
I dont remember where but it was on a forum about shadow run and about how you just float up the ladders and how unrealistic that it was. This is the reason that Bungie stopped using ladders because they wanted to keep that touch of realism without floating