Is there anyone that can tell me about modding? is it against the rules? if not, how do you do it? Any info would be nice :]
Modding is taking the game and making something with it. Its pretty vague and even broader, so ill give some examples. It includes putting AIs and such on maps, taking parts of the maps and duplicating them or modifying them to do wierd things (like trees shooting sniper bullets or scorpion tanks rapid fireing plasma mortars), or making entirely new maps. Modding content is in fact againt the rules and will result in a perma ban. To do it, you need special hacking programs and a specially modified 360. Very difficult to do and near impossible to get a hold of. If you are thinking of modding, you should have some serious second thoughts because you have to be very brave or very stupid to do it. Also, sticking forge in the title doesnt mean it belongs in this forum. It should be in gaming or halo discussion.
To my understanding (which is not certain) if you only mod a custom game map, then from what ive heard, you will not get banned. Now if u mod during matchmaking theres no doubt you'll be banned.
you wouldn't be able to mod anyway. only a few people know how to resign the container to place the file back on the xbox, so its futile to try.
and they wont be releasing the container ever because if they did then not just modding would happen. Xbox live would be screwed up if they ever do release it, and they know plain well of it.
There's always a way to mod. For an example, someone might hack Anthony's computer and find the tools that will resign the correct files, or they might just find it themselves, or maybe Anthony and such will change their minds. Somehow, eventually the community will find it. But don't think that that means it's okay to do so.
Thanks for all the info guys :squirrel_rubberduck: Yeah i meant like the maps that have the clones, and like the wraith/gauss turrets laying on the ground
To be honest, the current modded maps are pretty pointless anyway. I mean sure you can mess around assassinating stationary NPCs but that's it.
No, thats not it. You can also; Shoot wraith mortors out of shotguns Shoot tank rounds out of your AR Shoot stickies out of a sniper Get a tank on the Foundry Get 2 tanks on Foundry Turn off shield doors on snowbound (this can be done w/o moding) You can get clones that actually walk around and kill people -Thats just a few of endless posibilities of modding all of which are on the miximum fun level
Only one or two of them are possible at the moment though. It will be a while before we can actually insert AIs like that of the campaign ino our custom games.
Dude if you could insert clones, i would so find out how to mod, because then you could play a team game, without playing another team, the other team will be the clones
I did manage to assasinate myself in a modded map, I swear to god, it caused supreme lag, and I killed myself while trying to go into forge mode
Exactly. There are no 'anchors' like there are in campaign maps to tell them where to go and what to do, etc.
actually i found a movie ill post it if i find it, send me a friend request and ill show it to you, its on gaurdian, and if you press the back button, it shows there are only three players, all of which armor is grey. but then there is a forth player (no one joins the game) wearing gold armor and it hovers around the map killing people
thats called a ghost, when the game goes into lag and someone joins with bad conection, sometimes it cause them to turn into ghosts. not ai's.