damn, looks like we might actually get a new sonic that doesn't suck. http://kotaku.com/371098/leaked-sonic-unleashed-footage?autoplay=true Some pics: http://kotaku.com/371019/rumor-first-look-at-sonic-unleashed
This looks like it will be a fun game. Il definately rent it once its out, not sure about buying it though.
The last couple of Sonic games have been a dissapointment for me. This looks alright though.I'll have to know more about it b4 I make my decision.
I'll keep an eye out for this game, it seems interesting. It would be awesome with a new, and actually good, Sonic game.
dude finally a fun sonic game :squirrel_evil:now to plot :squirrel_evil: see im a sonic fan look at my signature
All I can say is if IGN reviews it and gives it much much better than the last Sonic game, I'll consider it. But the last Sonic was terrible .... :squirrel_jaffa: