UPDATES 4.1 blocked of exit out of map added 4 more BR's and 4 more Frags and made rockets only 2 shots 4.2 moved the doors by sniper to other side fixed some spawning problems and replaced maulers buy lift with 1 plasma grenade 4.3 fixed middle jumping error where it would push you back down moved custom power up more towards the middle 4.4 fixed the falling in the holes problem stopped a glitch to get to a unfair high advantage fixed CTF problems added more inter locking took away 2 BR's and replaced man cannon for gravity lift for slower lift up fixed b signs by custom power up First and foremost i want to tell you this is NOT a Official MLG map i just named it MLG Slander because your supposed to play it with MLG variants Description:There are two bases you start in the beginning of the match most often what happens it the team rush the middle so the game starts off pretty fast with the rockets on the middle platform top (only two shots) seems to be the cause of the fast start (custom power up underneath middle platform bottom) sniper on the fence wall side and to carbines by the laying down a signs 1 plasma under each base and 2 next to the 2 ramps up to gate side Map Info Balance: The map is symmetrical, no balance issues because of this. weapons, long distance weapons and close range weapons are all in very good equal spots meaning no weapon balance issues . Escape ability: I believe that there is no escaping this level after tough testing i have only fond 1 exit and have fixed it . Aesthetics: I used lots of interlocking where i could instead of just putting a wall to keep you from the white room area and hall way back place i used a fence wall with scenery like a truck and some forklifts behind it as pictured below Map relationships: This map reminds me most of midship and pit Midship because of the lift's at the bottom of the bases to take you from from bottom base to top base, to bases to holding flags ,different path ways off to the sides , and the pit because of the rockets in the middle Game Variants: MLG Ball v4 MLG King v4 MLG Team Slayer v4 MLG CTF Slander v4 Weapons on map battle rifle: 8 with 10 second respawn times carbine: 4 with 90 second respawn times plasma grenades: 8 with 10 second respawn times frag grenades: 4 with 10 second respawn times sniper rifles: 1 with a 120 second respawn time rockets: 1 with 150 second respawn time (only 2 shots in the rocket) custom power: 1 with a 120 second respawn time [ x ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ x ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ x ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ x ] __Used Symmetry Option [ x ] __Interlocking Objects [ ___ ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Some gate side action Getting double teamed by the fence side 1v1 at the red base BR duel on the fence side Over view from blue base Custom power up Over view from gate side Under neath red base and lift up Some places to call out when playing call out the names bellow not the colors Blue = middle 1 and 2 (1 being top 2 being bottom) Red = gate side Yellow = Fence side Blue = middle 1 and 2 (1 being top 2 being bottom) DOWNLOAD 4.4
Its not really MLG standard. Way too open. MLG variants are suppost to be relatively enclosed. Only a few ways from A to B. You havnt really abused the interlocking glitch enough, you have just used it for the double boxes. I recommend making your map more complex, with much more scenery to block lines of sight. Also you wrote 'first off and foremost', the term is 'first and foremost', yours doesnt make sense. Also your sig is messed up, the white you have used is darker than the forgehub background.
for your information i did not just use the inter locking glitch for the double boxes only i have used it for many other things some not as noticeable and there is more cover then you think
The map looks solid, but I can't speak for how it plays. The cover doesn't seem too big of an issue. If the map is balanced and works well with MLG style, it should be a great map because of the tidied interlocking. Matty, I see interlocking everywhere on this map and not just the boxes.
There isnt much present on the last 2 images. If you want a hugely sucessful map, everything needs to be perfect. Much of the scenery placement looks rushed and not thought out. Those corner walls could have been interlocked so they were a little lower, it would have looked alot nice. But you didnt do that. Thats a big if... You just said, if the map is balanced and works well with MLG style, it would be great? But that is the point of the map. Thats like going on the Aesthetics section and going on someones forge created scarab and saying " if it looks like a scarab, it would be great"
I see quite a bit of interlocking and, it all looks nice. Sure there isn't interlocking like Gradient, but this map isn't intended for killer aesthetics (I'm guessing). It is here to create a competitive atmosphere. You don't see that much interlocking in Onslaught, but it has enough to create a smooth gameplay. I said if because I haven't played it yet. Basically, I was saying that the map looked nice enough, and the layout was fine. So, if the map plays well and is balanced, it would make a great competitive map. I realize making it balanced is huge in a competitive map, but my point was that the layout of the map was good enough for me. I am having trouble putting this into words.
thanks Texas and matty play a game or two on my map and then tell me what you think don't go on just the pictures alone
It is played in the tournaments. The only forged map they have used is Onslaught, and they did use Stockpile for a little bit.
This probably isnt what you meant, but "if it plays well?" That is the point of making an MLG themed map. It has to play well. There is no 'if' about it. Your saying it like its down to the players, when its down to the person who made the map to see if its balanced and rewarding. Ther are custom made by MLG staff. I doubt another map will ever be made as they were dis-satisfied with both of thier creations. Foundry is too restricting.
Geez your spelling and grammar sucks, and please drop the attitude. This map is simply not fit for MLG competition. As was already stated, MLG maps are enclosed, and every single curve, angle, and jump is carefully balanced and polished. This map is a standard, serviceable map by normal standards, but as an MLG map it is an epic fail. Remember that MLG players demand playability and balance at a level beyond what most people here put into their maps. So prepare to be laughed at when some real MLG guys (I'm definitely not one at all) try this map.
Do you realize why people call out "yellow," "red," or "blue" while playing? It's because there is some sort of physical difference that relates that area to the color being called. In this level (as I can guage from the screenshots), you didn't give any physical difference to the different parts of the level. Inaccessible power ups or the "a" and "b" signs can do this for your level. Right now, I'd imagine people calling out areas on this map solely on the weapon placement. Also, 8 plasmas at 10 second respawns seems an awful lot for a foundry level. I mean, most plasmas in MLG maps have at least a 30 second respawn and usually there is a limited ammount, as in less than 5.
Exactly. Calling out weapon spawns works, but it's better to have recognizable, preferably colored locations. Guardian is a great example. Try using signs and powerups.
i think this map is awsome it is a very competitive 4v4 map and should be great on king of the hill and ts